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Episode 246 – Freeplay Pt. 2: Kevin Feige is Tired!
Part 2: The panel celebrates 7 years of Geeks Under the Infleunce with a no holds barred Freeplay episode!
Panel: Mike “Hobbit” Bickett (Smack My Pitch Up/Deeply Upsetting), Lowdown Brown (From The Mouths Of Madness, GUI Nights), F.U. Hunter (From The Mouths Of Madness), and Scotty P. (Geekfathers)
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● Track Info ●
Intro-Outro Music:
“Dead By Dawn” courtesy of the “Creep-A-Zoids
Used with permission
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geeksundertheinfluence@gmail.com for sponsorship inquiries
Transcript (auto-generated):
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[Music] on the prior episode lower down said something about shutting
the [ __ ] up scotty p mentioned being a geek father a few times hobbit what did hobbit do
give me something i’m drawing a blank he mentioned flop sweat yeah and hobbit mentioned flop sweat now we continue
with the avengers of part two of this exciting adventure of the gui share runners podcast yay
if for some reason you didn’t listen to the first part uh before you started the second part which is weird
if you’re weird if you’re weird uh then uh we’ve got scotty p hey guys [ __ ] you
hunter what’s up london brown yo and then mike the hobbit
has this been an adventure hobbit uh a unexpected journey for sure i like it yeah oh [ __ ] [ __ ] hell
that was a joint one yeah i know pour the appreciate you for the hand job
what yeah well that too yeah okay again that’s projects that’s why i experienced the drought hands above the table is it is it bad
that i never the hand job to happen and not the handoff one happens more than the others very
true yeah okay consistency is key i’m i’m i’m utilized a lot more i feel
like i’m being used um it’s a give more give than take relationship he’s a kind nurturer yes every time i touch that
massive [ __ ] meat missile it makes me sad inside
i can’t touch my fingertips together jesus christ
i would say officially going off the rails but this whole free play has been where we’re going there aren’t any rails right that’s true
here we’re going there where we’re going there are no rails god i made a meme of that at some point i
think dude that’s another sure design in that fawn oh where we’re going for no rails yeah yeah god damn it unless
there’s another cease and desist for something jesus christ
incredibly complicated and it took me a long time dune design that was a
licensed by i think warner brothers but and i’ve contacted our contact uh with t
public twice and it’s not them it’s literally warner brothers has been so bogged down with submissions that now
six months later they’re three years from now they’ll go okay hey folks i get it but you know gui also
wants like their first license design so maybe we can i don’t know get more licensed designs yeah yeah
maybe it’ll be available by the time part two is released yeah right no show also warner brothers just got bought
true true and uh mergers they have new ceo is talking about basically
rehashing the whole [ __ ] dc yeah damn it come on man being like you guys
[ __ ] up so get over there thank you for the uh april fool’s
uh schneiderlin [ __ ] you oh that was amazing you saw my reaction that [ __ ]
hurt bro [Laughter] i was like no like the one thing dc had
going for it is if they just leave snyder alone because regardless of what you feel about like man of steel and
batman versus superman they met batman versus [ __ ] [ __ ] even the doctors cut but that is literally the best they’ve
had outside of this current new batman in the dc universe if the new reader
iteration but let’s see what they’re talking about because we’ve always the and the animated movies and things
they’re [ __ ] crazy i’ve been awesome like i’m watching the newest season of young justice as well and all that i thought they ended up the
last season fourth season is on right now hbo max bro i thought the third season was this was the last season oh
no no no i’m not a fan of what they’re doing was that a werewolf response i don’t know that’s a good that’s a good show though
yeah like dude and they have like they’ve kicked it up a notch on season four really but what the new ceo like
habit was mentioning is that they’re talking about taking everything and i think the idea based on the article i
read is that they’re tired of all the different versions and universes kind of
living in the same realm they’re gonna just squash everything and basically be like this is
dc so any movies animated movies are all gonna be the same universe at least that’s what the way it seemed
like it was hinted at the one that’s not a guarantee as far as timing goes uh there isn’t a better time because there
is also conversation this next season of the flash is the last season which even people that are that have stuck around
for this long for the flash kyle not me um look look i loved the flash and you know
what they had some amazing scenes after crisis i was done that was god damn it it kind of died for me and and the thing
is it’s one of those that they should have ended a couple seasons or before like where we are now um
and so it’s time and so it being the last season i’m i’m great awesome thank you like they did
a pretty solid job for for uh series and but doing anymore it’s not it’s not
good is the flash film still coming out then i mean i think it’s already made right like it’s been delayed again
because of uh ezra miller yeah wrong with him how much can you
digitally take the main star out of a movie uh oh no no no no no no no
warner brothers if they weren’t bought out by somebody with common sense if they would just put the dude that was cut out of um
of the zombie movie that that uh that zack snyder did and put him in as
esther miller and yeah [ __ ] yeah right you talk about army of the dead
yeah who’s the the comedian that they cut out of that that they put uh um
oh god damn it was i can’t remember her but tignanterro take took over took over did a [ __ ] great job yeah but yeah
the dude that got canceled for like [ __ ] with underage girls yeah
[Music] so they just did everything in green screen and just like put it can you get
into this helicopter and they get off the helicopter get back on like really like just shot for shot just turn your
head slightly i think it’s to the right yeah yeah you can’t tell at all imagine being such a [ __ ] bag
that you get erased out of a film that you already screen wrapped yeah like it is wrapped and they’re like now we’re
getting tig every part of your anything that was recorded with your face on it
is gone or deleted or they could be like oh you paid me yet true well yeah i’m sure that
happened but back to the flash i think um what they’re gonna probably is end
with the flash because i mean they’d put too much into that with um michael keaton and everything else they have too much
into that and i think ezra miller there’s variants of the flashlight um they’re being released
which one’s being released first the black adam’s already been just like it’s done no i i know but um well they’re both
done right like i care more about black adam no i agree don’t just
right too much muscle but i think they they have too much invested for flash literally every fast
and furious past four it’s like there’s too many muscly men okay okay hold on well there’s too much muscle and
brain no jasmine was not exactly smart aquaman um never mind cause fast furious has no brains
no no no no no that that one is mindless explosions yay
we’re in space in a car they turn into a spaceship are you guys [ __ ] actually everybody constructed
thinking into a fast and furious movie have we covered this enough you do not do that we are breaking the rules
a car can’t be in space yes i know a car can we’re not watching it for that kind of [ __ ] right yeah don’t do that earlier
in the same movie tarzan over a [ __ ] chasm well yeah because it hooked the bumper
strong bumper intentionally yeah centrifugal force bro centrifugal force always goes faster yeah i think always
watch this and then he like caught the rope with his tire like [ __ ] you did not plan that
yeah don’t ever critically think don’t hate the game live life one quarter mile at a time bro
that’s right family i think was about a quarter mile to the bottom of that chasm and that’s where it should have gone
hey corona has big stake in that [ __ ] movie series okay so that that literally
goes to tell like if we were talking about marvel we never would have divvied over into fast and furious now it’s [ __ ] dc there you go but d i think dc
is still going to wrap up everything that they promoted what just a few months ago with their big dc content
i think the smart move the smart money goes to that uh the batman is so [ __ ] good
drop the day that we’re recording this it’s very good uh and it’s very dark and it’s also not connected at all to the
snyder verse so that’s how you do your reboot is that like oh no we already started it i guess
right then you do like a ultra dark how did you incorporate joker joker
already got incorporated yeah it was a deleted scene i’m talking about joaquin phoenix
movie joker oh well the the way you incorporate that is and that was already thing that was talked about is that that
joker may not be the joker he’s the first iteration of photos
which yes because goddamn the movie is so good and also yeah if you can like backdoor
incorporate that as like a prequel to the joker where it’s the person that this dude got inspiration from to be
there it’s the person that literally broke who technically wasn’t bad innately that now we have the joker that
is no just a straight [ __ ] special go back to go back but go back to the the red hood exactly criminal
aspect of you know he got inspiration from the joker after he falls in and do all that [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah that would be
brutal yeah so you guys for the whole retcon uh m and m not uh there’s a couple
really good properties in the dc universe unfortunately they’re gonna get wiped with everything else wonder woman
the first one’s like one with [ __ ] yeah i mean i didn’t like it and they come about with the plan i mean that’s the camera you mean like
guess how many movies came out before the avengers movies enough to introduce the avengers the avengers and before
they became a group how many movies came out before you got justice league two two two two
and our introduction prior to that was what um no wait 30 seconds suicide squad
first you know more batman yeah the new ceo of dc that’s making all these big changes and is planning on a
connective universe is actually called uh seven kaihi
he’s just a dude with a mustache that looks exactly like kevin feige so i’m i’m thinking that he might have some
ideas he seems like a smart man
not only is he dealing with the cinematic universe he’s also hands in all the shows how the [ __ ] but it
already looks like the guy that is like using a magic eraser to wipe off all the crayons on the garage door like and
that’s the look on his face all the time like yes we’re gonna have this happen and people ask them questions like yup
no that’s a thing that’s happening and just like dead-eyed tired like he’s so he’s he’s maybe the
tire most tired man in hollywood in hollywood right now seriously what what level are we at now um what generate now
four wheelers yeah yeah come on we’re now to moon night the characters that i am just blown away
yeah we even got into anything hardcore yet right [ __ ] like he’s already covered the mainstays and
now we’re on to like third level
that so university is huge but i’m just saying like you’re getting like i said miss marvel [ __ ] she-hulk right now
we got a airing moon knight who the [ __ ] everybody gave up like that’s right who the [ __ ] [ __ ] blue knight was kind of
everybody said oh that’s just the marvel version of batman it’s fodder yeah it was fodder in the marvel right so you
know they’re like still setting up all the big dogs they got from fox they’re going to be rolling
in that are the most important characters out of fantastic four and the x-men yeah the one
that they sold the rights to because that was the money makers they were like spider-man uh and then sony was like we don’t know
what to do they’re like cool um no no spider-man still is owned by sony yeah yeah
still owns them no no sony saw a little bit too much green on that one and we’re like yeah
we’ll work with that a little bit we’re not releasing the reigns just exactly right yeah but after morbius they’re
probably like well that’s the funny thing is that they’re like yeah we don’t need your help just with spiderman and like so we
could do whatever we can with the other characters in spider-man’s universe like yeah go ahead and oh [ __ ] then coming down people are like okay
it’s okay the second venom comes out and it’s like okay it was fun but jesus christ dude right
i swear to god and i stand by this you can just tell how hard that movie was edited and that was the [ __ ]
problem and it’s carnage and it’s not like you mean again where literally there’s a character who is in a trunk in
a car and the next scene is driving and you’re like you how did you don’t worry
about it though yeah you’re in the truck i’ve ever watched since then how about the breakout scene he literally comes
through the door of the main prison hall and then like throws his thingy things around and then like the carnage tornado
the carnos tornado and then the next scene he’s literally three quarters of the way down the hallway i’m like how the [ __ ] did you
didn’t jump you were walking and just stabbing people like you were just slow walking stabbing the biggest super power is the control
of the frames they call me the editor but it’s not
it’s funny because that’s good actually both better movies are not really that
good but tom hardy has the reason they’re good but then then you get to that third
sony spider-man universe movie and we’re like [ __ ] no no watching that yeah the thing is that that got pushed back for like
two years it got pushed back that they were like oh we gotta wait for morbius and no one was excited at the whit at
first about it and they’re like gotta wait and we’re like we’re we’re not yeah like we’re not so guys just let me know april
for april we’re released like right next to april fool’s day so when they released it like you know mark your
calendar like oh i’m parker right like that co-worker that has a band that’s been practicing and they’re
like look i think we have something lined up next month i’ll let you know like so you can go and you’re like okay
didn’t work out but like in three months we have another gig and we’re gonna do that and you’re like great yeah i’ll be there and he’s like oh that didn’t work
out and he does this for like a year and he’s like oh no we’re playing the [ __ ] elks lodge
[Laughter] are you there and you’re like cool yeah
and you’re like oh man i’m sorry i was busy like i don’t i don’t care my kid got sick i do not care but like i feel
like that um i was strictly for the fact that i never thought i would see morbius in a film
like i loved him in the comics and i loved him in the animated 90s series i i mean even how much they had to change
him in that animated scene they still did a great job with the characters
dude i don’t they i think they wrote him really well and so for me when i saw there was a morbius movie i was like oh
[ __ ] and plus jared leto which you say what you want about him is his cry his like catalog is definitely a higher
percentage towards the good versus better his character acting is phenomenal yeah when it comes down to it
worth what the actors have to deal with from his ass though i feel like he is extra as [ __ ] right right i feel
like our show runner page is a kind of a determination of how bad a comic property is going to do when there’s no
excitement a la eternals a la [ __ ] that movie
like if there’s no excitement and when there’s excitement you go hey who’s going to see this or what we know when should we try stuff there was no mention
of ricketts that movie is really [ __ ] bad because at least nobody’s been at least like oh
man you know i’m ready to see it but i can’t [ __ ] see it in time like that’s the minimum we get for something that
you really are into like when you get crickets you’re like they don’t even we never really [ __ ] cares anything in turtle’s related at all [ __ ] that that
movie sucks so bad dude it was so bad i i finally watched that on disney plus
you fall asleep did you watch it like three parts [ __ ] basically god damn it i totally took that movie as okay great
this is the little in-between sword that they’re telling before phase four no no it’s a huge part apparently down the line of phase four not anymore
kevin feige is like no i’m just gonna wrap that [ __ ] up exactly what happened would say kevin just erasing a timeline
off there you gotta rewrite something initially it was supposed to be like a huge chunk up moving down the line for
phase four the after credit scenes are the you should look at that right i had to watch the movie just the credits
parts of that movie yeah in the incredible hulk when they set up the leader uh in that movie and
then i guess he’s just [ __ ] off and yeah being smart he’s
the leader they’re just like nah loki’s popular [ __ ] the leader oh god
i’m just saying marvel lucked out that spider-man uh far from home came out
like right after turtles because all these [ __ ] talking that happened turtles
disappeared because everybody’s like [ __ ] spider-man there’s three spiders dude like and distracted by it from you
know marvel had a bomb right like that movie bombed but nobody talks about it because it came out a month before well
they had black widows slightly bombed too prior to this well that was a while that was a weird that wasn’t that was
because of based on how it released digitally yeah i have zero reason to watch that film no i mean i like i like
black widow it’s good um timing is horrible i would never i would never punish somebody by making them
watch black widow i would do that with internals i’m like you [ __ ] up now you sit down for two and a half hours i don’t care how it gets yeah look i was
worried that the bomb was going to happen before end game that they were setting up this whole
[ __ ] thing and then they were going to end with a big old green splat of [ __ ] as the like the crescendo of
the story right the fact that they nailed end game and then pulled in that entire arc together into that like that
cohesive story um i’m like cool you get a couple bombs like you’re you’re yeah no
marvel can have a negative like they really never had any straight up bombs
up to that point they had ones people didn’t like as much world and people said [ __ ] the first thor movie i don’t
give a [ __ ] what you apologize [ __ ] movies but again all those that we talk about i’ll still watch before i’ll ever
watch eternals eternals is unwatchable my i would watch the first story over that yeah that’s what’s cool absolutely
yeah yeah yeah they made an unwatchable marvel movie which yeah i never thought and that’s why that’s that’s the level that i’m putting it at is like
that’s like the first unwatched dude that’s the first movie that marvel movie that my son and i have gone
to where both of us [ __ ] fell asleep never has never [ __ ] happened that’s
the first marvel where my son looked at me 30 minutes ago again uh how long is this movie and that’s the
how long do we just sit through this [ __ ] like that’s never happened to marvel before they literally made icarus
kill himself by flying into the [ __ ] sun damn it
i’m sorry it’s so oh dude i saw that i literally was just
he was flipping are you talking about captain downer yeah i was flipping off the screen in the movie theater and my
kid was still asleep you told me i woke up you told my ignorance captain downer yeah every time there’s characters that
are excited to see each other he comes up and goes you know blah blah blah and like that makes everybody just depressed
and upset i’m like god damn and he’s doing it to the audience too yeah oh yeah so bad
downer of that whole movie is that it was the first time that there was a major character in a marvel film that was like
of the lgbtq community and and they showed it and it was really like warm and charming and and lovely uh
and it was just it had to be in that movie it’s it’s it’s like yeah i know it’s like black history month being in the
shortest month yeah it’s almost like and and right and the coldest the coldest
shortest and the coldest month like no one’s going out to party and you have the least amount of days cool and the
shortest days of the entire yeah it’s like it’s just a whole like all right sorry i hit the mic
[ __ ] up and angela jolie sucked it like yeah
against the entire ideology of the marvel universe where they when especially bringing b characters they
bring in new actors what they they [ __ ] line this [ __ ] up with [ __ ] selma hayek [ __ ] angelina jolie what
you like blew your load on a [ __ ] budget how about you write a [ __ ] story god damn it yeah sorry
sorry i mean i 100 agreed that before this movie came out i was like
part of the charm of the marvel movies is you’re creating celebrities in these films you don’t get ones that are
already like ultra famous yeah i forget the [ __ ] stick who played icarus but he was famous it was the opposite of what i was part of game of thrones with
guardians you introduce these individual characters and then you put them as a team element and it worked and then
internals you already had them as a team and then you split them up and you’re like i don’t why would i care about these i don’t care about that i don’t
know any of you yeah there’s bull cup mcgee movie
then he’s just like i like controlling people who like really wish he wouldn’t he was like i’m gonna and they’re like all right all right whatever like like
that’s the whole thing is that the whole point of the movie is that they can’t go against their god right
and they’re like cool uh let’s not do that the entire time since the time they
broke up to the time they get back together he’s been controlling people the way that they told him not to
control them and then when they’re like no we need you because the the the [ __ ] deviants are back he’s like cool
and there’s no conversation about you literally like ruin hundreds of people’s lives did you do
the thing we told you not to do all right don’t do it don’t do it again next hundred next hundred years
shame on you yeah so i mean and then he’s fine and then he’s like flirting with chick again and
they’re like oh yeah like we might [ __ ] and totally don’t i’ll i’ll be honest like don’t [ __ ]
don’t [ __ ] bowl cut do not do not bang the bowl cut no no i was a little nervous that people were
gonna take experiencing that with the turtles into something like moon night because moon knight’s not a well-known
property but so far it seems like people have not well i mean that has a lot to
do with who they cast this moon knight because he’s so old oscar is a golfer [ __ ] cliff that
gorgeous bastard damn right can we just i got i got to say it again can we talk about was it him
crushing it and doing or was it his [ __ ] beard holy [ __ ] that beard was goddamn glorious stunning beard was my
friend dude right that was a gorgeous beard it’s one of the best be like just the right amount of pepper on it just
the right amount that beer perfectly chiseled beard god it was the beard that ruled the people
seriously dude that’s a shirt i mean when they showed him in the first
scene when he’s signing up when he’s signing uh the contract right it’s like god damn dude why haven’t you had done
the beard before [ __ ] and also i will say that i do have a couple misgivings about moon
night uh nothing too major i i have been enjoying it but the fact that oscar
isaac is moon knight is the thing that’s keeping me in oh that’s like that if there was another actor
and the thing is because it’s hollywood it would be a hard play there’s two people that you can go for
it’s like oscar isaac or ben kingsley but i also kind of want to see the best
or whatever what’s his name from uh oh they could use that and tie it into the iron man 3.
you forgot about what’s his name for bohemian rhapsody who also oh
honestly he wouldn’t have done a bad job he does not look anything like no yeah but he would have done the last
lovable like [ __ ] up in the first episode when he’s really figuring out he has ultimately personality
that was really good i’m so glad he’s getting like highway money but like when he was doing that you know tv series stuff when you’re
like a dark [ __ ] role yeah he’s a good [ __ ] actor yeah he’s really good he’s a really good guy yeah and obviously freddie mercury yeah i love
that hollywood is just like egypt uh i mean we got like three people yeah there’s um yeah [ __ ] okay so
ben kingsley too old uh remy doesn’t want to do oh no you could have gotten uh jake gyllenhaal to
do hershey’s that’s true yeah that’s true the prince of the moonlight yeah
that had been [Laughter]
no no it was a christian bale and the guy from warrior he played the older brother he played the pharaoh didn’t also have one of the dudes from game of
thrones yeah it had uh jamie jamie really white [ __ ] man cover i
haven’t seen that one but it’s interesting why is it that the uh people have british accents again part of the
country yeah you don’t have to do that you could just like jacob has a terrible
bad british accent that’s unnecessary just prince of thieves kevin costner that [ __ ] nobody cares that’s what i’m saying
yeah and for some reason he is doing that and you’re like you know that nobody has a british accent in this part of the country you don’t have to do that
we also know he’s not brown yeah like like if you’re gonna put jake gyllenhaal as the prince of persia
yeah gyllenhaal very persian gave two shits everybody else has an
accent except for him he’s like well no slaters wasn’t really an accident it was like a kinda and then i’m just saying
he’s like my home and you’re like really you sure you lived here your family gave me more [ __ ] about
sounding like he was from west africa [ __ ] britain
holy [ __ ] christian slater fork bay he cleared it no he was just like [ __ ] me he cleared it
right clean [ __ ] american accent um this is our term but we’re talking about
like you know properties that are coming up with marvel but like we haven’t really brought up much about what’s getting ready to happen in the
star wars universe like oh there’s a few things on that there’s a few things
the new [ __ ] obi-wan series a lot of people are worried about so the big thing that i’ve been reading and that i
am afraid of myself that they’re going to get a little too [ __ ] cock-hungry and like basically if you’re going to
bring in [ __ ] vader during this and they need to be completely separate where they maybe you can allude to them
being in the same area at some point but they can never meet during this series because that will
boycott is going to happen out of there we’ve already talked about that no they’ve already talked about there’s going to be another duel between them no
[ __ ] that because the [ __ ] movie no no [ __ ] that i will stop watching it [ __ ] look it’s one thing with the
mandalorian that they started incorporating characters from the uh the frame because uh the
gentleman that along with uh [ __ ] john that was doing it was also the person
that created a lot of these characters in the clone wars cartoon yeah so right he knew these characters front to back and he
knew how to incorporate them into uh that universe there were a lot of unknown characters a lot of new people
that you were meeting so when they pulled in boba fett it was actually really good because it’s surrounded by a
lot of characters that have been fully fleshed out um when you put boba fett by himself it’s like
so what now i don’t know like there’s guys come and we fight him
how’s amanda doing let’s go back to mando real quick yeah he has to go in the bantha tank all the
time because he’s old and fat yeah this is great television uh anyway meanwhile
in another universe mandos wait luke is training [ __ ] grogu all
right all right a good five episodes for boba fett like we’re supposed to have eight oh [ __ ] uh yeah wait how’s mando
doing like yeah we can still talk about mando right it’s the same universe right hold on hold on
they did allude to they did a good setup if that was their intention realizing boba was like
getting dry as [ __ ] bringing in mando especially when he finds the
badass forger chick and right like you took your helmet off or you’re no longer mandalorian
so he has he has no other place to go now he is not part of the mandalorian so it actually fits in the writing it just
sucks that like had to come on the coattails of boba fett to tell to show that he fits into boba fett
i feel like robert rodriguez was like i got an idea we’re doing like a western thing uh have you seen dances with
wolves yeah he’s like we do that with the sand people apparently like the wrong
freaking skin raiders yeah but they were called the sand people yeah are we not allowed to say sand people
who got pissed off about that did i miss something really like that the term is tuscan
raiders star wars [ __ ] toxic gatekeeping [ __ ] right sorry
i mean basically yeah i missed that yeah you missed that yeah that was the thing you were [ __ ] sad people in the
universe that is the like disparaging listening to their sand people music and
because star wars is so real wow so real um people are so
geez no but yeah like the tuscans and and then they’re the native americans and kevin coster is the mandalorian and
he like he’s like i am one of you now and they’re like yeah we like you man lauren you can be like us and then he’s
like cool and then they all die and he takes their their [ __ ] and he like is a better person for it brings it to boba
fett not man boba fett or yeah yeah yeah 100 percent of star wars dances
with wolves [ __ ] thing which is weird basically yeah and robert rodriguez is just like [ __ ] let’s do this and
they’re like okay i guess yeah sure it worked on avatar start working on it and then as they’re doing he’s
like [ __ ] this is not working what’s that other dude doing yeah
i don’t know mandalorian get bryce dallas howard to direct an episode [ __ ] it let’s just do like what they did before that worked i don’t even know
anymore yeah but now it but literally all the end of boba fett season one had me looking forward
to was season three man yeah i mean like right it’s he’s got a hot rod now but
yeah they did use all those characters there that are going to be very big in obi-wan so a lot of the articles and
stuff i’ve been reading is talking about the the time frame of where everyone’s going to be at so we’re going to see vader at like po right at post revenge
of this like pre-rogue one post revenge of the sith where he’s living in that [ __ ] tuning fork castle to channel
the sith power to kill him that’s what’s keeping him alive is that
tuning fork for the sith basically right how bad is that son though because you’re going to go from ooh mcgregor and
you see luke as a child right yes and then how old is luke i have no answer for this conversation
okay i have no answer for you my answer is the timelines are always [ __ ] when it comes to hold on wait no
tatooine has two sons right sometimes go faster there you go yeah maybe that’s two sons sure i’m i’m just
doubling science double yes double the uh the sun exposure so you’re saying that when he died
mcgregor you leave as i’ll get this and it’s a 10-year difference that’s a lot of exposure to the size you show up and
like that’s tucson show up at like 38 40 you leave at like 65 yeah
maybe ah dude he’s gotta be like 60. no he looks 60 but i’m saying age-wise
yeah he’s like you know like i want something at the end of that series
don’t drink that no everyone don’t drink that it’ll age you by 30 years and in
combination with that i believe that’s the way the star wars has worked because if you look at like with reading the
original books they tried to give timelines and you look at the years and you’re like how the [ __ ] does that work i’m just
saying in the trailer it’s a trailer for obi-wan you see him watching what we would guess would be luke and he’s looks like
five or six yeah and it’s uh mcgregor yeah and we know in a new hope luke’s what in his he’s a what 20 yeah 19 19
yeah director his age 40 years okay cool but no the two sons doesn’t make a difference because like the actual
science of uv rays does not change well and and also burning of the skin if you look at the way the universe is set
up if if you really want to go the if you want to go scientific i mean um put your glasses up when you do that
oh scientific is uh because the way the galaxy is is
also laid out they you are talking about outer rim versus entering internet and so the core planets that that’s a good
leading to this the how the time functions could be different technically because this is a galaxy that aren’t generally following
our standard on our understanding of of the galaxy right exactly that brings into the grogun where like
so at the end of boba fett when luke helps go groggy remember because he like ptsd blocked that [ __ ] right like and he
helped him bring it get his memories back you see under attacking the temple and then he
like blacks out well this is supposed to show like vader with order 66 basically
going around killing all the [ __ ] jedi well which is gonna be [ __ ] badass more jedi kids getting killed yes okay
cool yeah all right whatever dude i’m just saying that’s that’s what the order 66 did bro you can’t
and then also um grogu at this point will be in the outer rim somewhere along with ahsoka they like all these people
they’ve already introduced they’re supposed to come back in but you’re gonna see where they’re at prior to
you know where right now with like mandalorian okay because i figure all that’s happening roughly
like you know mandalorians post return of the jedi right time frame years after jedi but okay so
that time frame is what like six years well seven years what because like it’s like what like empire and return there’s
supposed to be like something like something weird like a five to ten year timeline i think yeah between the movies
i think the first the original trilogy supposed to be yeah so aging is slower so how we the sun thing’s gone
yeah i don’t know because luke was there’s no way luke was in his [ __ ] 40s and return the [ __ ] it’s running memes on the internet everybody’s just
like yeah like [ __ ] obi-wan had some hard years that’s just two seconds
we decided there’s two sons yeah i think what we’re going to find out is that obi-wan runs for president of the
planet and that’s what ages them so much because if you look at every american president yeah from the beginning of
when they start office to afterwards they’re like oh you’re gray now yeah right you work basically especially ones
that get two terms oh buddy look at w and look at obama like oh yeah they were railroaded it always
bothered me they were right that’s why when obama was windsurfing i’m like good for [ __ ] you
it always bothered me though in a new hope how obi-wan he’s hiding out on tattooing right you know kind of not
standing out because he’s a jedi they’re taking trying to so he changes his name to old ben kenobi
like and that’s gonna keep him hidden from anybody he’s like uh we’re looking for obi-wan uh whether it’s old ben
kenobi it’s still kenobi is your last name [ __ ] like you’re gonna be in trouble right marvel
universe and star wars universe there’s like shang chi that changes his name to what uh sean sean
yeah yeah [ __ ] sean i was like uh i’m going as sean they’re like
you’re sure how many white crusty [ __ ] are on tatooine i’m just saying changing it from to old i mean
nobody’s not gonna get marvel’s idea of also going undercover is a baseball cap in sunglasses
so you know that’s captain america and you cover up that hair nobody knows you might be right my big thing with this is
i’m stoked for an ob1 series i will boycott the [ __ ] out of it if
vader and obi-wan meet prior to a new
because ewan mcgregor has already talked about like where there is a dueling scene between them in the series
that just makes no sense supposed to be him and hayden christensen right yeah are they like slapping each other like what’s happening here like are they
actually they’re not gonna be lightsaber dueling right is it gonna be hayden christensen’s voice as vader because like he’s vader at the end of three so
does he turn off his little vox box and he’s just like hey i hate you your your wife my kids aren’t here
like hey you said higher ground yeah but that’s right that is another thing i forgot that was hayden christian is actually
they talked about where he’s working with ewing mcgregor during for the dueling scene and stuff they’re working
together they’re training well then i mean it’s not really burst my bubble it’s more like all right [ __ ] it like i i
well it’s gonna be i’ll watch it until i actually see the scene but then
i i literally will i will shut it off but only if you video record yourself because i know there’s going to be more
of a reaction not if it’s after work in the morning after a night shot oh fair it’ll be like uh maybe a tear
because you didn’t [ __ ] care enough and you broke my heart because [ __ ] canon we’ll be back in just a moment with some
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i’m the groots after you hunter your guides at beautiful disasters
come along with us for a fun ride mate be with you
in a world with too many reboots and remakes two men will stop at nothing to
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the world this is smack my pitch
hey guys scotty p here with smash on your left and we are the geek fathers that’s right
bringing all the trials and tribulations of being a geeky parent so welcome to our world and as always join us or cry
there is a conversation with you had on plenty of episodes during this uh this whole [ __ ] nonsense that we do
um that there is something to be said about our toys that we love getting played with again and it
can be exciting but it’s also really like threatening also like oh no it’s like there’s a level of anxiety that
goes with it right yeah it’s like the friend that comes over that you know likes to stuff set stuff on fire
um and then you have to finish your homework well he’s in your room playing with your toys and you’re like i don’t
want him in there alone you mean my play
yeah little kid michael bay is in your room with all your action figures and you’ve got to finish your math homework
[ __ ] you know left alone with your toys you’re like [ __ ] no [ __ ] no no
transformers [ __ ] oh [ __ ] what did you do to my ninja turtles
michael bay’s wrath never gets out of the bathtub that’s how that’s how bad michael bay [ __ ] with this [ __ ] that’s true and that for those who don’t know
we haven’t actually watched the original [ __ ] turtles movie a [ __ ] shame on you but there’s nothing where ralph was
that was a coma [ __ ] that was a sad moment it was man it was very sad his shell was still one
of those most prominent splinter comes out of the flames he was like you are about children and they’re like oh god and i’m sitting there as a child being
like splitter dude i already watched that [ __ ] and like seeing splinter like basically like
[ __ ] he’s chained to a wall dude like bloodied i’m like god damn this is hardcore [ __ ] it’s hard great [ __ ] man
yeah but anyway yeah but yeah i’m really worried about so yeah star wars that’s that’s part of it
too is that when somebody takes your toys that you love there’s something to be said about like when the story ends
so when disney picked up where the story left off after jedi and they were like we’re
doing a new trilogy i’m like i’m going to give them a little bit more wiggle room on what this looks like because it’s not dealing with the [ __ ] i already
know about like yeah playing with the characters but you’re telling the wrong story so if it is less than i expect it
to be because nothing is going to meet the level of appreciation i have for the original trilogy because i grew up on that [ __ ] and i’ve watched
maybe like at least a hundred times a piece but you can still like i don’t want to ever not have the hope that it could be something to top that and
that’s what sucks is like i feel like there’s got to be creators that can and writers and and visionaries that can
make something that actually trumps that but it hurts my feelings less when it’s like a news story with those characters versus where you’re incorporating it
into the canon that i already know and that’s where it hurts with like kenobi yeah and boba fett because this is
you’re in my [ __ ] now dude yeah right like you’re in the middle of the [ __ ] that i know don’t [ __ ] with me why are
you peeing in my sandbox [ __ ] yeah i like it if they to handle it like rogue one where you have certain levels
but you are you’re not following see remember this that we told you about this before see this rogue one scrolls
introduced all these characters and you know none of them are going to [ __ ] survive because we don’t see any of them new hope you get the badass
scene you don’t have to fault you have one rule which is you got to kill all these
[ __ ] before they by the end of the movie and that’s the only guess what that’s the only one [ __ ] survive right i like that better than when you
had to go okay well we have to do this because it’s mentioned and these other kind of like we gotta do this because
it’s mentioned each other so here we go i don’t care about that [ __ ] dude someone else can kill the [ __ ] at the end someone up to two movies you
got your rogue one done right then you have your solo shoehorn true yes
[Applause] we’re going to bring in the uh the run you know
um and then he’s going to he’s going to lose the [ __ ] lando is going to lose the ship in a poker game we got we got things to work
with no [ __ ] [ __ ] you you know i never needed to ever hear was han solo speak wookie to chewbacca ever
right and somebody said you know what we’re gonna do yeah we’re gonna have that what is funny is that thor knowing
groot language i fully accepted no no problem he’s like it was an elective and i’m like done [ __ ] done yeah right
han solo [ __ ] trash child raised without an education
on a [ __ ] trash planet has no [ __ ] where with all to learn a [ __ ] second language about like furry people that
live on kashyyyk and he’s just oh [ __ ] you oh yeah
that’s your problem how about the fact that how he got his name oh no no that’s the biggest okay yeah yeah yeah wait a
minute like that’s the biggest crime hunter already covered that yeah yeah like you’re by yourself your name will
be stronger god damn it i was such a i never wanted to be able
to like get the ticket from uh what’s the schwarzenegger movie um no last action hero i’ve never wanted
that ticket more than that [ __ ] scene to just get into that film and punch
that guy in the face no i want to redo that and make it worse where like everybody’s waiting in line
and so they’re just like doing activities to make themselves like like entertained while people are waiting to
like ship out and stuff so they have a conga line and then then there’s then there’s a
limbo and han gets down so much that he’s like i saw what
you did on the on the limbo line we’re going to call you so low
i would have taken that you know almost just as bad but we got we got the castle run right
right that was like the only real i think the scenario set up was a
little bit different but it it still held true because that was that was one of the first biggest debates
with star wars was once a parsec it’s not a time it’s a distance
it was interesting how they explained that i was cool with that yeah that it was actually you need to get there in a short amount of time
there’s 30 of that movie i enjoy yeah yeah that’s that’s yeah no i don’t know you know i don’t care about like like i
said the [ __ ] train heist scene in boba fett is like i don’t know oscar worthy compared to the train heist scene we got in solo
yeah fair that’s what i’m saying 30 of solo that’s all i need to watch but
no but then you do rogue one and you you get this like stellar [ __ ] war movie that is god damn amazing it’s [ __ ]
amazing and it’s so funny because i wanted rogue one going i don’t know is this going to work
i do want the uncut [ __ ] version though that they’re apparently all that [ __ ] film got [ __ ] can and we’re
never gonna get the original version which is apparently like borderline dark hard r for what for rogue one god oh that’s
that’s what yeah well they had real shoots and they cut it to make it because it was too dark they wanted to make it more like they were like crushed
[ __ ] head and they’re both
jacket style and the dude with a giant gun is like literally up inside you guys like stormtrooper’s face and just turns
into [ __ ] soup god damn i want that right i love we get more of whitaker’s character
are you how are we coming are you telling that you tell me that there’s a version of rogue one that turns into
ran before at the end before is that what you’re telling me there’s
do you want to see them throw babies into fires i’m talking about the last 30 minutes when he has that [ __ ] what do you have
and he goes cutting the limbs off with bullets yeah right you’re saying there’s a version a star wars of that holy [ __ ]
that was such a fun beautiful disaster yes it was but no but apparently because everyone was thinking it might come out
on the on the dvd and but apparently everything got like kind of [ __ ] canned during the editing process damn that that
maybe they were lying and keeping it hyped but i want to see because you remember the trailer the original
trailer has like a shitload of scenes that aren’t in the movie now we’re used to one or two that don’t make right but
like majority of the original trailers like none of that [ __ ] was filled with the trailer separate we
gotta see where stormtroopers holding his arm walking around looking for his other arm or something like his leg god
damn it i love what got left in though is the fact that like as a star wars fan you have such a complete
disregard and disrespect for stormtroopers the clones of one of the most badass uh
bounty hunters of all time right yes and you’re like these guys are such pieces of [ __ ] that a dude that is doing what i
did with a broom handle in my backyard after watching [ __ ] ninja turtles um can beat them up yeah so badly their
armor sucks oh yeah the armor and the second half the entire star wars universe that’s not the thing that they have a problem with
they’re like no legit yeah
apparently apparently he was ad-libbed but when they kidnapped him and they put the bag over his head he goes you know i’m blind that was ad-lib that’s awesome
nice turn from star wars though because we were talking about solo initially uh a few few seconds ago has anybody seen
the still of harrison ford in the indiana jones outfit no they’re filming india where
they’re filming the new indiana jones five yeah dude that [ __ ] is like what is he like 72.
he’s not 80. dude he 80 yeah sorry 79.79 look there are a few things
it looks like hamburger in a fishnet uh it looks bad man it looks like you took
silly putty and put it like like basically yeah you’re trying to catch that in the ocean and you caught just like
eight pounds of hamburger meat
so that’s not great but but in addition to that like [ __ ] harrison ford as indiana jones it’s
at this point he he looks like one of those wrinkled dogs that just has like eight different
cheeks yeah you just really i don’t know what you do with that like well especially after
christmas ridicule like he’s he’s he’s going to ridicule somebody to the point of them
just giving him the thing like no i thought that uh my fault but now it’s been a museum
new movie is scheduled for uh july 29 really yeah that’s this year holy [ __ ]
it’s just gonna be like all the adventures take place before 4 p.m which is when it goes with that no way
but it’s going to start it’s going to start at the local hardys at 5 30. [Laughter]
let’s go to the ball that’s an hour after he waters his lawn before going into the heart well part of the
adventure is that he forgot his medication at home and now he has to get home before he gets to the mall if they
were brave they would just do it indiana jones where he’s incontinent and he’s wandering the neighborhood and the adventure is to find indiana jones
oh my god yes the search for the lost grandfather [Laughter]
you guys can’t see us we’ll post this that’s him on set this is old man jones so who’s the actual like star of the
movie because again i mean are they actually handing over the reigns to shia labeouf no no no
they’re not they got [ __ ] early on okay uh what’s your face from fleabag i think is in this movie so they’re going to
switch they’re going to gender swap the characters all right i think the handoff is it’s going to be like a female archaeologist
that uh yeah i don’t mean gender swap indiana but i mean like they’re going to gender swap that like for the next generations
[Music] she’s fantastic and i love her this is
gonna be the last one well i think honestly the last one was going to be the last one and then then
they decided to put cheyenne i hope there is no such thing as crystal skull because i hope they don’t hope they go
back to like religious artifacts and they leave aliens alone in this movie
a civil right there is no such thing as crystal skull and if this movie’s [ __ ] there’s no such thing as this movie because you end three seconds
run like riding horses into the sunset the end that’s all this is which is perfect it’s perfect
it’s him and his dad he’s writing something yeah sean cutler we’re named a dog [Laughter]
you could have done enough jobs movie where right off the gate it’s just like adult son
um and been like it’s indiana that it’s like his role is in a recliner yeah
that’s it and then you see the pass off and you’re like okay cool like his son is following his death cool in i’m in or
do this or crazy enough put in indiana and the role of
like put him in his dad’s role with last crusade and he had a younger version where you know sean connery was bumbling
around as [ __ ] indiana is like trying to save his dad he’s kind of like a hindrance i almost i
want indiana be a hindrance to his son and have that type of move that was what they were trying to do
with crystal skull it starts with mary and raven and being like i forgot to tell you that like they were twins and
then that’s the daughter like i forgot that like yeah i have a daughter
you have to you have to keep in the timeline so four was like post no but i mean they have though like four was post um
that’s the perfect like layover because also you have them arguing of no i don’t want you to follow
in my footsteps don’t you know be the the librarian archaeologist not the one i was being out there doing so
like ridiculous [ __ ] like this is yeah you’ve never had sean connery doing the last crusade you know like oh you mean
you mean you mean the fridge that would have broken every bone in his body yeah the whole headline fridge right yeah
that whole thing what i love about the first thing jones movie is if you take anything jones out
everything happens the same way yeah exactly like literally it’s still open yeah he has nothing to do with the
success or the uh or the failure of anything that happened that it’s just literally the nazis being
like oh we’re too big for our britches melted face is done he actually kind of helps everything about it turn out the
movie because he pulls out the medallion you know the the idol at the beginning of the movie he hands it to him like he
did all the secret [ __ ] he figures out where the map room is he figured he figures out like he does all the heavy
lifting for the nazis so yeah i think the biggest issue that we had with crystal skull and hopefully they
learned from that going into this new movie is but you know don’t let george lucas help with an indiana jones well no and tying
into george and tying into he did help with that i know that’s why the space came in yeah um
had a good point with like yes you technically you could take indy out of raiders of lost ark and it’s still
everything’s going to happen the same way but the thing that registered the lost ark did was it literally created
what we know as the modern day adventure action like borderline thriller at times movie
we’ve got potentially that bumbling idiot who is smart but his common sense doesn’t really go that far with this guy
right he’s very book smart and he kind of figures everything out as he goes along but when that movie came out i mean and i don’t know that’s one of your
favorite movies radio’s lost art you get a test like where did that’s how look how it’s set up everything that we look
for in action now but yeah the thing is the plot’s pretty basic it’s all about the action pieces well it’s basic but
was it busy when it came out think about it was it 81 i mean the whole point of the of raiders lost ark
was is that it was george lucas and spielberg being so excited about the 1930s like serials that were just very
short like hope it was all yeah so i mean here’s your hero here’s the bad guys and
all this [ __ ] happens there wasn’t a lot to it but it’s the action sequences the way they you know the tricks they pulled
that made it that people were like oh god damn this is [ __ ] i mean the intro to the [ __ ] movie when he’s
getting run down by a [ __ ] boulder dude like that’s still high [ __ ] little scenes
that they did that made the movie stand out like just the sound of every punch yeah like that fight
[ __ ] yeah the plane and every punch sounds like ending his face should be mush
but it’s little tricks like that that made that movie stand out that nobody thought hey we should make the punches sound like hardcore like
as simple as that even the off the cuff like you know like the ad-lib scenes of where he just pulls out the gun and
shoots the dude yeah he’s doing all this big sword dancing right [ __ ] you yeah because it’s it just well it lays
into like snakes oh this is snake scenes when they go find they r games like the snakes
but the whole thing is it’s like the best way to describe indiana jones at least with the uh with the lost ark is
that it was common sense adventure yeah like there was nothing no fast and furious elaborate you know
everything was unbelievable like if you figured this out just in time your ass was saved if not you’re dead right
that’s basically what it was exactly exactly like oh yeah we can fly across [ __ ] buildings show you the
ridiculousness of like the fact that you think about it indiana jones rides a submarine to that island you
know the thing that goes underwater for most of that how did he had a fight outside of a
[ __ ] hot air balloon dude yeah in air ensemble of doom come
and on this note we are at the tail end of the second half of geek some of the influence oh boy
it’s actually nice that the first half was really more about a nostalgia and talking about our stories from doing gui over the
years yeah yeah yeah and uh the second half was really what a free play has always been which is just like a free
reign conversation all the pop culture [ __ ] that we love so we hit star wars we had marvel we had
indiana jones like we hit all the all the big the big notes in our fandom and what’s and what the and what it’s doing in the
fandom because like as old heads as we are like you know we’re very active in what’s going on in the fandom sure yeah
you know i mean because i mean we were around when these phantoms pretty much came out so yeah
we’re all all of us with our varying ages us old men yeah and slightly younger men
yeah i haven’t had 40 yet so yeah well you’re the only one i know right i’m calling it but
and that’s part of what uh i’ve talked to people where so many of these like why the marvel movies hit us like so much more than
like say our kids mm-hmm and stuff because [ __ ] man we read it we’ve been there
since the beginning we’ve been there through dolph london punisher you know [ __ ] like that
we’ve the original captain america right with the rubber ears yes with the rubber
ears oh my god but we’ve lived through the trial and error to finally get what we have today that’s why we’ve been
there fundamentally yeah just like it took so long for comic book buoys to get their footing on being
like as good as they are now the next one uh because it’s our generation that we’re hoping and praying
for comic book movies and then we got an x-men in 2000 we’re like oh finally yeah
and the first blade movie and we’re like oh finally and even that wasn’t even close to where they ended up yeah no but
it was like the best i mean if you watched that 2000’s x-men movie oh it’s bad it’s [ __ ] terrible yeah yeah
dude the [ __ ] claws came out like holy [ __ ] and now you’re like this is [ __ ]
terrible are they fighting on the statue of liberty really there was a swing around the claws oh
that was the worst one you want to talk about cgi being way off with dimension and everything on that
[ __ ] i saw that movie three times in the theater because it was a [ __ ] x-men movie yeah damn right and then move
forward you get [ __ ] samurai spider-man again i was like [ __ ] yeah cgi was trash on that but it was a
[ __ ] spider-man with [ __ ] bruce campbell it was all building up to what we have now and uh we’re gonna see the
same thing and i i’m putting my [ __ ] like promise on this is that they’re already trying and they’re doing a bad
job and it’s garbage which is the same thing that happened in superhero movies uh you will see in our time when our
kids are like teenagers and young adults uh that you’re going to have
live action anime being that generation’s version of comic book movies for how much because they’re
already how much you’re already testing the market
[ __ ] with [ __ ] face from whatever the [ __ ] makes a good point [ __ ] see we’re talking [ __ ] about those early uh anime
into live action and we were just brought up the dolph lund and punisher the rubber ears captain america so
that’s dragon ball z is what our cat our our rubber ear captain america was right
there fantastic four yeah things that i still i still really like
like i enjoy these anime right like i enjoy and i enjoy
and i enjoyed those comics when those movies came out and they sucked ass yeah they haven’t gotten it yet just like
they haven’t gotten video game movies and that’s another one too they’re gonna
they’ve already [ __ ] the last they have been with video games and live action i mean they haven’t figured out comic books
either guys that’s true let’s remember that in the 90s david hasselhoff was nick fury that’s
true and that’s all you have to say yeah they course corrected that [ __ ] yeah why why did you do that because that was the
[ __ ] part i know it was a god damn thing don’t you’re like [ __ ] with the what’s the 180 of david hasselhoff sam
jackson cool yeah and that’s what’s saying animes will eventually course correct two goodness
it’s fine like they tried they also tried a live-action wicked city way back when and it looked [ __ ]
terrible yeah um you ever seen the manga the manga uh wicked city i’ve seen no i’m sorry i was thinking i was
thinking dark city for a second but yeah they did try wicked city as well that was horrible terrible that was horrible
oh but no i’m all for live action enemies like give me a live action and i’m talking about old school give me a live action ninja scroll i’ll watch it
all day give me a live action [ __ ] like a good live-action akira
you know that’s one of the things they they’ve been trying to develop that for like 20 years develop a live-action akira if they end
up doing it because they’ve had really scott attached they’ve had taika attached they’ve had a lot of big-name directors attached and you just haven’t
found our one then well no i got to say the wrong way might be the gateway that might be the iron man when you can do
akira live-action it’d be a [ __ ] blockbuster yeah then you know right right doors open but
and i don’t agree what you said about the directors though because you could have the great director but if he doesn’t have the right support and the
right way to do especially for akira to do the effects oh yeah that’s true i mean but we’ve seen we’ve seen where
we’ve got you know like new directors come out of the [ __ ] gate and crush a [ __ ] property because true part of
being a visionary is too is you have to make other people believe in you yeah absolutely you know yeah i mean it all depends i mean somebody that we talked a
lot of factors yeah that was a good job of adapting early comic stuff before he just started destroying it zack snyder
took on 300 and crushed that [ __ ] [ __ ] it took a property that nobody thought you could make it to
i’ll you say watchmen oh wow watchmen that that was a 15-year process of director attach
walk away director attached walkway yeah and zack snyder took it on and did a pretty good job about as good as you can
as you can do yeah without making that series i think that movie is awesome yeah i still really watch this i’m saying this is that’s they’re that’s a
property that nobody they didn’t think they could make it and it got better i mean the same thing with
sin city yeah yeah they come out and [ __ ] just blue load everywhere right yeah exactly uh speaking of blown load
everywhere uh for our send-off for this episode we’re gonna be doing our little segment that we like to call making a
drunken scene [Music]
[Applause] instead of uh doing a scene since we
were talking about all sorts of different stuff i thought it would be more fun for us to read some of the reviews
from morbius oh buddy
here we go oh and of course you of course write to rotten tomatoes on this one yeah so i’m gonna read the the
smallest one so i can get out of the way so steven can see the screen but um and because it mentions bird democ uh
i’m gonna do it as the chicken lady from kids in the hall oh [ __ ]
i’m sorry i’m not gonna go on down down that rabbit hole baby yes we didn’t touch on that no but the specific
structure and creativity of bird damn it this one’s for you
okay that’s you just getting poked in the ass all the time sporadic i mean where was your other hand stephen
[Laughter] right here hand check
did the mics pick that up it was on the armrest all right so uh we’ve got we’ve got a
few other choices here what do we got here we got uh yeah all of them are long oh boy uh
i i think the one after me is a pretty meaty little yeah or any of the other ones i’ll take
a scroll too i’ll take the drew thin and the tin that’s fine i can go with that
playing living vampire little goes the benefit of introducing a
spider-man villain that’s never been seen in live action before
unfortunately his performance and most of morbius as a
whole are layered in melodrama and cgi [ __ ]
oh fakery but that accent works but either way cgi
fakery i see it [Laughter] cj
uh you want to do next because you’re gonna scroll down a little bit so you guys get a little bit more i’ll just do
the 100 i guess i don’t yeah or they’re all they’re all they’re all like
they’re all bad they’re all bad um i guess i’ll just do this one here okay
all right this was remarkably bad and somehow
bored me to tears despite the insanity
on screen no walter i’m not talking about that the plot had more holes than swiss
cheese but a character’s development was non-existent
please keep the mcu far far away
from what sony is doing was that a putty is that a putty screw up a little bit
more for me that was awesome i was like putty slash eeyore because you sounded so depressed
okay simply put morbius is one of the laziest
shallowest most pathetic attempts at a movie blockbuster
in some time original score zero
i think that was from the comic book guy from simpsons yeah i think um close very
close but yes worse we we’ve been we’ve been watching a lot of malcolm in the middle
and malcolm’s friend in the wheelchair who’s oh stevie
i hated the movie yeah so much [Laughter] because it was just pauses that would
kill you yeah [Laughter] that was another show that was just
revolutionary style yeah yeah yeah oh dude the whole series is on hulu right now so we’ve been
kicking it back through on that and life is unfair life is unfair yes very true
very true on that note uh i think that’s the most that we needed to spend on morbius and just reading four reviews of
it and done and walking away this [ __ ] train wreck i still haven’t met anybody that’s
actually seen it i don’t know anybody seen it i think i’ve i think i might have one or two friends that have seen
it but like that’s like in a movie like that yes that’s a lot that’s that’s a
really sad amount of people that are right what i’m saying that’s saying that speaks volumes i meant that’s a lot that’s speaks
my rule i always have to watch at least once to properly [ __ ] on yeah oh no i’m definitely waiting until it’s on one
of the random streaming services or whatever that i already pay for so i’m technically not losing money yeah you’re
like i can do this i have this and watch it i have like for me it’s just like leaving my house
that’s the problem well that’s how much i give a [ __ ] about why that’s still way more of a step than i’m willing to take that’s what
says a lot like i pay for the regal pass and i’m still not willing to like leave my car and drive right there
the one thing i’ll find is instead of morbius maybe spend some time with something that has ruined my [ __ ]
life in the best way humanly possible revolutionary filmmaking that is in my top five favorite films of all time oh
yeah everything everywhere all at once oh yes that is so good
not only is it incredible and it’s hitting so many different marks of it’s it’s incredibly funny yes it’s
incredibly insightful yes it’s heartwarming it’s tragic yeah it deals
with a lot of like uh challenging things that will maybe ruin you if you come
from the right background or experience i i want to talk about this movie for the geek fathers like for an episode
because of just that whole mother-daughter dynamic stuff happening and everything
and not only that but it had a like i think a 30 million dollar budget and it looks every bit of a hundred thousand
plus a million movie right i heard it sucked i heard a lot of people hated it yeah no no no no no i don’t want to get
it all right i’ve seen this much excitement like yeah i heard like it’s pretty [ __ ] terrible do you plan uh because i mean it this trailer just
looks goddamn gorgeous i will say this just real quick is this that movie is the first because the only
movies that have done business so far have been already built in sequels blockbusters based on properties
people know in the way this movie is the first kind of word of mouth we’ve had to come out
since theater started reopening well like it’s the first really that yeah because everything else has been built
in your fast and furious your marvel properties things that you already have that are kind of independent the next
one would be a big toe is get out right but you still have a tr you still have
somebody you talking about jordan peels yeah that’s true right you’re talking about you already know did not do nearly as well as get out
dude right but i’m talking about that’s already still kind of a problem i’m talking about the built-in audience that
liked swiss army man it’s not exactly the best it is this is the movie they’re talking about
this is your first word of mouth to come out since things reopened yeah and very much uh
the reason why this movie is getting so much conversation online is word of mouth like it’s not they’re big advertising you see some advertisements
but they got a low advertising budget yeah it’s literally everybody talking about how i found out about because i
followed jamie on uh instagram and so she was posting tons of stuff about filming and so on and so forth so
like i’ve known it me personally like if you follow certain actors that are involved with the properties you you get
more of that build up you can tell how much fun she was having in her roles oh did you wat there’s a whole instagram
thing about the warm up she made the whole cast do uh beforehand it was like this weird stretching and like breathing with
pelvic thrusts and [ __ ] it’s hilarious wow it was like oh and that was [ __ ] hilarious
like part of it like sticking her gut out and just trying to look as miserable and weird as possible and
you’re like this is this is lori like yeah right well no this is the hot ass wife stripping in
[ __ ] true lies baby damn right and she’s like still [ __ ] stunning you’re like oh yeah that’s acting
well jamie lee curtis michelle young right mm-hmm and then um the the dad is
uh [ __ ] data and short round and short yeah you know [ __ ] is he just didn’t he just do this night show about
it i don’t know or he’s coming on the tonight show no he went on a few and like his whole conversation is that after he did those roles he was like oh
he was a kid so he’s like yeah it’s normal that you know a kid gets these roles and he realizes oh wait there’s no
asians in movies like i lucked out the two roles of asian kid i got yeah
yeah yeah the two biggest roles in the 80s movie yeah yeah yeah and then check and then it was the dude that
played long duck dong in
every uh he says data and goonies all right yeah yeah but after that he’s like
he was trying to act and there weren’t roles for him so we went into the background of filmmaking where he was involved yeah i knew he was still
involved with like hollywood stuff but not like you said behind the scenes but yeah he’s over the moon about being involved
in this um he he was like yeah the best best movie to come back to oh right yeah [ __ ] yeah dude and he was he was raving
about shangshi and and how there’s a lot more asian representation in american cinema and he’s like so over the [ __ ]
moon about it he’s a big avid supporter of that and that’s really [ __ ] cool yeah that’s great
and there’s nothing about this movie that suggests it needs to be anything better or different about its
representation it’s it’s exactly what it’s supposed to be and [ __ ] it’s good uh yeah yeah
and it does have low pain in it too i i don’t know i’m horrible about about the names but i just i mean the the
elderly asian grandfather every film that ever existed that [ __ ] is
low paying and will always be lopan from big trouble in little china [ __ ] yes i mean that’s totally what
tarantino went for and [ __ ] kill bill part two yeah straight located exactly exactly yeah
so on that note we have to leave you for this uh last uh part of uh the two-parter of gui’s free play
anniversary episodes thank you so much for listening we appreciate you sticking around and enjoying all the all the
craziness and uh make sure to rate review subscribe it would do us such a
as a gift to us on our anniversary um the the seven year anniversary is the review
anniversary where you go on uh websites where you can review and review the podcast that you love for for a gift for
us uh review us rate us on apple or podchaser or i think podcast addict does
reviews or wherever you can do reviews tell the world how much you uh have a middling appreciation of this show and
uh and we would appreciate you don’t even have to love us just kind of like us just kind of like us yeah
like yeah yeah and uh and we’ll find it next time for another episode of geeks under the influence thank you so much for
listening i’m mike the hobbit join us or die shut the [ __ ] up hobbit for seven years
the explosion yay