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NSFW – Spoilers
Episode 252 – Stranger Things SSN 4: Helen Keller Demolition Derby
This episode brings us to the upside down to talk about SSN 4 of the Netflix phenomenon, Stranger Things!
Panel: Mike “Hobbit” Bickett (Smack My Pitch Up/Deeply Upsetting), Herr Grutz (Beautiful Disasters), Tori Sipe (letstalkpop.net), and Audrey
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Intro-Outro Music:
“Dead By Dawn” courtesy of the “Creep-A-Zoids
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the views and opinions expressed on geeks under the influence are that of the panelists and not of our sponsorsamazon.com and t public parental discretion is advisedi’ve accepted his head canon for stranger things that 11 is basically just like a feral jedi like every time iwatch an episode i just think that this is like a galaxy far far away but like she has min like i don’t know like a lotof midichlorians right was she the padawan that got away when anakin killed him the paddock won that got away yesyeah and uh she just was raised in the wild with her with her uh with her forced powers and uhshe’s technically a jedi she got taken to the late 70s planet[Laughter] whatever that uh woman that everybody thinks obi-wan [ __ ] in the prequels uhduchess city sateen yeah that she ended up like getting on a ship and just finding a new planet and ended up being1970s earth nice and gave birth to 11. that’s had canon so you anybodylistening can take that for their own personal head ganon i’m perfectly okay with that big hair and and big uh youknow sideburns that’s all you need that’s all you need i mean it fits kind of you knowuh sateen would land and be like yeah this looks this looks like the star wars i know it’s like everybody’s got sideburns it’s finebut um i was interested that this season half of it 11 didn’t have powersthat was amazing i’ve seen the nerfing powers thing used in so many different uh situations in movies and tv showswhere sure there’s somebody so powerful you either don’t have them around or something i don’t have my powers andit’s it’s a trope that’s been used time and time again but i feel like this was earned a little bit more than a lot of the other ones did yeah it’s not likeyou know if smash was here he’d be talking about how like superman lost his powers for a whileyeah remember when superman got drunk at a [ __ ] diner and got his ass kicked after he lost his powers hey man thatwas a cool thing that happened shit’s hard okay superman versus 11. cause likesuperman is tough and [ __ ] but like 11 has psych psychic powers like she can make sure she doesn’t have the endurancei mean you know superman would win in that fight now 11 versus like akiralike that’s a good battle because that’s basically what her character is that’s season five that’swhat her they got the [ __ ] numbers tattooed on their arms man it’s [ __ ] akira i love the dufferbrothers are around our age uh and they grew up watching the same [ __ ] we watched and have the samereferences that we love and they keep incorporating this into all the different episodes of the showto a point where some are very subtle some are i mean beating you over the head with the referencesi am here for all of it i love it so [ __ ] much because there’s so manymovies out there that are nods to the the greats the carpenters and the james cameron’s movies and [ __ ] that they’realmost imitating but this is clear homage we’re supposed to having a lot of originality as welland that’s what i think separates yeah of this series i agree this is apastiche a pastiche yes is the best way to say it and also it is also not forour old asses i mean it is but it isn’t we all love it but we’re like the oldpeople that love it because it’s really made for the next generation that hopefully we’ll start going backand watching [ __ ] like the goonies you know as i get older i am excitedabout the nerdum of like kids discovering d and d they will continue butyou know they’ve also fallen like the dice on a table situation has fallenvictim to the massive multiplayer game and different things that are more modernbut i think there’s always gonna be a craving for like personal experience with other people like board gamestabletop games there’s always gonna be a time where people wanna get together drink really really sugary sodas untillike five o’clock in the morning and talk about how they saw a boob on the bus and uhboobies and boobies everybody loves boobs absolutely i love that so much bus boobs were rarebut they’re pretty [ __ ] valuable a rare bust boob sighting yes but yeah um those those times are really importantat least for me and when i was a kid to have those times and not just bust boobs butum to have those times with my friends staying up until you know five or six in the morning playing mortal kombat or or tabletopgames or you know just having those bonding moments with your friends but let’s let’s get into the episode we aretalking about uh season four stranger things so this will be very spoiler heavy so please finalwarning episode 252 of geeks on the influence all things stranger things season four welcome[Music] isi am over the [ __ ] moon to talk about this i don’t want to waste a lot of time on introductions because we have so [ __ ] much to talk about let’s knockhim down real quick uh from let’s talk pop dot net stand-up comicpop culture diva extraordinaire and regular on gui we’ve got tori scype herehello hello this is definitely your [ __ ] wheelhouse of uh of likes hereyeah very much and whatever you guys were talking about in the intro i didn’t get any of that because if it was star wars that’s just over my head not notquite your uh your bag no nothing about itwell it’s a good thing you’re on the stranger things episode the star wars episode yes a kenobi released recentlyso um mcgregor yeah trainspotting yep train spotting in space i think isthat’s right uh how that that’s all i need to know yeah um another regular uh audrey what was the last episode yarnyou it wasn’t that long ago it was boba fett so yeah you have been on like not too long ago which is greatusually it’s like once a year or two yeah but no this one i was like the kids and the uh you know hawk and slap i was likeme me me me me me i’ve spoken with audrey before aboutstranger things and like we’re all [ __ ] nerds for this [ __ ] and everybody is like protect dustin atall costs uh if dustin if dustin goes then we riot oh my god he is like okay mike is theheart of the party no dustin dustin no will thinks mike is because he wantsto [ __ ] like that’s you’re the heart of my dick is what it isyeah he’s definitely and that’s fine that’s great but like dustin’s clearly the heart of this [ __ ] oh god thisseason oh my god that last when he was talking to eddie’s unclejust tears just oh my god uh the heart of guys uh cinephile uhlike experience the man with an impossible collection of film and uh film references in hisrepertoire the co-host of beautiful disasters podcast available at guipodcast.com we’ve got co-hosting withme this evening hair groots yes indeed uh scheduling has been very difficultespecially with us doing every week releases it’s that time of year where there’s so many releases coming out thatwe’re not doing a lot of gui nights episodes just stacked and stacked and stacked so low down schedule has not allowed forhim to be on uh as many as he would like to be that’s okay yeah i will fill his uh his gigantic shoeswith uh socks and sandals probably yeah probably and now let’s introduce thedustin of this panel who is a little strangein his own way okay i’ll tell you a little silly a little funny looking maybe [Laughter]but definitely has a big old heart oh mr mike the hobbit yaywhat’s up okay hey what’s going on uh thank you for joining us on this trek through the upside down uh i’m mike thehobbit check out all our stuff at gypodcast.com for links to all the other shows social media stuff uh rate reviewssubscribe all that stuff you do for shows and let’s get [ __ ] into it season four got split into two veryweird segments where you’ve got hour to hour and a half episodes of umit was what like six episodes i think to start seven seven seven episodes and then two episodes and part of it wasthey just weren’t done with the last two and they’re like we gotta get out the ones that we have available yeah andi get it i get why they split stuff up i get why these episodes were so long the last ones because there wasn’t like anatural stopping point with these stories um but that was definitely weirdyeah because i was just like because you wanted where they ended it was just like oh[ __ ] oh my god it’s like oh what do they call it when you’re about to come and then justyou just pre-comb edging yeah yeah i was like oh my god it’s edgingwow you went there that’s awesome a story about teens uh and you’re likeedging you’re like okay it was it was geek edging geek edging for sure yeah yeah um so i think this isprobably looking forward this might be netflix experimenting with releasing on a longerschedule um you know of course they have always released everything atonce and amazon did that for a long time too and then suddenly amazon was doing threeepisodes and then you gotta wait a week for each so this might be outside of just themyou know not having this epic [ __ ] season completely finished and they wanted to release some of itand have three more weeks to work i don’t know i don’t know i think everything got [ __ ] up with thepandemic and like this season got pushed back like two years yeah from when theywere planning on releasing it so i think the release schedule is definitely affected by like when they had time torecord like the star film this stuff um these kids aged like three years in the times between season three and seasonfour so you can tell will especially will is oh my gosh will has like fiveo’clock shadow like he’s got he’s got a bad back now from working in the mines like he hashe has gotten up there in age he has grown like a foot and a half from the last time that we saw him they just needto like film season five like immediately then because it it’s goingto pick up exactly where the end like leaves off so it’s just like what they’re going to be like even older it’sgoing to be like ridiculous well that’s why they’re talking about i think at time jumpso but which is weird because yeah what have they been doing for likeyou know a couple years just oh well you know here’s this whole gate open foryeah we’ll just let it sit for a couple years it’s fine to jump to the end of it you’ve got where they’re looking at thistown that has this like um like hell’s gate kind of thing happening and all theplants are dying up to a point and if they do a time jump i would [ __ ] loveit that they showed up that like the upside down has fully taken over the world yeah see i would would be verycool to be okay with that people are living in [ __ ] hovels hiding from demon bats and [ __ ] and it’s just likebeen the norm for for like two years for two years everybody’s just like yeah there’s demon bats now it’s a thing so sauron won andit’s all [ __ ] yeah right well i would have to go back and watch it again because you know ineed a couple days to emotionally process everything right like god but it kind of looked like the library hadvines starting to grow on it so again that might be i would have to watch it again to see if i missed thatdetail or not but it might kind of start like creeping up on hawkins yeahi just don’t want it to like become like the new jurassic world maybe we were just like oh we’re living with dinosaursoh no a paradigm pterodactyl grabbed our doves at our wedding like oh steve harrington just holds his hand out tostop a [ __ ] demigorgon from yeah the dead the demo bats are just like oh shoot our wedding’s ruined like he’slike training demi gorgons and he’s like riding a motorcycle with his pet demi gorgon[ __ ] would be [ __ ] brilliant that’d be great one thing that stranger things has donebefore but they’ve done it in way harder this season was separating this ensemble into differentgroups and having those stories overlap over top of them so we had the california crew we had the hawkins crewuh and we had the the russia crew as well where they were the three main ones that we looked i looked at this seasonand i think they did a really deft job of giving equal time for all the all the development and all of the archingstories hitting the mark at the end and even halfway through this seasonthey had a 0.5 crew because of course else splits off and has theexperience and that’s happening um but what you were talking about ihave to give 100 credit to the creators the showrunners the duffer brothersfor being one of the some of the best guys doing any kind of television right nowabsolutely how hard is it to do a good show it’s hard how hard is itto start strong that’s really hard how hard is it to continue that and make it better season after season this is thefourth season and each time they make it better without cheapeninganything nope they’re they’re like increasing plot lines and there are even easter eggsthat i think this is planned like they have put them in back in the day when they were like wellif this goes one season we’ll see what happens you know and if it goes to like we can pick it up and if it doesn’thappen it’s just a cool thing yeah i think they literally did that throughout the entire time they’ve been ohdefinitely i thought it was just so enthralling and i was just like so happy all these like different story lines and i cared aboutevery single person’s storyline and that is so difficult to make that happen where it’s just like all these differentthings i will say the like will mike jonathan storyline if it wasn’t for argyle i don’t know if i would havecared as much because that guy was hilarious argyle was raddest [ __ ] he wasa great addition so good i loved him so much and it’s just you didn’t like i loved that it eventually paid offbecause of you know when he you know they made the makeshift nina andi was just like okay well what’s our guile doing besides just being there because even though i loved him i was like okay what’s his role and thenis he the the the droid c-3po or something like comedic relief the jar jar binks yeah and then it just all of asudden it paid off and you’re like oh my god yeah finally the surfer boy they made the makeshift you know ninaand the pizza doughnuts he wasn’t just the guy with the volkswagen vanigan and he made them pizzayeah i love that little addition that in addition to being like oh yeah here’s a freezer and salt like here you go and ijust give this dude a joint he’s like yeah have the keys to the store great perfect and it made sense you were in onit it’s fine but then in the meantime he’s like i’ll make a tasty pie for all my buds in the meantime whoever’sopening the next day though was like super pissed right they were just like who closed last nightthere’s just like room temperature dough just expanding all over the restaurant and [ __ ] because you know they didn’tjust like take three hours to like saltwater bath clean it up and dump the water andeverything back i would love that duffer brother cut of the final episode where it’s just them amontage of them to like i don’t know that you’re the best around or something of them just like wiping all the wateraway on the floor that’s why it took two days for them to get there exactly half a day of just cleaning why is thisfreezer full of water in the middle of the floor who left the oven onnow i remembered it’s uh funny how people like argyle and eddie you know they’re two characterswho haven’t been around they don’t know anything about the upside down they have but they kind of are just likesounds legit they just they’re like okay there’s the upside down there’s thisgirl with the powers well i mean i guess he did see like l like crash a whole[ __ ] helicopter yeah just yeah so i guess he saw that part but he also doesa lot of drugs yeah yeah he’s like legit bro he’s open to experiencesand then the other dude is a very imaginative like d [ __ ]you know dungeon master but also he’s looking at he’s got like his bros that he plays d with that he trusts right but he’s alsogot like the former like cool guy there uh steve harrington all these different groups of peoplecoming together being like oh no like demons are real there’s like a hell gate under the water he didn’t need any ofthat and he’s like okay i guess he had a girl turn into a pretzel and her eyes get sucked in on his trailer ceiling hesaw that [ __ ] i think eddie was more surprised that steve harrington was cool he was he was like true well steve thatwas kind of a nice moment where they got a chance to really talk to each other and they were like okay then yeah cool all right oh my god when he was likedustin henderson worships you man i was likehe was jealous he was so jealous he was so jealous but then oh my god the bonding scenewith a battle battleand apparently some of that was improvised um i think yeah god i’m gonna like tearsare gonna start but eddie’s like final scenewhen he was like i love you man um that was not scripted that was damn yeah thatwas not scripted at all joseph quinn that’s that’s the actor i gotta give alot of credit to that actor because there were moments especially the introduction of the character where they’re sittingat the the lunch table and they’re all talking and he’s going on this diatribe about like no normal is the weirdos manwe’re not weird they’re weird kind of [ __ ] and he’s getting up on the table and screaming at the jocks and stuff it was it was cheesy but he pulled it offthere were so many ways that that could have completely put the brakes on my appreciation of that episode if it wasjust and a new character that was so [ __ ] risky but yeah he did it he [ __ ] hecarried that scene oh my god just oh the best his characterwon me over within the first episode because you know yes he’s he’s like thesalty like freak of the school who’s been there a couple extra years you know he hasn’t quite graduated yetbut what really sold me is like when he had the actual dnd game sequenceand uh they brought the sister in in placeand and and he bonds like she’s she’s a little mouth on her too andthey bond and he is that guy who just has it down like he’s got his crew well heknows who he is he’s got his game yeah but he’s having a good time and acceptance is what it’s all about andyou knew he was a good dude from there yeah absolutely and i think part of for me at least um i think the character ofeddie resonates with so many of us like nerds and stuff because i think it’s safe to say like in this room we allwere an eddie or knew someone like eddie oh yeah and that’s for sure yeah and it’s just because that character youknow just really that resonates with me because i knew a bunch of people in high school who were just like that and ofcourse i went to school in the satanic panic columbine era so it was easy forpeople to say like these are freaks without realizing that they are good people you know they just want to playtheir games and have fun with their friends maybe smoke a littlea little just a juice weird on the side it is weird that to think that my senior year high school was99 the year the columbine happened yeah i was a freshman i was a senior whenthat happened and i remember wanting i wore a trench coat to school uh normally throughout the yearbecause i was like this horror punk kid i listened to the [ __ ] misfits and and put eyeliner on and like had amohawk and it was all marilyn manson well don’t no the school i went to wasmarilyn manson because i moved from california to uh virginia and they were like what’s punk rock we like we likethe spooky guy on mtv and that was about the extent of it but yeah but that being said is thatat that point people realized that i was a giant [ __ ] dork and so i they they were weren’t worried about me shootingup the place but i remember getting an argument with my mom the day of columbine that i wanted to wear my trench coat is kind of like hey freaksaren’t the problem it’s something else and she begged me and i finally like relented and didn’t wear my trench coatto school but i wanted to like even in the moment be like freaks aren’t the problem they are that’s not that’sthat’s safe manic panic [ __ ] which uh brings up an interesting pointis that the character of eddie was actually based kind of on damien eckles umand of course famous case where satanic panic and these kids got accusedwhat’s this the series of uh paradise laws paradise lost there’s three three documentaries i thinktotally yeah yeah uh the west memphis three there there was a a bunch of support thrown behind um in the in thepunk and rock and roll scenes um benefit cds that came out benefits done for him and stuff but yeah and they tookadvantage of a a kid with developmental needs and umgot him to confess to something that he didn’t do and uh blamed it all on satan and theygot [ __ ] put in prison for something yeah on death row for damien yeahand i gotta say like as as these seasons have been ramping up and they’ve been they’ve been kind of following thetrajectory of like harry potter where it started off like easier in the first season it’s gettinga little bit more mature mature mature and it’s getting rated r now i mean for the most part it’s getting pretty darkso it’s very close and my you know sort of cynical side started like you know the side that has beenpunished by like kurt sutter and shona show runners like that where i was like ohbad bad stuff’s gonna happen and like so many people are gonna die iwas wondering if one of the cores were gonna die this this season yeah and i think it’s gonna happen in season fivewe’re gonna get some actual like i think from the beginning people they’re gonna go i think um will’s brother jonathanjonathan i think he’s going i thought he was gonna go this way i thought he was gonna go this season for sure he and nancy were gonna go yeah i thought stevefor sure because of course when he was talking about his six nuggets i was like oh no when they’re talkingabout their dreams and hopes for the future in a horror in horror like you’rebasically being like so i’m dead next right is that are we good with that i also thought steve and it was justbecause there was just way too much buildup he kept having these speeches he kept having these things these like sidenotes these things and it’s just like you know like robin was saying like i don’t think we’re gonna make it out of this and like all this stuff i was likethere’s too much build up but i’m like i don’t know i think they’re tricking us i don’t know and then they did and thisis why these guys are great show runners but i legitimately was about to have an opimoment you know for anybody who saw sons of anarchy i i was ready to like flip atable if either hopper or joyce perished before they got to go to enzo’sor hooked up oh yeah i would have [ __ ] just lost my i think they’re safe now i really do think that they’resafe um for now like hop no hopper had his redemption arc um he he’s been hewent through a [ __ ] russian prison sewer um twice twiceum he was tortured he fought a demogorgon with a [ __ ]with the codan swordi feel like he earned his place of like you don’t you don’t get to [ __ ] with him anymore he did his thing he’s gonna be asupport character for the final season he’s gonna do some cool [ __ ] he’s not gonna be the one that saves the day buthe’s also gonna make it and and nancy don’t you [ __ ] dare touch his hislove don’t you [ __ ] do it like he gets to have this you mean joyce our joyce yeah yeah yeah please don’t havehim hook up with nancy no no no no no no no no dad joyce then the series would take a weird very weird turn which wasso satisfying to see them finally yes make outbut that scene i and it didn’t click until later for me the scene when shecomes through with a um electric prod to get the demogor or gumma dog off himi was like oh my god because she saw bob dye in front of her in season two so she waslike not again bob yeahimagine like being on tinder and then like going on a date took up and likeso you’re your last accident oh demi dog um oh what about the one before that dogsdemi dog demi dogs uh i gotta go umyou know there’s like giant fishers running through the town from hell right like this is not the time to date the girl that allthe demon dogs killed their boyfriend like whose son maybe caused it yeah maybe not maybe not the time ohoh my god and i am so excited for all the news i’ve seen that will is going tobe like even bigger like have a bigger role next seasonbecause that was so interesting when they said like the upside down is stuckthe day he went missing and like that can’t just be a throwaway line like there’s got to be something more to itand i’m excited for will to do more because i[ __ ] love his character and it was a bummer that he gets sidelined for the last two seasons because yeahhis performance in season two gave me chills oh absolutely yeah i was scaredof him what do we think about because a lot of people were mad that he didn’t actually say the words like i’m gay buti’m like because it’s like very obvious where they’re going and they think they said season five it’s gonna happen andyeah the thing is it’s like it’s the 80s it’s indiana i don’t know if you will no he wouldn’t like it totally makes senselike he’s trying to figure it out he’s he he didn’t grow up in a town where like he has any exposure to thathe’s feeling away i think you’re going to see him uh and maya robin robin uh geta little more familiar with each other where he has even if even though she’s like a lesbian it’s gonna be a little bit morenormalized for him the idea of like same-sex couples with like her ginger love that she’s connecting with yeah andthat’s why his scene when he was talking to mike in the van was so riveting becausehe was talking about like he was talking about l but kind of talking about himself when he was saying like somebodywho shouldn’t exist or you know who’s a i don’t know the exact word he said butbasically saying something like shouldn’t exist and it was heart-wrenching because he feels thatway about himself and it was so like oh my god when he was like silently crying i was just like ijust oh yeah oh my god that’s one of the top five scenes of the whole showyou know of the entire season and like again it’s it’s just a testament totheir storytelling and writing ability to be able to construct that and bring it together because iwas expecting the painting to come out and some crucial moment where it was going to be a bunch of like somebodydying like i thought it was going to be like more dramatic and it was so nuanced andperfect that it came out right then and there was just a way that that was deliveredhad more like impact than a giant soundtrack epiclike special effects sequence which i’m not knocking those are awesome too but that was an amazing scenei do want to as talking about like the the emotional heft that thesechild actors are delivering yes whatever hold up [ __ ] that like these these are kids that theywere like 10 12 years old when they started this journey on this series and you’ve got these kids deliveringincredibly dense and nuanced performances of like dramatic andintense moments and the one specifically that i was not only way overdue for a more leading um uhstory arc uh within the series uh but also just absolutely [ __ ] destroyed was lucashis tone in his voice when he’s asking like we got to get her to a doctor we need aparamedic like to his sister he said get help get help alsodone for i was [ __ ] done for you heard the the immediacy in his voice thegenuine fear in his voice it was wavering but not too much where it was like almost cartoonish it was real itwas intense it was honest it was [ __ ] fantastic he knocked at the [ __ ] out of the parkphenomenal i mean at this point i’m just watching through like [ __ ] tears at that point in thisseries it’s just everything she’s like i can’t see you’re like oh [ __ ]oh my god and also max did a fantastic job as well as being the hard ass that like yeahhas that moment of like finding her way back to lucas oh god ah so good so[ __ ] good also like going back to like will for a second like the scene where he talks to jonathan like whenthey’re just like making the like salt bath like that is just such a powerful scene and at firsti was just like oh he’s gonna like but then it didn’t need to be no it didn’t need to be yeah and i’m so gladi was waiting for it and i was saying you know this scene just played out it just needs it is what it is and this isa beautiful moment between two brothers and it’s just like it’s great yep it was perfect so smart i have to go back uh tothe very first season in the sense that these guys are getting it right that they found the right kidsthat can do the job but they also are writing and directing for these kids that that are so like it works so wellthis is why spielberg movies works this is why if if they didn’t get that element rightif they hired a bunch of you know like you know and got george lucas to direct the goddamn kids for some [ __ ]like this would have never taken off no no and the fact that they are you knowfive years in six years now almost you know in to this to this sagaand they are getting better and better and better and they’re pulling out adult performances now that are blowing usaway yeah exactly like these kids are just so phenomenal and like everybody the wholecast just brings it so much like they really pull you in like i mean just youfeel so much for these characters you feel like they’re they’re people like that you know and it’s just like oh mygod they’re just so great at what they do like everybody is so charming so captivating and eventhe adult cast like winona ryder and david hopper like ohdavid harbor but yeah he should just change it yeah ishould just change it david hopper he’s just a hopper forever but yeah just and their performances like i’ve alwaysloved winona ryder she just brings oh yeah everything to that right you’re reminded why you had such a crush on herback in the 80s and 90s this isn’t the point i was gonna say but like wasn’t winona writer like this thebring to the show originally like wasn’t that the name where people were like oh because like no one knew who the kidswere and then like you had and modine i think as well she was matthew modine a littlebit but i mean like you know people were just like oh wow because you know she was so big and then all the stuff andyou know she was she wasn’t a rider renaissance yeah it was almost like her comeback now yeah ithe writer songs i’m impressed that they’ve gone four seasons and have kept herthey have not sexualized her yet no yep i respect that so hard because i knowhow hot when on a rider is everyone knows except for herself like but yeah but inthis show she is always dressed down she’s in baggy clothes she’s all like when they get their date at enzosshe’s gonna look so good and i’m gonna [ __ ] lose my mind i sawlike an interview and it was like her and david harbor and then they were talking and she was just saying like howin the 80s she’s like oh yeah casting agent said i wasn’t like pretty and i wasn’t good looking and then like you see david harper just give her like thisside eye i’ve seen that interview because it was like his first like crush in the 80s and she’s just like yeah iwasn’t pretty he’s like okay okay oh i definitely beat off toget that edgy that’s why it was called jews oh my god oh my god lydia wasn’t there report about that did it ohprobably oh yeah beetlejuism yeah oh my god oh no it’s out there wait but forreal that’s what it’s called yeah it’s called beetlejuice i feel like it could be more creative there’s also edward penis hands they went with beetlejuiceand stuff instead of brittle friends jizz like yeah just makes sounds way better than beetlejuice surei’ve got vhs rips somewhere on my day i mean how do you not be a tinder burtonfan yeah do that in an edward penis hands double feature there you go i think we want to talkabout like how great like the kids are like they’re acting we have to talk about like dear billyi mean oh yeah max in that is the i mean you know kate bush hey likeit like what a smart it just it’s so it’s such a perfect scene it’s just allthose classic 70s songs from the guardians the galaxy one soundtrack that blew up after what like 40 50 yearsright of being around and it was because of now there’s new context to put those songs into and that’s kate bush runningup that hill that’s a [ __ ] banger song in the first place but you put such an emotional momentconnected to that where she’s literally gonna die and talk about like [ __ ] you duffer brotherstalk about knowing how to like create a cultural moment i’ve already been like what’s your song what’s the song thatwould save you from vec now what’s that song what’s your what’s your voice in the song yeah and then it’s like running up that hill and her eyes turn [ __ ]white and she’s floating and the crescendo [ __ ] you duffer brothers you have me in your [ __ ] palmgod i just oh pin oh my god the whole sequence justamazing like one of the most stand out like things of the whole season likejust that episode was insane incredible it’s one of the best moments of television yeah it really isoh my god i will say that is probably the one of the most favorite moments in thewhole series ever now my absolute favorite was the should i starethe clash uh interrogation it’s nice oh yeah i’m like run my words together nowwe’re so excited no i i mean maxhow did they first of all they got a great young actor cast how did they getmore than half of that young actor cast to be able to bring adultresonance performance maxes what you just talked about with lucas um will formost of the entire like like series honestly like from the very get seasonone oh yeah will buyers holy [ __ ] and i mean to have that manysuper talented and get those performances like again it just is [ __ ] astonishingyeah and like my god i’m gonna cry thinking about it but just eddie’s final sceneand between him and dustin and even before that when they were you know getting the never change hendersonbefore they went into battle but god just yeah and dustin’s you know when hewas talking to um eddie’s uncle just the lip quiver thathe just oh that sent me over the edge i just that broke me i do love that thesentiment of eddie is definitely one being like is this the most mental moment thatcould ever exist then i that’s worth dying for and dustin me like yeah yeah uh like it’s it’s metal enough tolike i mean if we’re gonna go out that’s pretty good way to go out when they’re talking about doing it and when he gets off the roof and they get awaymomentarily from the demon bats and they’re like metal they’re like screaming there’s demonbats trying to get in like you’re in the upside down in like a hellscape and you’re just like that was so [ __ ] badall just screaming at each other so [ __ ] great i was cryingi was so glad to see those performances from dustin at the end because i’ve been like waiting for something like that because it’s like yeah he’s had likeserious moments but this was like such a like sort of like tour de force performance from him and you knowbecause he’s been kind of the comic relief like the whole time and it was just for him to have thatmoment i was so happy he got that moment and it was just so heartbreaking and sad i’m seriously about to start crying wellthat’s actually a good well we’re at the time as well take a break collect ourselvesuh and get into the second half here in just a moment take it listen to some of the other shows available on the network uhwhen we come back we’re gonna hit our sponsors uh do a drunken scene or two maybe some uh what we’re drinking hereand there so all right stick around we’ll be right back coming straight from the mounds of madness i’m lowdown i’m fu hunter do youlove heart we [ __ ] do so this is podcast dedicated to all things in cinematic horror we’re talking moviestelevision composers special effects artists we’re going to [ __ ] cover it so if you love more embrace the madnessmy name is amy bogard and i’m mike the hobbit and we are the host of deeply upsetting where we use our expertise toanswer your most upsetting hypothetical quandaries such as what non-wigan animal deserves wings and what body partdeserves a secret mouth which cryptid is the worst roommate these questions and more that plague you will be answered ondeeply upsetting available anywhere you get your podcasts and at guipodcast.com in a world of blockbuster movies there’sanother dimension the dimension of schlock cinema join us at beautiful disasters on ajourney into the fringe territory of b-movie abandon we review the flicksthat are forgotten or under-appreciated to give them a proper place in the annals of celluloid historyi’m the groots after you hunter your guide at beautiful disasters comealong with us for a fun ride be with youin a world with too many reboots and remakes two men will stop at nothing tomake it even worse join like the hobbit and tandy as they play by their removals while pitchingnew takes on some of your favorite enemies favorite films and tv shows what podcast you dare to bring this upon theworld this is smack my picturehey guys scotty p here with smash on your left and we are the geek fathers that’s rightbringing all the trials and tribulations of being a geeky parent so welcome to our world and as always join us or crywelcome back to geeks on the influence all things stranger things season four but before we continue with ourcavalcade of uh of well scream crying i think about thecertain aspects of the show we’re going to talk about our sponsors a little bit first off is amazon.com definitely partof the problem uh ruining our society in the world but if you’re still using amazon.com makesure to take a little bit of money away from them and give it to us instead by shopping through the link at guipodcast.comthat way you’re getting the same products that you begrudgingly are purchasing on amazon but you’re givingat least a few percentage uh points of that money to us instead of them so ifyou have to use the service at this point uh you might as well at least make sure that they’re getting at least alittle bit less and you’re giving it to struggling podcast independent podcasts like us instead so um all the strangerthings memorabilia and uh and stuff i’ve got plenty of stranger things toys on the shelf in here uh to choose from thatyou can probably find on amazon um if you wanna there’s even seasonsthat was i think the first time that netflix made seasons available on dvd and blu-rayum yeah and tori was nice enough to bring us the stranger things sour patchkids uh that are available through you got them through amazon right i sure did a whole box1449. if you want your stranger things branded stuff and you cannot find it in local stores and have to go begrudginglyto amazon just make sure you go to geoipodcast.com click on the amazon link and uh give usa little bit of credit for it now the way we really want you to supportgui for the most part is through t public to public we’ve got over 40 designsavailable for t-shirts for button stickers baby onesies laptop bags uh couch pillows allsorts of stuff uh we just released a design just to oh the jurassic worlddominion one where it’s a dinosaur trainer shirt where it’s got like the t-rex skeleton but there’s a hand umlike it’s stopping and it distracts as apparently that’s all you have to do is hold up your hand and dinosaur stop yeahthat’s that’s what i learned from those movies i’m definitely going to work on a stranger things designwe’re long overdue we have to do a gui stranger things design true i’m going to work on thatsee what we can do all those designs are available guipodcast.com store click on the linkit’ll send you to our t public store where there’s over 40 designs all the different shows on the network including groups you’ve got the coupledifferent disastrous designs yeah we have a few they’re lovely you’ve got um the newest one is the uh buckroom bonsai inspireddesigns that are on there yes by uh lorna bond lord of digital yeahgreat job great great designs and the the also the battle royale inspireddesign for the uh schlock abuse program yes you did that yeah i did that niceyeah that’s super awesome so check that out guipodcast.com for all the links to ourdesigns tell your friends buy really inappropriate baby onesies for your kids or your friends kids um there’s a livelaugh love human centipede design that’s perfect for a baby onesie so check that outand uh if it’s not on sale it will be in the next week or two probably so just keep checking back thank you and that’sour sponsors on to the stuff that really motivates this podcast really the the thing thatstarted this all was just friends sitting around drinking and uh talking about nerdy [ __ ] uh we’retalking about what we’re drinking hey we’re [ __ ] drinkingwe’re getting drunk you want to know well here you gohey we’re drinking we’re getting drunk yaywe’ve got ah definitely a mix of choices here uh for this so for i think uhaudrey and i both had the right idea of doing white claw it’s it’s hot out it’sit’s hot it’s uh an easy drink in white club but i i got the surf in honor of thecalifornia kids from stranger things season four um there’s surf surfer pizza surfer boy pizza surfer boy pizza so anice refreshing crisp tribe where you deny bruce shot showwhat’s funny about that company is that they employ volkswagen vanigans for their deliveryvehicles which is why you don’t see them anymore because there was a joke about themcoming for dominoes in the in the season like we’re coming for dominoes no if that’s whatthey’re spending their money on as a corporation that vehicles are vanigan’sno they they they lose they lose all their money it was a very fun littleaddition of this like stoner pizzas california pizza boy as like the new addition to the crew lovedit to death um like white claw uh surf i will say there’s a really fun mix offlavors that i definitely prefer to regular white claw so if you have a chance to try it out it’s definitelyworth it we got it on go puff so it’s it’s available out there butgroots you brought something a little bit more adult uh and reasonable i didas a human we should all right no we’ll just do it now it’s fine okay um so ibrought a a single mole whiskey a good oneit’s one of my favorite whiskies actually this is the glenlivet 12 year illicit still a limited releaseum our friend crump turned me on to it it’s it i hope it comes back it’s outstandingi wanted to bring a good whiskey in memory of eddie of eddie ohpour one out yeah yeah yeah let’s do a little little toast to eddie here close to eddie because goddamn if there hasn’t been a more epic and better you know [ __ ] death on screen oh mygod [ __ ] was awesome the when he’s like i didn’t run i didn’t run oh godi think it’s my year henderson every line every line [ __ ] a that[ __ ] was amazing if i can ruin my life why don’t you jesus god god damn it he i think everybodyuh of a certain age had a friend had a friend or has a friend similar to eddie i i wish there was an eddiebecause i would have just had so much sex with him in high school i was like ii’ve seen the actor and then i did i’ve seen the actor and i’ve told likemy husband i tell people this all the time i don’t like guys with long hair i can’t stand it i’ve never liked itthat freaking mullet man just like gets me he looks so much better with that thanlike his normal like short like yeah i don’t know it’s i don’t know man uh that actor did anabsolutely fantastic job i really am looking forward to seeing where this career trajectory takessure yeah um that’s a very nuanced character have somebody that’s so guardedum and so reactive and loud and brash but like smart um and and caring andkind like there’s so many different elements that character that he absolutely killed he was so good at itand his scene with chrissy yeah that scene with chrissy because then you see oh he’s not you’re not likei thought you were and having that moment of just being humans together that was one of myfavorite scenes like i love it it’s just like the head cheerleader and like the guy who’s been held back for like twoyears like plays d d and stuff and they just like have this moment together i love it i think we just could go onabout it yeah we can keep going on yeah but i will say uhoh man i lost my train of thought there’s more shares let’s finish the shares yeahso there’s the uh there’s the glen limit 12 which is clearly the best choice out of our shares uh there’s one that’sdefinitely not equal to uh called neon burst hard drinks punch blast whichwould be the uh drink of choice of the teen villains yeah the the frat brosthat are partying in the uh in the abandoned building um this is definitelynow what they did oh my god then he was like i i immediately attached myself to benny being like ihope that this is like a main character because i love him so much he’s so great he was the first tragic character he washe died like immediately made me so sad i just realized what benny’s was ididn’t even think about that because that was also toby on this is us which also descended and was one of myfavorite shows and then i was just like how is that [ __ ] those kids man [ __ ]those kids which speaking of benny and people who died like who were there for one season andi think that like how eddie became such the favorite is because like yeah you know theyintroduced like bob in season two and everybody loved him and i loved alexi inseason three so they bring these characters in that you love and then immediately kill them off i thinkbecause eddie was so you saw more of his characterin just one season whereas like bob was like yeah that was absolutely heartbreaking but he didn’t have as muchscreen time well you were never rooting for him and him to them to be togetheri just want joyce to be happy yeah you make a really good point actually i think eddie might be one of the all-timebest uh plot device characters ever yeah because he was there to be theguy that was going to be the opposite of the satanic panic like you know freak out with the townand all the [ __ ] jocks and he was good and he was everything oppositefrom what that rhetoric in the 80s was saying these are all devil worshipers everybodytold him who he was that he was this uh degenerate this piece of [ __ ] that he wasn’t worth anything andunfortunately at that time that dictated how the world saw him and it made him not able to reach the potential that hereally clearly was able to reach uh if he had the opportunity and it’s it’s [ __ ] sad started saving the tale thathated him yeah absolutely uh speaking of hating uh neon burst hard drinks punchblast is very drinkable unfortunately let’s try it tastes like fruit punch for the mostpart it does um it’s it’s very sweet and syrupybut that’s like hawaiian punch yeah i think if you this came in a 24 ouncecan eight percent uh abv uh this this would [ __ ] you up uh thisis also not uh like the white claw for uh skinny [ __ ] this is uhthis is full of [ __ ] sugar how much sugar uh well for the the perserving uh there’s two servings per container uh i don’t think you could put a sour 25 ounce can just make it worsei’ll put the sour powder in 360 calories um and is 12 uh 12of your daily intake of six grams of sugar of added sugars umand 12 grams of carbs um all right so a lot of sodium if youwant to talk math here that’s 25 ounces all right so that’s almost a bottle of wine cleanse the palate okay because abottle of wine is 750 milliliters which is you know you know three quarters of a literit’s about that’s about a bottle of wine and it’s eight percent that’s basically a bottleof wine basically it’s like someone like just took like 10pixie sticks and put it in like kool-aid and then just just like throw alcohol in it and it’s just like like thank you forbringing scotch because that is my palette cleanser because that is just well contribute to this wafflelike they’re going gonna have something that’s just sweet has no actual like taste or and just it’s sweet it’s gotit’s got a high alcohol percentage [ __ ] it that’s good enough but yeah talk about some good villainswho were not vecna which oh my god the best villains of the 80s were [ __ ] jocks and and preps and cheerleaders andfootball players absolutely oh yeah you want to have a story where theheroes are [ __ ] d players you better have a good jock charactera good cheerleader character literally my brother is a villain from the 80s movie so it’s just like and i’m not evenjoking like i i could not he’s bill paxton from weird science like right mymy brother it’s like my brother just saw like a jock in an 80s movie when he was when he was like seven and he was justlike that’s my personality for the rest of my life and that is still his personality andit’s like anytime i see like jocks like that and they get their just desserts it’s just so sweet to me for fourth of july uh wewe didn’t really do much but we watched a couple moves including like good morning vietnam we’re like patriotic movie good morning vietnam cool umbut also we did uh varsity blues in that same vein and man that movie does hold up that’s asolid movie yeah but what’s also interesting about that is that like 80sjock mentality you’re seeing like the kids that grew up with the midwestrural america parents so what i’m saying is varsity blues is a sequelto stranger things shut the [ __ ] up i’m gonna beat your ass [Laughter]i was trying to i was thinking you’re going to end that bit better no no nono dude there’s no there’s no redeeming that dumbass i’m barely flying this plan don’t expect me to land itso we’re talking about high school bully villains which obviously like thewhole jock crowd was throughout the this this season was [ __ ] amazing butlet’s talk about el 11’s nemesis in the in the first few episodeswho was just awful but that’s one of the greatest scenes of oh my like adolescent revenge which wasshocking holy [ __ ] wait which one the skate to the faceface that yes at least it was an ice skate manno they’re like rubber right they’re like yeah they’re hard rubber but then you know they’re rubber it didn’t matterby the way i’m drinking a watermelon ghosta from three notched thanks for askingbut anyway yeah um that was i because i was definitely like the kidthat was always bullied so like i would have loved and my bully was the superintendent’s daughter and i wouldhave loved to take a roller skate to her face like hardcore oh my god like i had anangela like in middle school and i’m just like god that was so satisfyingbecause it was like i would have loved to have just boom it’s always middle schoolmiddle school is the [ __ ] worst yeah like it’s worse than [ __ ] high school that’s where all the kids are starting to discover their bodies and they’re allpieces of [ __ ] and smell weird like it’s just not great and you just get if you’re yeah unpopular you get made funof for literally everything but then like lucas’s arc this seasonyou know in one of the first episodes he was just like oh you know i’m on the basketball teambecause i want to be cool and this is going to be our end to be the cool guyyou’re never going to be cool i know you are absolutely right that lucas had one of the best arcs in this entire seasonhowever i was deathly terrified that he was going to be killed oh god iwas so afraid and in that finale where he’s fighting against thedude i thought i was like are the duffer brothers gonna go there are they going to pull thattrigger in that moment i was so afraid like at my my terror and about maxbeing dying in this whole situation vanished for a few moments because i waslike oh my god they might actually kill the black character in the in the showand it’s going to be yeah so hardcore yeah oh and and not even killed bylike a evil like hell creature killed by well just a normal person like just likea [ __ ] normal person and he wouldn’t have gotten any type of likeyou know nothing would have happened nothing would have happened there was something so both like anticlimactic but also satisfying that when the uh the[ __ ] fischer formed and it just dissolved his body in half and there was just no doubt that that dude isdefinitely [ __ ] dead dead so [ __ ] dead he let out a little[ __ ] scream and i clapped so hard i was clapping i was like yeahand it’s just like and like yeah other people’s reactions some people like laughed like but i was just likeyou know what i was mad about about that though he never got to see any of the supernatural [ __ ] and have that oh [ __ ]moment that he was wrong because he because yeah because like lucas came back sure beat his ass some more andknocked his ass out and he just died and he did yeah well i never knew i think maybe at the very end he’s justlike oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] i’m melting through the middle the middle of my body is being likelike completely dissolved it’s pretty much an instant death sort of situation but see but yeah that’s a good pointbecause like he could in his back of his head you’re just like it was eddie or like it was the sataniclike that heightened moment when he’s choking lucas out yeahand she starts to raise up you know into the air and and behindthem where he’s focused on killing his basketball teammateand and he doesn’t like i thought for a second there was going to be a moment wherewhere he points or something and like he sees it and he gets distracted nolucas just breaks free and beats his ass and unconscious honestly he never understoodhe never had that like oh [ __ ] moment yeah this shit’s real didn’t they have that with the boat thoughwhen they were over the the hell mouth or whatever yeah oh no hehe immediately because remember they were at the town hall and he thought it was all eddie he thought it was all asatanic cult he saw it and he saw eddie scared and like run away or whatever buthe still blamed it on them because he just couldn’t understand that’s what i mean is that they already had that moment where he saw somethingsupernatural and he immediately already blamed exactly that moment had already happened where he was like nope it’s the[ __ ] kids i forgot about that that are doing [ __ ] wizard magic yeah well it’s the final thing when the uhbroadcaster is talking about you know the disaster at hawkins and they say and some people still believe you know it’sthis group called hellfire so some people are still probably going to believewell yep satanism satan d mmmthis just literally popped in my head but it’s like a pretty good reference it’s like thinking about in the moviegremlins when at the very end of it they have the newscast and it’s just like reports of little green men and likeonly like the people in the town know what happened and everyone was like okay whatever because there’s no proofbecause they’re all gone and just like there’s no cameras there’s no like cell phone so likeno one else was like okay like people just riot it or something like whateverlike but we haven’t even talked about the big bad big bad that’s so weird thatwe’ve gotten to like towards the end of the episode well we got to save the best for last yeah yeah well and part of it is becausethese kids are so [ __ ] good and the character development is so good there’s so much more to the show thanjust a good villain but still a very good villain well that’s what we’re talking about becauseuh if you’re gonna have a villain it better be good and this time it’s not you knowit’s not just a creature it’s not just a mind flare this is a articulatebeautifully written villain i was really thankful that we got a little bit more explanation about the upside down yeahas well on this season is that uh we don’t have the complete flesh out but itdoes seem like what they’re suggesting is this is an alternate dimension the the the umdemogorgons are naturalized to this dimension uh thatvechna or that you know that dude is theuh normal character that the mind flayer is vechna that there was like this energy fromthis dimension that he incorporated that was the mind flayer so he is the mindplayer and he in the mind players him yeah it’s like the holy spirit kind of thing there’s the demi demi dogs anddemi gorgons uh vecna and the mind flayer always one thatyeah like when billy was possessed it’s like you see like he’s holding his hands like in front of him like the orderlywas like what did we know like his name did he have a name like as an orderly yeah he didpeter it was something like that yeah but like he’s holding his hands and he’s like talking likelike one and everything i’m very interested in this like theory whichi’m gonna say i’m completely like don’t agree with but that people are saying that one is 11’s fatheryeah i’m like there it’s it’s all over and i’m like that’s just no i don’t think so it’s bs no but we’re gettinginto some of the little tidbits uh that theyused either they wrote in advance and waited and teased it all the way throughor they just beautifully used elements that they put into earlier seasons becausestuff like that like he’s holding his hands you know bill you know billy was holding his hands like like the way thatthey were going to do or like the grandfather clock which apparentlyepisode one in like the entire [ __ ] series episode onewhen will careens his bike off the road very faintly you hear the clock what holy[ __ ] that’s incredible i had to go back and re-watch and i’m like that’s the [ __ ] clock that [ __ ] it doesn’t soundbananas you don’t it isn’t like as apparent but it’s the sound and you whenyou’re first watching it it’s just ominous music yeah and then you go back and you’re like that’s the [ __ ] clockthat’s amazing it’s great i suggest everyone go back and watch that first scene when will sees the the demidog orwhatever people say it was vecna it could just be the demidog i don’t know but it was in the road and thenyeah just go back and watch that couple o’clock a couple other little um we’re right at the end so i want tothrow a couple little easter eggs for people to look out for is that uh one thing we talked about off mike is thatuh eddie’s dothose came from the estate they came from the [ __ ] estate that amazing widow actually sent those two strangerthings to use uh in the series so those are from the d.o estatewhich is the coolest [ __ ] ever and i think it was cool that they were able to use metallicasince they’re so weird they are weird about not letting people use their music but i think it just fit the narrative soyeah no that was the most awesome epic like metal sequence of all time possibly even even the characters werelike most metal mom would have but you know they paid for that [ __ ] oh yeah and it’s not the first time they usemetallica yeah just saying also just saw an interview with joseph quinn today and he said that that was him on the guitarexcept for the solo he said that was a black belt like guitarist like that did that but like he did actually play theguitar for that um i also had yes uh watching some stuff regarding regardingtheir sound design uh which is really something that is so important to the series not only just the synth work fromuh from their uh was it survivor i think is the man that they have um or no uh no it’s it’s it’sthese guys these brothers they did a great job that is great but also dance with the dead uh which is a like adark wave band or whatever that i’m a fan of they they have a track on there as well um but running up that hill issuper important iconic but also the way that they design the sound um it was described as like uh like the maximumsound design where um it’s there’s no minimalism in this at all um a hand movement you hear more of aswoosh than you would in most uh design hanging up a phone uh running and hearing the the plods of people runningon dirt is exaggerated everything is like maxed out at 100to create this like bigger than life stylization and i would suggest if i hadthis opportunity and it was honestly uh really important to understand how uhin in engrossing this series is is to go on youtube and watch those moments of therunning up that hill moment when the cemetery the uh the running up the hill remix which is[ __ ] fire where they incorporate the stranger things theme into it is so [ __ ] gooduh watch that moment it’s on youtube on its own separate from all the the other parts of that sequence and you realizethat on its own it’s slow motion and over the top and kind of cheesy but it transports you sowell that in the moment you are crying and screaming and on board and acceptingevery moment of this over the top it like in like insane bigversion of the world that you’ve been given because they’re that good at storytelling yeah well even the openingcredit music like that just i love it yeah it’s just it gets youthis spooky like ah creepy feel like god i just listened to that same thing on aloop that didn’t end oh yeah you know that’s one of the openings i don’t skip for yeah no i inever skip it now if there’s anything if there’s a huge cliffhanger and i’mi’m i’m in a roll i might skip it then because i’ve heard it a bunch of times but for the most part i will leave itgoing oh if you can’t wait the 14 seconds and you’re like no i need to know now no no no when some serious [ __ ]just happened and you’re you’re watching the next one all right so the uh the dudesuh that did the music are um kyle dixon and michael stein yeah incrediblegreat synth work and then there is a a youtube uh video of them talking about being uhadded to stranger things and and it has like it’s like a 40 minute video of them showing all the [ __ ] ancientlike synth uh technologies that they have that they work with and it’sthey’re legit they are legit they are not guys with a with pro tools and and like digital synthesis these are alllike analog ships they’re doing the real deal and then we gotta give cred credit wherecredit’s due is because kate bush has literally at this point in time has made about three million dollarsshe’s making like a million a week insane off of off of this so well deserved it’s her biggest hit ever andit was a hit when it came out the biggest but yeah but it was also like it’s number fouryeah i think it peaked again like really hot no it peaked at number one oh itwent to number one it’s her only number one she’s ever had in the 80s wasn’t it like only in the 30s or something yeahsomething like that yeah it it over shot it’s yeah in this original never did well it got up to number one in like theuk for a brief that’s right yeah that’s what it was back in the day but here never did now nostalgia is a strongwrong power well if you get a chance big boy from outcast there’s a video on youtube of him talking about thatkate bush was one of the artists that he grew up on that his mom was a big fan of kate bush so he waslike a huge fan of running up that hill so when it got popular again it’s like [ __ ] right it should be like he wason board like i love bush uh like super on it just [ __ ]great just big boy talking about how amazing kate bush is and how like incredible an artist she is is a reallyfun four or five minute little video to watch that song was originally titled uhdeal with god yes nice that’s true and if anyone wants to read it it was like she wrote likethis beautiful letter to the duffer brothers and you can like read like like either an excerpt from it or justlike this thing and she just like thanked them like so much and she said she had been a fan since the very beginning of stranger things and likeall this beautiful stuff and it was just like the sweetest thing and i’m just like this is [ __ ] amazing i love thisi posted after watching the the final episodes of the season um that my reviewwas just scream crying they’re all friends and they love each other because yeah as much as there’s adarkness to this series and it’s it’s dealing with a lot of horror elements at the end of the day the conversationthat’s being had is that like acceptance and and love and support iswhat gets you through the hardest times in your life and that’s what these kids are dealing with in the mostlike psychotic circumstances you can possibly imagine that it’s their support with one another even the ones thataren’t even that close like you got like eddie and steve harrington that they find that moment to be able to at thevery least respect that they’re they deserve to be there you know and that’s that’s what givesthis show power it the sound design the the acting is definitely and the and theand the writing is definitely part of the reason why it’s so good but it’s really that under arcing statement that it comes down tojust like supporting one another and being you know being there for one another that makes this showi just love how they all finally reunite in the end and then they’re just like i didn’t no i already know they’re likehow do you already know and for a second in my head i’m like what do you mean they’ve quit and i was like oh right no cell phones the 80s nocell phones for a second i was like taken out i was like wait nobody is texting this wholetime i was like oh yeah that’s right it wasn’t safe they have no idea oh yeah they they don’t know they don’t knowthey don’t know they don’t know [ __ ] they don’t know she was in a pizza freezer they don’t know that there was like ashootout in in the [ __ ] house they were like i tried to call you the phone was busy they don’t know surfer dudepizza exists like they don’t know that they don’t know all the high jinks that went down in [ __ ] russia they don’tknow the fact that they’re doing murray russia awesome in this they don’t know that they’re [ __ ] murray has a better understanding oflike what her what dustin’s friends are like murray was so awesome i thought murray was going to die yeahi thought that too i was like that’s going to be the throwaway because he’s like so badass and everybody loves him but it’s just like he’s gonna die fighton the [ __ ] flame i love that he was actually effective at karate like thatthat everybody when he said that i guarantee nobody expected him to actually be goodat karate and so when he actually like brought some [ __ ] everybody was like oh what are you talking about no he hasbeen competent in every [ __ ] thing he’s done so far how would you darebreak down then doubt murray love for brett gilman yeah i saw a video of him actually training likekarate like he [ __ ] learned that that’s [ __ ] amazing right [ __ ] going so funny which one of my favoritethings he ever did was in other guys when he’s just like i’ll know parma heard arnold palmer alertother guys no no i remember that right but i just know him from flea bag and heis he is such an abysmal piece of [ __ ] no yeah he is um and and in the best waylike he does such a good job so when he showed up in stranger things like oh this slimy piece of [ __ ] and hewas and to see him trying to transcend where he’s like a lovable slimy piece of [ __ ] is justjust [ __ ] you know he’s he’s fantastic and he’s he’s granted some weird-ass movies likelemon lemon yeah that’s lemon oh yeah lemons out there anytime anyone kills things with thethe fire flame thrower yeah he did a great job he reallyhe saved one to make sure that hopper had a chance to kill something with a conan sword yeah i’m cool with thatthat’s great to the the remix version of running up that hill so yep [ __ ] bravo on that idefinitely agree i thought he was gonna die and i’m glad he didn’t okay yeah yeah all right on that uh pull out yourphones we’ve got our two scenes uh for the final bit here uh we’d like tofinish out our episodes with a little why would you do that i’m ruining everyone’s everyone’s life with bothscenes oh [ __ ] oh my [ __ ] god we’re talking about ita little segment called uh don’t cry during making a drunken scene oh godoh no why would you do this with me making a drunken seed you’re not gonnabe able to finish this maybelike i might actually have absolutely ugly crying already yeah i might actually just add you be like why wouldyou do this to me as a tail end after making a drunken scene like why would you do this to me um i chose the theworst the worst choices this is this is terrible why would you do this this is torturous this is soyou know what i had a feeling you would do this no absolutely no i there’s not a scene with argyleinstead where he talks about no i’m sorry this is what we’re doing here okay we’ve got the uh the conversationbetween eddie and dustin after uh eddie was uh finished his attack seriouslycrying right uh and then we got this the conversation between max and lucas so umi’m making sure to okay and this out uh the right way here so all right well i’m i’m gonna call thisright now um you did this you chose these things yeahyou’re going to be lucas on the second one because because there you go giganticepic uh thing at the end oh god okay right now that’s that’s you know what i’m going to try to be sincere toobecause i don’t actually want to like make fun of his dialogue so um on thatbut like so it’s racist so wait okay so i feel like you like talked very muchabout eddie and dustin so do you feel you’d rather be max i don’t knowfair i’m i’m i’ll take the bullet and i’ll do eddie or dustin sothat’s fine um you should be eddie i know you want to be sure okay i will be dustin i’ll be eddiei guess i gotta be max okay max i can be max if you want to i don’t i don’t think it’s going to matter i don’t think itmatters okay i’ll i’ll be dustin i’ll be dustin all right so you can make you can do accents honestly this is so likeemotional that if you just want to read it through that’s also fine i don’t think okay let me let me just do thisno but you know what that’s that’s kind of we’ve done seven and a half years of this [ __ ] andthe fact that this show has that much of an emotional response just suggesting the drunken scene says a lot about howimportant the show is bro we have had a slumber partywatching a season of this correct correct yeah eating uh chicken and waffles and yeahmilkshakes that i definitely over boozed holy [ __ ] we we we all connect on thisshow yeah for sure all right so we’re gonna start with the eddie munson dustin hendersonconversation mike so you don’t okay all right all right okay here we goall right ready ready i didn’t run away this timeright no no no no no you didn’t runyou’re gonna have to look after those little sheep for me okay no you’re gonna do that yourselfno man say i’m gonna look after themi’m i’m gonna look after goodcause i’m actually gonna graduate i think it’s my yearhenderson i think it’s finally my year i hope you man i love you toooh well done well done [ __ ] oh my god yikes i think putting audrey on thesecond one was maybe the wrong decision consistently like crying before we even startthis is like that’s good that’s good for acting actually for max that might work because i mean max just got [ __ ] up yeahthat’s right that’s it’s good for the acting it’s fine okay so this is uh max and lucas so let’s just know your limbsare broken and you’re blind oh jesus christjust imagine you were helen keller in a demolition derby ohmy god god damn it [ __ ][Laughter] all right here we go that might be thename of the episode helen keller nobody will get it all rightmax whenever you are ready okay lucas yes yes i’m here i’m here i i can’t feelher say anything i know i know it’s okay we’re gonna get you hello okay just justhold on okay lucas i’m scared i’m so scared i’m so scared [ __ ] why would youdo that i know i know i know i don’t want to die i’m not readystay with me stay with me[Laughter] i’m tearing up it literally took me likewhat we talked about earlier like [ __ ] oh my gosh caleb was absolutely outstanding in thatscene yeah so good [ __ ] so [ __ ] good it’s so outstanding it it proved hehad so many cheesy lines in other seasons of the show for sure and didn’t get a chance to really belike a really a a story arc and he got that opportunity of the season i’m sohappy because he got to be able to show just how [ __ ] talented this kid is and as an actor he killed it well hisdamn did erica get help that was no the air could get help that that’swhat [ __ ] broke oh that was ad-libbed yeah it was ad-libbed i read it later that yeah there’s a couple scenes uhthat one was ad-libbed and i think that just goes to like my hands are shakingbut that just goes to show like how just beautifully they wrote those twoscenes because it’s like you get one right after the other and that’sabout the scene where when he said get help that was when i was yelled out like i’m like [ __ ]oh my god and it’s just so great that we got this emotional reaction across theworld i wonder how many people called the police thinking somebody died because somebody was reacting tostranger things like you know at least a couple a couple elements of like somebody in an apartment building thatwas like now now max now and somebody’s like i gotta callthe [ __ ] police somebody named max is dying so also like the shock at the end when like you know like elle’s still thereand she’s like dead and then she’s just like no and i’m like whatwhich what and then she’s like so i mean i i mean obviously like her legsis she gonna be blind like i there’s a lot of questions i mean i think she’s probably gonna be blind and also likedefinitely able to do the kermit like wiggle arm thing a little bit easier herbones aren’t quite the way they used to be well they’ll heal she’s cast so well thething that’s so interesting about that is hopefully we’ll see next season is just thatmax yeah she’s in the coma but they said like oh henry he consumes he consumespart of her mind like they were having that epic battle in her mind yeah andthen it’s just when she reached 11 tried to reach into her mind it was just blankand it was just gone because it’s just where is matt where is matt where is he[ __ ] wild it’s gonna be bananas if and when she wakes upshe’s gonna be traumatized on the level of like nog in deep space nine after he got hisleg blown off and like he’s seen the [ __ ] and like it it’sit’s gonna be hardcore it’s like no and you know what it’s gonna be like uh christian bale and emperor the sun justlike she’s a thousand yard stare forever i’m wondering if her and willwill get really close i mean we know will’s gay but like you know what i mean i think there’s definitely some closeness there for therefore if shewakes up oh they’re gonna bond on the [ __ ] yeah they’ve been announced a nod to that actress as well that playsmax because sadie sync uh sync because being able to play a character that isguarded but still emoting through that wall that’s being built up by the character is a very hard and nuanced uh directionand a lot of adult actors and actresses that have been around for decades can’tproperly do that yeah and you see the emotion that she’s guardingin every moment that her walls are up she does such a [ __ ] good job um i’mthe duffer brothers are clearly good at directing kids but if you don’t have kids with talent thenyou don’t have a lot to work with these kids yeah have the right direction and also have the proper talent to douh some of the most incredible like series work that i’ve seen in decades and the writing and the writing yeah thewriting all three things i mean um i’m over the moon i uh didn’t thinkthat season four could top the previous seasons because of how deeply affected i was by it but [ __ ]they ruined my life and i cannot wait to see the apocalypticlevels that they’re taking season five it’s gonna be incredible so i hope that you uh join us uh listeners on ourjourney uh when season five comes out uh thank you for joining us on this trip through the upside downon this episode um definitely rate review subscribe all the things you do for podcasts for this show uh thank youto all the panelists for this emotional roller coaster that we wenton um i think audrey’s gonna actually have to like get counseling after thisthis was a lot yeah it was a lot but it is actually cathartic to be able to talk about it with friends about likethis absolutely very emotionally heavy 80s genre showwith kids with kids um yeah but you knowit clearly the duffer brothers got bullied as kids because they knew how the buttons to push oh yeah to make usall feel things they’ll watch the right things ah [ __ ] all right thank you so much for listening i’ll find thenext time for another episode i’m mike hobbit join us or die shut the front door hobbit[Applause] [Music]guipodcast.com [Music]most metal moment everAllPodcastsListenableRelatedLiveRecently uploadedWatched