Dec 30, 2020 | Reviews
Every year on Christmas Day, this Chinese-American woman makes plans with her Jewish friends to watch a movie together and go out for Chinese food after the movie, a tradition that started when I was a little kid with my brother and cousins. Even with social distancing, we wanted to see a move together on Christmas Day, so we decided to hit play on “WW84” at the same time and comment on group chat together – something we would NOT have been able to do in the theater.
I sipped coffee from my Wonder Woman mug while nibbling on homemade lemon sugar cookies in the shape of the Wonder Woman emblems. I had prepared all week for screening this movie. Like the first movie, the audience is treated to epic views of Themyscira and Diana’s nostalgia for simpler times from the start. Those opening scenes convey a message that reminds me of an often misquoted Teddy Roosevelt quotable: “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty . . .” This sets the mood for the rest of the movie. In every main character in the movie, one can find multiple flaws and enviable qualities as well. I do not remember the ‘80s brimming with giant ‘staches (influenced by Magnum PI?), but perms, definitely. The characters are portrayed as whole humans. The villains are not evil just to be evil, and the heroes are not perfect. Instead of fighting the darkness with killing and perpetuating senseless violence, Wonder Woman’s unwavering dedication to love shines through again, just like in the first movie. Don’t get me wrong. There are still elegantly choreographed fight scenes and innovative, breathtaking new moves, but this sequel still manages to give the audience all the feels. Because of so many delays in its release, I had been cautiously prepared for the possibility that the movie would succumb to the sophomore slump. I was very glad to be wrong.
“The world is not ready for all that you can do . . ” struck a chord with me. Instead of focusing on making Diana, or any little girl for that matter, feel small, she had permission to discover more of her abilities and to use them to make the world a better place. This line made the world feel small and narrow, ill-prepared for everything that she would be capable of offering. To me, it felt like something I would have liked to hear growing up. The world needed to be capable of change and acceptance. “WW84” repeated this message, a message that the first movie communicated and bears repeating. The villains probably needed to hear this message growing up, too. Among the heroes and villains, their interactions in the movie reminded me of the rest of the Teddy Roosevelt quotable “ . . . I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.” And. just like in the first movie, the resolution comes from a place of love instead of complete annihilation, elevating everyone around Wonder Woman.
So, when is the third installment coming out?
- Wonder Woman’s invisible jet: I really enjoyed the origin story of Wonder Woman’s invisible jet in the movie. It is connected to her powers, not just detritus collected on Themyscira.
- Wonder Woman’s flying ability: Instead of just a power that appears out of nowhere in the comics, there is a beautiful story and connection behind her discovery of flight. In the comics, it seemed like she was allowed one or the other, but not both the invisible jet and the ability to fly.
- Wonder Woman losing her powers: During the Bronze Age of Comic Books (1970 – 1984), writers stripped Wonder Woman of her powers in what felt like an incendiary, negative overreaction to the Women’s Liberation movement of the time. Wonder Woman was an icon of female empowerment, and the writers of the time wanted nothing to do with that message. I much preferred her loss of powers as a consequence of her own decisions, not because she had become far too powerful.
Mar 4, 2020 | Reviews
When I bought my ticket to see Birds of Prey, I had to be on the lookout for the title Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey instead of the title Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn as originally advertised or the working title Birds of Prey that shares the name with the 2002 television show. Honestly, that was annoying. When the title card came up in the movie theater, though, I was glad they had kept the advertised name. For me, this was supposed to be the origin story of Birds of Prey, not just Harley Quinn’s hero origin story. I have not watched Suicide Squad, nor do I plan to watch it.

Let me start from the beginning of my introduction to one Dr. Harleen Frances Quinzel’s alter ego. I remember seeing Harley Quinn for the first time in the original Batman: The Animated Series. She was loud, obnoxious, and over-the-top. She came out of left field, completely lovesick, and for me, a total throwaway character. Fast forward almost 30 years laters, and Harley Quinn seems to be everywhere in live action movies, live action and animated television series, baby names, cosplay, conventions, EVERYWHERE. As for the Birds of Prey movie, it is almost entirely about Harley Quinn.

The movie, while still keeping many dark features reminiscent of previous DC movies, is pleasantly bright overall from the backgrounds to the chase scenes. To me, the difference between Birds of Prey and the recent live-action DC movies is hope. Hope brings light, and Birds of Prey certainly felt lighter despite the dark origin stories of the characters. The sets and costumes were brighter with bold, primary colors accented with neon.
Here are a few of my favorite things in no particular order:
- The soundtrack: Pop hits, slowed down and converted to minor key, are now both dreamy and creepy at the same time.
- The fight choreography: The fight scenes recall John Wick and Atomic Blonde like a violent water ballet, unrelenting action that keeps pummeling the viewer until you almost feel like you cannot catch your breath.
- The homage to a certain breakfast food. Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day, and it can make or break your mood for the whole morning.
- The dialogue: I enjoyed the snips and quips the characters volleyed back and forth. It kept the movie moving forward instead of feeling stale.
- The imagery: It’s NOT just a man’s world.
- The diversity: Effortless. It didn’t feel shoe-horned or burdensome nor did it affect the story.
- The credits: A treat for me at the end of the movie was seeing all of the typically female names in so many technical roles during the end credits; I cheered like dessert had just arrived.

Here are a few of my not-so-favorite things in no particular order:
- The narration: In the right amounts, a narrator can do wonders for a story, helping the audience understand what goes beyond what they see on screen. Harley’s narration started out like most women’s (in this case, I can only speak from this woman’s perspective) inner monologue questioning her decisions. It feels familiar and relatable. As the movie pushes forward, the narration becomes overused because reliance on it to explain literally everything going on becomes taxing for the listener.
- The villain: I like my villains so complex that they make you wonder if they are pure evil or they are a result of their circumstances, but here, the villain fell flat with a singular focus that made him feel almost one dimensional.
- The individual origin stories: The Huntress gets the second largest chunk of origin story in Birds of Prey with Renee Montoya getting a semi-fleshed out story. However, the audience gets almost nothing of this Black Canary’s origin story. It didn’t seem fair like they didn’t have time to tell her story, too.

In summary, there were definitely more things I enjoyed about the movie than got turned off by. For anyone who is looking for a movie with amazing action sequences that is not too heavy on the storytelling [read: a summer blockbuster in the winter], then Birds of Prey: And the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn is for you. It is enjoyable as a standalone movie, too. On the Awesomeness by Volume scale, I give it a 7 ABV.

SPOILER: Bruce, the pet hyena, is such a good boy. Yes, he IS.
Listen to our spoiler-heavy episode about Birds of Prey, and the evolution of Harley Quinn and Joker over the years!
“NSFW – Spoilers
Episode 182 – Harley Quinn and Joker: How Harley Got Her Groove Back
Just in time for Valentine’s Day! The Panel discusses the evolution of Harley, Joker, and how their toxic relationship has changed over the different iterations of the characters
Panel: Mike The Hobbit (Booze Clues/Smack My Pitch Up), Lowdown Brown MacGyver (GUI NIghts/From The Mouths Of Madness), Michele Left Eye, and Steph”
Mar 26, 2019 | GUI Podcast, Reviews
–NSFW — *Spoilers*
The panel discusses the legendary Alan Moore comic “The Watchmen”, the film adaptation, and the follow-up series “Doomsday Clock” in episode # 154 that we call “Blew Man Group”
Panel: Mike “The Hobbit”, Lowdown Brown MacGyver (GUI NIghts), F.U. Hunter (Beautiful Disasters), and Michele “Left Eye”

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● Track Info ●
Commercial Break Music:
SKGB – Ridin Dirty Wit Ganesha
Disclaimer Music is:
David Mumford – Night Without Sleep (Instrumental)
Intro Music is:
Kenny Millions – A Quick Majestic Death in Manhattan
Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States
Outro Music is:
“Dead By Dawn” courtesy of the “Creep-A-Zoids”
Geeks Under the Influence is a trademark of Michael Bickett. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
Mar 13, 2019 | GUI Podcast, Reviews
–NSFW — *Spoilers*
The panel discusses the newest Marvel Studios film, Captain Marvel! This is episode # 153 that we call “Garfield and the Old Gods”
Panel: Mike “The Hobbit”, Lowdown Brown MacGyver(GUI NIghts), Kyle Smash (Smashtalk), and Lorna

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● Track Info ●
Commercial Break Music:
SKGB – Ridin Dirty Wit Ganesha
Disclaimer Music is:
David Mumford – Night Without Sleep (Instrumental)
Intro Music is:
“Nightmare Dream” – 59H20 (From the album “Gaslit”).
4/19/10 @ Rare Olde Times
4/20/19 @ Plant Zero Earth Day Fest
Outro Music is:
“Dead By Dawn” courtesy of the “Creep-A-Zoids”
Geeks Under the Influence is a trademark of Michael Bickett. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
Mar 10, 2019 | Events, News, Reviews, Uncategorized
Dear Readers,
Let me set the stage by admitting that I spent my tween and teen years squarely in the 1990s from end to end. My early youth was spent admiring and/or acquiring Lisa Frank™ stickers and stationery. My teen years were filled with suburban angst and gritty grunge. All of these experiences were recalled as I immersed myself in the world of Captain Marvel.

As you have probably gleaned from the teasers and trailers, the movie has been set up to feel like a female empowerment movie. The official release date even coincided with International Women’s Day #BalanceBetter, whether purposefully or not is unknown to this writer. While the women in the movie do show strength, fortitude, and persistence, the movie itself is an origin story through and through. The hero questions herself, her powers, and her past as all of the heroes in the Marvel cinematic universe have. In the small moments, the movie does lead by example in celebrating diversity, inclusion, and acceptance. There is just enough teaching without being too didactic or in your face. Generally, though, the story follows a similar template to its predecessors.
The fight choreography is smooth and seamless like a martial arts-influenced dance or capoeira. The CGI is nearly flawless with very few trips through the Uncanny Valley. This includes the de-aging of our beloved, omnipresent Agents Coulson and Fury. With every show of power, the moviegoers are treated to a light show of sparkles and glitter reminiscent of Lisa Frank™. The costume designers clearly had fun with this movie because every detail is beautiful, era-appropriate, and/or an inside joke with the audience. This writer dreamed of dressing as a grunge goddess as a teen in jeans ripped at the knee, band t-shirts, flannel shirts, and leather jackets just like the Terran characters.

Through all of the flash and bang, the real scene stealer is Goose, the kitty Fury is enamored with in the trailer. This adorable orange tabby appears throughout the movie delighting the audience in every way a beloved kitty can. With every purr, lick, and leg nuzzle, moviegoers may feel compelled to search for clues or foreshadowing. Instead, what one does find are several nods to 1990s pop culture such as Blockbuster video and “Top Gun”.

The original motion picture soundtrack is filled with every single go-to karaoke song I have on my handcrafted list. Did the music department steal my karaoke list? Highly unlikely. From Elastica to Nirvana, No Doubt to TLC, every song was from a wide range of genres, handpicked to match the landscape, evoke a specific emotion, and pluck the nostalgic heartstrings of everyone who lived through the 1990s. The soundtrack is like an aural love letter to every Xennial who watches the movie.
A little fun game to play: How many times is “Captain Marvel” said during the movie?
Nov 27, 2018 | Beautiful Disasters, Events, Reviews
On episode 9, our hosts Grutz and F.U. Hunter invited on
Kyle Smash to discuss the 2017 Nicholas Cage madness of “Mom and Dad”
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