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Episode 247 – Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: Illuminaughty
The panel travels through the multiverse to find a dimension where we are successful and charming
Panel: Mike “Hobbit” Bickett (Smack My Pitch Up/Deeply Upsetting), Kyle Smash (Geekfathers), F.U. Hunter (From The Mouths Of Madness), and Tori Sipe (Let’s Talk Pop)
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● Track Info ●
Intro-Outro Music:
“Dead By Dawn” courtesy of the “Creep-A-Zoids
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Transcript (Auto-Generated):
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[Music] i find it kind of funny when some an actor that’s kind of fallen off the
wagon a little bit as far as like good roles has to come back because there’s a sequel to something that they were like really good in years before so all of a
sudden billy zane is apparently like you gotta back for something i think phantom two phantom two no um he
was good he was the bad guy in the magroover series oh that’s true yeah but the one that ended spoil ahead of
time spoilers for multiverse and madness because yeah for this whole thing spoiler spoilers good disclaimer read
the title the same dude that played uh black bolt in the
shitty show in human series that didn’t make a pilot i don’t think yeah because it was [ __ ] garbage it was it was
like it looked like a 1996 superhero show [Music]
it’s absolutely bad [ __ ] bad 90s cgi yes it was so [ __ ] bad the the plot was bad the
script was bad the acting was bad everything was [ __ ] so they could have used anybody but they’re like well i guess you’re kind of under contract
yeah under contract black bolts so they got the dude from the pilot series uh inhumans to play black bolt and i was
like is that the same actor i’d look it up because who [ __ ] knows yeah who cares he didn’t say [ __ ] and you can
imagine him getting the phone call from marvel and him being like really like
is this you is that you steve steve are you [ __ ] or maybe they’re hoping some people will go back to disney plus and
watch inhumans going i guess i want to figure out about this black bold character i mean they have the rights it’s it’s on
[ __ ] disneyland it on disney plus it is agents of shield is too and that is an underrated show that shows that that
is awesome that is but not that you’ve got the rights yeah no no that is overrated because
whatever the level of production yeah but you know who did know who he was was the bernie spears fans were like oh my
god it’s the guy from crossroads what’s that that’s right you said that he was in crossroads he was the love
interest in crossroads the wonderful 2002 uh holy
[ __ ] britney spears oh god that’s a connection i never thought about yep nope yeah but the britney spears dated
black bolt yeah yeah that’s uh not something i expected either she was dating justin timberlake then but he was
in the meeting with him too many he was drifters they were going on a
road trip and he was the bad boy and then they have sex and she’s not a girl spoilers come on
i haven’t seen it yet oh damn it’s good is her mom and oh well you know dana creates her dad
like porky’s i’m sorry dan i didn’t that’s news to me i had no idea dana was in a [ __ ] britney spear spears movie
until right now karen manning and so wait wait so the blues brothers 2000
which is dan aykroyd and john goodman yeah dan aykroyd was britney spears’s uh dad in crossroads and john goodman was
the chick’s dad in coyote ugly oh that’s right holy [ __ ] around the
same time yeah maybe britney spears should be in marvel because zoe saldana was also in crossroads she’s a gamora
it’s like what’s going on here you know what you know i’m here for it honestly if they decide to just give
britney spears a role that is up to her acting talents um
then why not you know it wouldn’t take that long to connect to kevin bacon yeah oh yeah that [ __ ] done in like five like
two minutes you can’t yeah you can connect that oh easily yeah there’s too many players what we are connecting to
on this episode of geeks on the influence is the multiverse of madness doctor strange two that just released in
the theaters uh we for once are actually gonna be able to uh talk about the property pretty close
to when it came out yeah so wow that’s always a nice little added bonus that’s progress
this movie of course was directed by sam raimi there was a previous director that was attached i can’t remember who was
the previous director we’ll look that up but uh samurai this thing is like covered oh
my goodness yes oh yeah it’s very reminiscent of spider-man 2 where there’s just that whole shot of
the surgery room with the camera review so much roominess in this movie so so
much and that’s what i want to get into on the first part of this episode is like how rainy’s stamp
works in a in a marvel cinematic universe property and if it was you know
too much not enough and how how that was affected but let’s get into the intro before anything else thank you so much for listening to this episode of geeks
on the influence all things dr strange and the multiverse of madness
or you will be dead
uh also doctor strange with a ponytail was a really i love that that’s his comment he’s seen his own dead self he’s
like oh ponytail yeah not that’s myself dead i’m a ponytail that was a that’s america’s ass sort of
play off of that’s what they were doing i think i’m glad it was just a ponytail because from the trailer i thought he
was wearing cornrows because he only saw him briefly like there’s like he just came back from the bahamas
there’s some reality where he does have the cornrows i mean no yeah we just didn’t get there yeah i mean they were strange they were all paint at one point
anything is possible no there’s an episode of parks and rec where ron swanson yes with tammy his
tammy two right and over one night he’s got corn rolls and his mustache you know friction i mean i don’t know uh bendy
cover match with dreads uh if you watch sarah live they literally there’s a skit and they do a flashback and he’s wearing
dreads and holding a bong i was like never thought i’d see that oh right yeah i remember that yeah
that was actually the past couple of snl’s have been surprisingly funny yeah yeah actually he held he held his own
really well on there i was speaking of holding their own we’ve got a pretty solid panel to talk
about i’m trying to find any center i’m like america chavez trying to find
the portal to the next [ __ ] dimension over here um a white drinking extraordinaire and uh
all things let’s talk pop we’ve got tori sipe here hello hello everyone thank you for joining us on this voyage through
the multiverse oh you’re welcome it’s my pleasure absolutely you just came back from uh to the states you were on a
vacation i was i was in london london england london town just london town it was it
was quite lovely you caught uh a musical while you’re out there once i did i saw
the back to the future music i was hoping it was the avengers from hawkeye no i saw the back to the
future musical and i cried at the end and it was amazing they don’t have it here no they do not my my mug broke
though and i was so sad about that so that was a bummer but i bought like over a hundred dollars worth of merch so you
kind of have to yeah you have to but the delorean like spoiler the delorean is on stage and
then at the end of the show it they’re in it like who plays doc and marty and then it comes out over and it was right
above my head and it was and it flips upside down and it sounds amazing it’s absolutely amazing
don’t so don’t do acid before you watch it because you might actually freak out no you probably should
i think you should do acid that sounds like a great experience like a dare yeah
and not like the one that they did in sixth grade where they told you not to do drugs right so you did it anyways yeah the one that didn’t listen to the
cop that came out in sixth grade to say don’t do drugs uh we’ve got [ __ ] you hunter here what’s up [ __ ] what’s up
you uh also got to see part of this movie before a lot of other people right yeah we got to see the exact first part
till the big reveal it literally cut off and title came up right before you find
out again we’ve already said the spoiler thing about scarlet witch being behind everything yeah so you see them talking and then a
title card so all of us left that theater having no clue even watching the first 10 minutes
scarlet witch was behind everything so i did appreciate this movie that yeah yeah whoa
um with this movie and it’s the same rainy thing is that he likes to hit the ground running with action in his movies yeah
if even if there’s uh switching around the timelines of when things happen he wants it to hit
with a punch right at the gate so like there’s something actually that happens and this movie is no it’s just that ten minutes there was that little bit of
rainy because you have where he stabs that uh creature in the eye and pulls the eye out yeah the other smart movies
you would have the stab in the eye and then cut but raymie’s like can i get away with the eyeball coming out i mean it’s you
know not a human so yep full eyeball that was awesome and also i think the eyeball made like a
noise which is definitely a rainy thing to have some like cartoonish level sound
effects involved with some of this [ __ ] mm-hmm and what it is juicy as it could be yep juicy eyeballs that’s what he
loves speaking of juicy oh man oh yeah you are next to him so he’s a
lot of people that’s cool i guess i get the dry rub today yeah the uh yeah the dry hand jobs are from a
different hand uh this time around less juicy a little less less juicy uh we’ve got the the sexual macadamia
nut next to me um well that just happened to everyone’s ear holes but hi
uh kyle smash is here what’s up man uh taking in a co-host role this evening i know it’s been a little bit since you’ve
co-hosted been a long time yeah yeah yeah yeah low down slow downs usually he’s pretty pretty on it but uh
today i guess he couldn’t be here with us it just happens yep absolutely especially if you get older and i’m thankful for it
move now that’s right yeah i will be receiving the driver you want your seat back [ __ ] take it from me
kyle’s gonna spray paint on the chair after he leaves kyle was here steven’s gonna be like yeah it dried
it’s not going to affect me and i’m like yeah that was my chair i’m actually pissed not mad at all
well to my left i have you yeah habitus maximus yes the the hobbit uh
mike hobbit here from geeks and the influence guypodcast.com for links to all the different shows in the network
including this one uh make sure to rate review subscribe all those cool things you do with podcasts let’s get into it
because there’s plenty to talk about holy [ __ ] man there was so much going on with this movie and both good and bad going on
with this movie i did in fact very much enjoy this movie i thought it was all right excellent
great yeah it was such a fun popcorn movie ride it you know it was pretty much non-stop it had a
little bit of it had a couple moments of just like build up uh but for the most part it was pretty
much full speed ahead and the parts that were built up was like in with the illuminati and stuff where really important [ __ ] was happening i will say
the best scene in the movie my downfall is is that if you haven’t watched one
division you might be a little bit lost i i i just mean that like why is she obsessed
with these kids that i don’t remember seeing it in the game like right so there’s a little bit of kind of required
watching and that’s the one thing i’ve kind of told people is like you have watch one division okay you’re good yeah
and there’s even a moment where they mention the small town yeah but it’s not even like a where they go over it again
for anybody that didn’t know what happened and it’s like i mean she took over a small town they’re like what and like yeah whatever yeah and then they
just don’t he’s like i’m not here for that yeah yeah that doesn’t just like the three sentences of filling in people
that hadn’t seen it and they’re just like nah now we’re not gonna well written script i thought uh the
scarlet witch’s uh character got up enough time to say
hey how powerful she is i mean she is so [ __ ] powerful that when i mean she
she’s basically i guess if she had had that power and end game endgame wouldn’t have had happened i would say the movie
definitely met my expectations because i’m a huge fan of horror right knowing raymie like oh [ __ ] he’s gonna be in
this and obviously i love marvel movies so it’s this perfect blend of having someone like raymie who does his stuff
has a little bit of horror elements without going too overwhelming that it’s still a marvel movie so yeah are we surprised
that it didn’t get a rated r i mean there were a couple of things in there that was like really that passed it was
pg-13 it’s pg-13 i think it’s it may seem like an r compared to marvel movies
but if you’re looking at other pg-13 movies it’s uh i will say i did notice like there was
like more blood like when uh captain carter gets uh you know
gutted with the shield the blood is dripping and it’s like you see blood and other marvel
things but the people are still alive yeah oh i i think there’s a director’s cut the the
rr where you see captain carter slide in half i mean oh yeah i mean
yeah go ship style yeah and then also where black bolt you see
the back of his head actually yeah that was that was shocking yeah talk about using the same tools
that they used in end game of having the highest highs of the movie and the lowest lows right next to one another so that you’re like holy [ __ ] that’s
amazing too oh no uh was happening with the reveal of the illuminati when you have all these
appearances that you’re like [ __ ] stoked to [ __ ] about and then they just all get [ __ ] burnt yeah because you’re sitting there going
all right well these are some powerful [ __ ] nothing’s gonna happen to them and then all of a sudden it’s just
like one wall goes down then the other then all these soldiers and then another and it’s just like all right let’s get her
and no one comes out on top even captain marvel which i was surprised because i would think if anyone really could
head to head would be her i did like how the guys like black bolt and
reed richards they died immediately and then it’s like captain carter and captain marvel giving each other a look like oh man
but i also love that it’s straight up like that what happened in the day after tomorrow and every movie where somebody like warns them of the oncoming badness
that’s about to happen and they’re just like oh you’re cute you’re really the problem yeah we’re gonna lock you up yeah big weirdo he’s
like [ __ ] scarlet witch is coming she’s gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] up and they’re like we’ve met exactly two doctor
stranges and both kind of sucked so all doctor strangers suck what about scarlet witch like you don’t
really know scarlet witch okay yeah worse i don’t know what to do and she’s [ __ ] me the soccer mom out in the
suburbs yeah we’re worried about her really our problem i think we’re gonna be just fine just really condescending
[ __ ] we have to talk about uh uh professor x what they did for him was the old
old-school [ __ ] cartoon which was great they gave them a little bit of music wheelchair hover wheelchair and you start feeling i’ve watched it
actually feeling like a kid i was like oh this is sweet and then all of a sudden and then all of a sudden it was not
sweet anymore it was a dead [ __ ] real quick and broke his neck in his own
mind oh the music cue by the way when he rolls up is literally from the 90s no it
is yeah it’s exactly and i lost my [ __ ] i gotta say like when he’s in the mind and it’s just like the quiet and the red
smoke it’s such a sam raimi like oh totally yeah and then just like her coming up like it felt very evil dead to
me and i just like and you’re just like oh like i love that moment so much it totally it was like a hybrid of that and
dragged me to hell like in the way that i was shot from behind versus yeah yeah you’re just like something oh when she
comes when she comes scarlett comes through that mirror and the way she did it that’s straight up rammy like
thousand yeah like yeah that’s driving me to hell with yeah that’s a 100 i mean he he put as much as
he could into this movie they gave him a lot of leeway and that’s a lot of the reviews that i’ve been seeing and people
have different opinions on whether it’s a good or a bad thing but this definitely is the most not feeling like
the other marvel movies marvel movies out of all of them that um you’ve got some connective tissue for sure but like
this feels way more of a sammy rainy movie than an mcu movie right yeah and that i consider that no that’s fine good
thing for the most part i feel like there is a little bit of a mixture of what they were trying to do thrown in
and i think that’s because of switching directors last minute and they also had i think had to switch an actor or two um
in in the movie so there was a challenge going into it rushing some stuff so it couldn’t be
fully his vision he was still working with producers that wanted specific things you had those moments that were very marvel
and then all of a sudden was like yeah kitty schmeck like [ __ ] bruce campbell punching
himself in the face over and over again three weeks yeah he can’t control his hand and he’s
getting punched in the face by it i wonder where we’ve seen that before yeah that was a great little like love letter
to especially to the fans who love the movie so much with his his his possessed hand i would i was hoping to see just
something a little more from like bruce campbell like he likes to put him in these roles that’s like a mate or d or you know just
a side like you know roach coach on the side but i wanted to i was hoping there was going to be a little bit bigger role
for him well usually his bruce campbell’s cameos are that somebody that’s annoying our main character no i
get it yeah well there you go they’re like a mini little antagonist i just hope it was ad-libbed because this
whole thing was like that’s a good-looking cloak man did you get that from the you stole that from the museum didn’t you you’re one of them takers you
just take take take you’re gonna take the takes and then you see the cloak in this universe and it’s blue and you’re
like bro yeah you literally own a pizza ball cart one
block from where they keep the doctor strange cloak you don’t know what color it is
probably there’s different edits and cuts of different things oh yeah i’m sure they threw out a bunch like we’ll go with that one well
that’s fine yeah oh yeah the visuals alone in this movie to to throw that together
either was fun or maddening like i can see probably more the latter i like when they went through like the 20 different
it’s like really hard to eat i like the built-in that uh that she’s just she’s always looking for food yeah
that’s her whole face see what this uh universe or that dimensions pizza is like you know like yep
well that’s kind of close to over me that would also be like what’s pizza like here pizza balls apparently we talk
about america chavez she did a good job for the i don’t think they gave her enough in my opinion like her role was
there yes and i get that it was like to go from one universe and that was kind of it and then she had a a victory
moment at the end but and that was it like so i’m i’m not totally uh
up on that specific character what is the future in terms of uh doctor strange
carmitage in terms of learning magic oh i mean i don’t know if that’s
something in the comics that she goes to is that something that came up with the movie kind of something new but
the character’s a little different too because i think this is the youngest iteration that we’ve seen over she’s like a teenager in this one and she’s like a young woman in the comics yeah
okay yeah they actually changed that because um she auditioned when she was like 13 and was like i don’t know i’m
i’m not gonna whatever and then they called her back and we’re like hey so uh you’re a american shabbos and she’s like
oh okay so [ __ ] her for that being the response yeah oh wow cool i mean she was so
shocked because she was like i’m not gonna get it i’m cool with her being american but [ __ ] her for like oh cool like all right zoomer [ __ ] she’s
probably gonna make room for my schedule i mean that’s true that’s totally cool like jenzy like whatever no she was just like so shocked
because it was written like it was written for like a older like i think her i think her age was 21 years old 19
20 and she was only 13 when she auditioned she was like i’m sorry you interrupted my tick tock yeah uh yeah
can you call back a little later i think her age works because it kind of makes strange take on a quicker responsibility
of a protector for her i mean like he’s like you’re trying to attack this girl because of her ability so i feel like it
works better with that well yeah and i get that in terms of his evolution and almost de-evolution in the movie
uh where he he he he becomes that arrogant [ __ ] again i mean he still does what he does
he protects but he’s he’s like almo like when he was a doctor he was super arrogant it’s like he came back to that
and only to get and like all right we got to re-teach you this lesson and then that’s what that’s her role
right there was like teach him you know love yeah it’s like in the beginning when he doesn’t like bow and he’s like you know
it’s customary to bow to the guy exactly and then at the very end he bows and he’s just like it’s not he’s like yeah
exactly yeah i guess i’ll do it because i have all right okay but i find that him protecting
america like and the whole goal is carl witch is like i need to kill this chick and this girl
in order to see my kid so you’re like so murder this one child so you can see
your other two kids all right that’s brought up like right away yeah like right at the very beginning they’re like hey scarlet witch so what you’re saying
is that like kill this kid because kids are precious and you need
to be nears but also like [ __ ] their mom too yeah like like [ __ ] that scarlet witch yeah
and that’s what’s gonna happen to the mom there and she’s like well i guess i [ __ ] murder her there’s no i i won’t know that squirrel
which had when she gets pulled out after attacking illuminati like you’re just waking up just covered in motor oil and
human blood like what kind of blackout did i just [ __ ] have
which believes the question because i got into the jaeger again yeah right goddamn tequila
now i it begs the question because they have different explanations for things in this whole it’s not just a multiverse
right there’s a multiple timeline and then there’s pocket dimensions and then there’s an alternate universe so
the alternate is like ours only slightly different depending on choices made so on and so forth timeline
is something similar but doesn’t affect the multiverse
or is the multiverse the multiverses incorporate into the the timeline as
well so the answer is rick and morty i mean come on oh [ __ ] like basically as and i’m not going to
that’s my science excuse me as time continues every choice that every human makes or species makes uh splinters
another timeline right so that timeline then creates another universe yes so the pocket dimension like where the
gods live is something completely different that’s in between the space so does that mean we’re gonna get a gym
mr fantastic yeah and that’s keeps with it or was this just a fun cameo uh
the thing is i think that was such a fan choice for so many years that there have been conversations that
john krasinski has met with marvel before that is a thing he actually went out for captain america yeah he’s a screen tester yeah screen tester for
captain america i think the new rumor is that he may direct and that is the new rumor maybe and act i’m not sure but uh
initially the director of the spider-man movies uh was gonna be doing the fantastic four movie but he dropped from
that project and krasinski has expressed recently that he would love to not only be in the marvel movies but direct one
as well because you you’ve got two different ways to look at it you’ve got where in the illuminati professor x is
the professor ex we’re used to apparently the black bolt that
is accurate that i didn’t know everybody was like marvel okay quite cool but he doesn’t have to you have
that you go okay so i guess that’s how it works but then you have that part in wand division where they gave you the
big middle finger where it’s like look it’s quicksilver you’re like holy [ __ ] that’s the quicksilver from the x-men
oh no no no [ __ ] you assad and so you don’t know you have no idea who you’re who’s going to be that
but they’re doing exactly what they did in the [ __ ] comic books is it like if it’s not battle world uh with secret wars or something there’s
gonna be some sort of they’ve already called it what’s the event where the different universes smashed together and
one survives or they meld together that’s i i’m thinking dc yeah that’s infinite crisis yeah yeah
they talked about in doctor strange that there was the the incursion oh yeah so two universes collapsing in
on each other they either merge together or one destroys the other right what they did with the ultimate and the regular marvel
universes so all they’re doing is they’re setting up that like the x-men and a fantastic four are in the same universe
uh that is what they’re suggesting or they’re the this version of that yeah and we’ve only seen
john krasinski and professor xavier yeah so it makes sense that there’s gonna be some version of that universe that ends
up incursioning into our 616 universe and then that’s how you get uh a
different captain america and a different iron man because like they melded and then one disappeared or replaced we still have eight one eight
x-men who are coming to revenge put some revenge on professor x yeah and then like the six one six it’s like you know
john krasinski could be in it like he could be he just isn’t maybe he isn’t reed richards yet like maybe he isn’t
there isn’t a fantastic four yet in that in our universe he’s still in college his
timeline could be different of when he gets the abilities yeah i mean that was like the biggest reaction in the entire
time when i was in the theater which it was very low energy but when he came on it was like oh i was like yeah i was
freaking out everyone was freaking out so it’s just like i mean i want again they can do whatever they want but i want that in like she-hulk or something
like one of the disney plush shows where they just run across john krasinski as like a client or something it’s like
i was a pleasure working with you bleed blitzards please
so i don’t know i think they might but it’s still too early i think they were able to throw that in there because they
still have negotiation power with john krasinski being like we can replace you like it is
the multiverse we still have plenty of options that’s the amazing thing about it because it’s multiverse is that everything is and is not all the same
time it’s like schrodinger’s cat like and you don’t know until you look until you can see it you guys walk on red like
right exactly so i mean that was some slider [ __ ] right there [Laughter]
i did not think we’d have a slider reference goddamn how did you not think i know a multiverse it’s a multiverse
show you did not think there would be some jerry o’connell reference knew it [ __ ] you hunter
john krazensi is just gonna go and be like i’m jim [ __ ] i was i made a quiet place give me the job
we just have uh what’s her name that plays pam on the office she can be sue or you just have john krazinski play
john krasinski in 616 and he’s married to like emily blunt yeah are themselves people want emily blunt to be oh i know
sue but that’s how you do it where she would do they’re just the actors john krasinski and and uh emily blunt and
then when the convergence happens there’s storm and reed richards and they just kind of annihilate john krasinski and uh and uh
emily emily blunt i think everyone was hoping for all kinds of crazy cameos everyone was like oh chris evans is
going to be human torch and like and i was like they’re not going to do that i don’t think he wants to do that like i
want to it’s true in one universe but we don’t have to show that that’s the shame
universe he doesn’t want to bring up the shame universe people were talking about with every bit of full chested
confidence that there was going to be this cameo or that cameo that everybody had it dialed in and figured out
everybody was like 100 zero doubt deadpool in this movie gonna happen well now you have after
spider-man now you’re kind of like what are we gonna see because they kind of set it up now i mean having
all the spider-man’s in that one movie so now you kind of are waiting like who are you gonna bring in and this movie kind of
helps encourage that with oh [ __ ] there’s [ __ ] professor x yep how many times did you see tom cruise is
tony stark oh god oh yeah i had a group on facebook somebody posted a trailer that somebody made that they
incorporated tom cruise of tom cruise as iron man and it was it was really well done he probably would
have done a good job uh i don’t think anybody would have fully i wouldn’t have fully accepted it
no i mean that iron man movie was supposed to come out in the 90s that’s the whole thing well yeah i know yeah
that was like at the height of like tom cruise where anything he was in was like a 100 million dollar movie so
and i don’t somehow didn’t just fall through hey i don’t think tom cruise would have like
signed up for that unless he had a chance to be iron man in one of the multiverses more than just the cameo yeah well that and you would have gotten
like the terrible [ __ ] stallone judge red movie where’s judge red who’s not
wearing the [ __ ] helmet most of the [ __ ] movie and i see a tom cruise iron man movie where literally he like
you get a couple shots of the mat the helmet on and then him not wearing well that’s how they that’s how they did it in the early 90s
they were like well how long have you dressed up as the superhero for like 10 minutes yeah david hasselhoff was uh nick nick
fury yeah yeah terrible i just like to bring that up just to be people i have the the last horror con we
went to i got i got a copy of that i did oh god it was like four dollars i got the fantastic four movie i was like i
gotta have it i think if you do a very light search on like some sort of tube site where you can
uh view different videos you might be able to find something regarding uh the you think so the uh hasselhoff yeah uh
i’m sure shield movie oh i’m sure it’s on youtube already i have no doubt dude i’m trying to be chill yeah
um that movie’s amazing now that would have been random i love it if they got any of the actors from the corpsmen
fantastic four to show up in this [ __ ] movie i i would have high-fived
everybody where’s the bar they were paint like yeah you you don’t have
a world where you can’t do that at this point what if it’s just like michael chiklis and everyone’s like oh it’s the
thing but he’s just the cop from the shield yes 100 well that’s where because there is going
to be a point where the where they’re on like phase eight or nine of the of the marvel universe and they’ve done the
[ __ ] every trick they can do to incorporate stuff and get as big as possible and they’re doing like the gods
that are above the uh the celestials they’re going like up to the top tier of the gods that they’re fighting and like that’s the
most impossible thing and then they beat that like what do we do now and that’s when star wars comes in and they just do
mega franchises coming on there’s like indiana jones star wars marvel mashup movie
you i mean you could have had fun with it though and had a dimension where literally you show you know michael b jordan as you know his fa was he johnny
storm or whatever he was yeah bad thing and had some of the characters chris evans and
had him in this weird universe where it’s the shame universe and then just just for like
15 seconds there’s like the x-men in the deadpool movie where they’re in just in that one scene yeah
that’s what i’m saying literally just a quick shot of all the shane yeah yeah the dolphin waves his punisher that kind
of [ __ ] right here’s how anything i was because there’s a cartoon dimension you know that was one of my favorite ones oh
my god cartoon dimension and now all i could think was x-men it was the first thing that came to my mind was x-men
because that was one of the biggest cartoons at the time it still is uh but i wondered what they did with
that maybe that’s the what if universe yeah oh man with multi-universes within it little pocket universities they do
the avengers assemble moment with the end of this series of phases and it just has like a [ __ ] orchestral version
like the x-men charging i’m just coming
everywhere you talk like mad max style like like with the big guitar like riding in
with the flames yeah they’re just like x-men it’s simple and it’s like and it’s like turned to animated
multiverse and they just start running so huge admin all of a sudden voice becomes ridiculous i’ll get you about
your cube what’s going on with my boys canada
i do i do find it interesting though that um you know in like spider-man they had you know all the three spider-man
they’re all different they’re all they’re all peter parker but they’re all different people and then in this like thing it’s like oh no all the doctor
strangers look the same all the like like captain marvel’s the same and all the doctor strangers sucked yeah i was
like how bad is that to be an [ __ ] on multiple verses like you’re an [ __ ] in every one of these and then also
american shabbos is like what’s the spider-man does he come does he she webs out his butt like she has no idea what a
spider-man i like his responsibilities like no no he did yeah i don’t know is there only three peter parkers or those
the only three that’s the only three that bled through because you have miles i mean there’s probably other peter parker’s that didn’t get bitten by that
radioactive spider yeah oh you mean peter parker the guy that’s the annoying photographer sure and there’s other yeah
there’s other iterations of spider-man but she didn’t know what like any spider-man it’d be like a loki hybrid like what if like an alligator was bit
by this like well she hasn’t been she named it she was that went to like 70 something
um universes so she hasn’t been to all of them mm-hmm there’s like infinite numbers yeah yeah and she’s
been to like 70 something she’s definitely been into three more 43 so than anyone else she’s definitely the
authority on going to an alternate universe sure but where does like the loki thing play
like that thing because it’s like oh no this is the timeline these alternate versions these very so it’s like wait
aren’t they from other universes then why are they getting yeah that brings like i get that they were
trying to with the show loki they were trying to do kang right obviously kang’s gonna be the uh is he gonna be the big
bad i don’t know it’s either him or galactus it’s one of the other king’s supposed to be in the next uh ant-man
movie spontaneous right which is where apparently and i have watched it again i
saw it i saw somebody pause on it i don’t know i don’t know what it was but essentially in the quantum realm is
where the uh the tva is uh and that’s where they exist outside
of time right in there and if you watch ant-man and the wasp if you go real slow to when he rescues his wife and they’re
escaping it’s starting to shrink down there’s a little city there’s a city under a dome inside this little pocket
and you you literally pause on it you can see it clear as [ __ ] day i’m not on the tva that’s actually uh
uh that’s where kang lived i think yeah i think that’s his that’s his so is that is that where he was seeing the timeline
from three hides pretty much is that what he had okay i did notice when they were going through all the multiverses
uh doctor strange in america you do see the quantum realm for like two seconds yep yeah yeah you do
so i think that’s a good point for us to take the break oh yeah this half we got to do that whole thing um so you can
hear about some of the other shows on the network and when we come back well we’re going to talk a little bit more about the multiverse of madness uh i try
to think up some dumb thing where we came back with like different names or accents or something
yes i have a pretty good british accent i think i don’t know can you say hi we’re supposed to do good accent oh [ __ ] can
you say harry potter harry potter yeah that’s that’s the multiverse where it’s a guy where we do
good action yeah yeah yes everything i end up doing ends up sounding like australian and bad like just bad
australia it’s just bad for me i don’t think so wolverine from animated series is what you’re saying yes okay yeah i
try to i try to do russian and it comes out jamaican i don’t know
i don’t know how you go from one to the other but that’s pretty amazing i don’t know but we’ll try to figure that out on the
second half so stick around and we’ll be right back coming straight from the mouths of madness i’m lowdown i’m fu hunter do you
love heart we [ __ ] do so this is podcast dedicated to all things in cinematic horror we’re talking movies
television composers special effects artists we’re going to [ __ ] cover it so if you love more embrace the madness
name is amy bogard and i’m mike the hobbit and we are the host of deeply upsetting where we use our expertise to
answer your most upsetting hypothetical quandaries such as what non-wigan animal deserves wings and what body part
deserves a secret mouth which cryptid is the worst roommate these questions and more that plague you will be answered on
deeply upsetting available anywhere you get your podcasts and at guipodcast.com in a world of blockbuster movies there’s
another dimension the dimension of schlock cinema join us at beautiful disasters on a
journey into the fringe territory of b-movie abandon
we review the flicks that are forgotten or under-appreciated to give them a proper place in the annals of celluloid
history i’m the groots after you hunter your guides at beautiful disasters come
along with us for a fun ride be with you
in a world with too many reboots and remakes two men will stop at nothing to
make it even worse join like the hobbit and tandy as they play by their removals while pitching
new takes on some of your favorite enemies favorite films and tv shows what podcast you dare to bring this upon the
world this is smack my pitch
hey guys scotty p here with smash on your left and we are the geek fathers that’s right
bringing all the trials and tribulations of being a geeky parent so welcome to our world and as always join us or cry
we’re back for the second half of geeks on the influence all things doctor strange in the multiverse of
madness that’s how i hear it when i read the title just like that yeah just like me
um speaking of madness we’re gonna talk about the madness that is having sponsors for your show it’s a necessary
evil but fortunately at least one of our sponsors we like uh the first though
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it’s captivism uh no i mean it is a is a necessary evil sometimes to uh to to use
the the amazons uh if you don’t that’s fine no problem we have another option for you and that is of course tea public
uh t public we have tons of designs and uh we got approval from the show runners
that we are going to be unveiling the listener illustration program on geeks
on their meaning that if you as a listener as a fan of the shows on the network if you have an inside joke that
you like from an episode if there’s a logo that you want to play with uh if you want to do anything with any of the
show’s stuff um as a design and want to submit it if we deem it to be worthy of
going on merchandise and it’s not a terribly high bar but
there is a bar because i know you you [ __ ] you’re as sarcastic and shitty as we are so you’re gonna put in stick
figure drawings dude so do you put it on a shirt and it’s just gonna be like me like humping stephen and stick figures
or something yeah things just got very strange so there is a line for sure but if it’s
a solid design we like it we’ll put it on a design and as a thank you for sending in the design uh we’ll send you
a shirt or a mug um you know your choice of of the design uh free of charge just
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if we like it we will use it as design the agreement is we get to use it for our stuff but you also get a free thing
yeah so that way you can get in on the fun uh send us some designs if you have a cool idea you want to make a shirt
that picks on me go for it there’s already the shots first please some listener would you like
suggestions [Laughter] so yeah if you if there’s a funny inside joke from an episode that’s a great
choice to make some cool stuff um just on deeply upsetting we talked about a haunted beach full of doll heads so um
there’s plenty of room to work with that there so uh yeah and if you don’t want to
design something for us just go to our store at gypodcast.com t public where there’s all sorts of
designs already on the site very cool stuff on there and there’s sales all the time so from instead of 20 bucks for
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and uh mugs stickers buttons uh laptop bags
pillows [ __ ] t-shirts whatever baby onesies lay on our face yes
sit our geeks on the influences sit on our face so that is that that’s our new bumper
sticker method for uh for supporting us is to check out t public there’s some that’s right stuff on there
and hopefully some of your designs to be popping on there in the very near future um and you can just send in your designs
that geeks under the influence gmail.com and link it to like a google drive picture or whatever and i’ll just make
sure it’s over three thousand by three thousand size so that it’ll it’s big enough that it’ll be high quality that
seems fair yeah okay so um yeah that is our sponsors and now into
what really drives the madness on this show we’re talking about what oh wait no we we’re going to do a
live version oh yeah yeah yes thank you kyle’s on the show
yeah we uh we do a live version of it so let me uh i’m gonna do one better
actually here i don’t know here we go
it’ll loop yeah though
hey what we’re drinking we’re getting drunk
you want to know we’re here you go hey
[ __ ] okay yeah the music has to be in the background
oh yeah it’s a lot easier a little head-bopping my mind’s like that’s right there was one moment you
were just like i think i’m going to sit no you started being like hey i was like really nice
too i was trying to count with like when do i come in so uh what we’re drinking tomorrow
you’ve got a little uh little themed drink that you’re drinking on there let’s take a look at that what are you
sipping on yeah so i’m having a uh syrah uh it’s called sixth sense it’s
a michael david wine and it has a really cool label it’s also a very good wine out of lodi california very good wine
maker um have lots of good wines but it has a little hand with a eye in the middle so very doctor strange cool if
you drink enough do you see dead people or is that a dad joke i think that depends on what kind of
like ptsd you’re suffering from yeah uh and how much it away the ghost of war
past um speaking of thematically on the label being very similar to the choice for the
share this evening is um i decided to share the pulp free mimosa inspired uh
beer from trapezium and on the label it’s an orange with a eye that looks very eerily similar to dr strange’s
third eye that opens up on his foreheads this took me by surprise this is a this is a summer drink it’s a citrus
treat it is a citrus treat yes this is a dangerous i mean it’s only five point
five percent but it’s still a dangerous session that’s pretty easy oh yes now if you’ve listened to me on this podcast
before you know that i notoriously do not like beer so i have waited to take a sip until this very moment
to see if i enjoy it here we go which i don’t know it smells good so i think i might you might this is pretty
approaching it’s citrusy it’s i give it like uh it’s very orangey
i’ll give it like a like a six out of ten okay there you go all right
yeah yeah that was a full like it says pulp free because you know what i don’t want to drink [ __ ] pulp in my beer
i do like how they had to like put that on the label so you’re just like and like you give people this beer and like
and they’re in pulp and then they’re back that’s what you just [ __ ] out yeah yeah i would say this is a
solid six out of ten i i enjoy this oh solid yeah no for this is i can definitely see the mimosa inspired
from this i’ve had moses before uh i think what they call it in the hood is the brass monkey
is uh you know what this is a vacation this is like a beach vacation beer like
you could you know get a case of this or more and take it out and just have let the kids play on the beach get [ __ ] faced in
the sun that’s awesome man good just to watch over the sharks make sure they’re they’re playing close to the shoreline
that’s good you should watch over the sharks up my rating to like a seven and a half because oh nice i think i might
try to buy this and drink this yeah awesome i’m pretty excited about this thank you that’s great and i got this
actually right down the street at union market they have this available so this is a summer drink definitely this
is a summer drink it is you know it’s gonna be a little more expensive it’s like that 10 11 range for a six-pack
sure that’s the quality and the pulp removal the pull the pull-ups that’s why it’s more expensive exactly it’s a very
expensive pulp removal process the mimosa inspired alone should that that marketing alone as long as they put that
big enough they need to put that they need to increase that it’s fun [ __ ] pulling them free they need to put mimosa inspired this [ __ ] would sell
like benedict in this [ __ ] my son especially in this brunch set about uh three blocks from here a trapezium will
be opening their church hill location by the end of the year hell yeah so there’s an old masonic temple that’s
about three blocks away that that’s massive with these huge pillars in front that they’re turning into the trapezium
churchill brewery so i also just want to say when they mean pulp free because there’s an orange with an eye uh on the
can that they actually like stab the eye and take the eye out of the world yes
and that’s what they mean by pulled free yeah uh no eye pulp in uh no no eyes
no eye pulp no eye pulp can taste that no eye that’s right it’s so good yeah this is really tasty and yeah definitely
a brunch beer beverage for [ __ ] days or like poolside or beach side this would be a [ __ ] fantastic this is
like hey get drunk but not realize it till it’s too late kind of drink oh this is standing up from laying on
your beach towel for too long and going oh no i had four of them and now i’m sunburned
i was sitting on i was laying on my back now i’m on my face i don’t know what happened your kid like full speed
sprints and jumps into the deep end you’re like no oh oh oh no
thank you yes the kid is your dad okay he’s like yeah that’s what he calls de-stressing yeah
actually he calls his marriage distressing i don’t know he just keeps saying but i just keep saying pulp free over and
over again so yeah i’d say that’s a
very well received uh share for this episode it’s been a while since i think really good everybody has oh it’s it’s
not been lately that we’ve had one that everybody agreed with was uh was tasty so yeah good on you trapezium pull free
fantastic choice and i’ll i’ll be taking a picture with that to put on our social media as well [ __ ] delicious yeah let’s get back
into the meat let’s talk about the thing that we’re here for which is dr strange and multiverse of madness now we talked a little bit about the uh the illuminati
uh on the first half but uh hunter you had something you wanted to start off with here well i mean you know i said
earlier that one division is kind of essential for this but there’s another marvel series and i think you should
also kind of essential is what if there’s a lot of what-if connections
what if what hunter shut the [ __ ] up [Laughter] even from the point of doctor strange
pulling people’s like powers out of them in order to become stronger yeah and uh
and like becoming sinister yeah there’s the sinister doctor strange in this yeah he’s pulling powers out of america
chavez like at the beginning of the [ __ ] movie captain carter like just there’s so many elements even like the
the drippy inky like separating stuff as the incursion is happening and i’ll tell
you i mean obviously within that particular series they’ve already wiped out some of those characters oh yeah in
that whatever they i don’t know how many captain carters there are like or you know
yeah there’s two down uh so that takes care of that which i
really like the look of the live action sharing carter it looks great uh agent carter uh they’re not a lot of speaking
lines they didn’t give her a whole lot to do with that role so i don’t know if they were her
presence was strong though yeah definitely i can do this all day yeah yeah okay they were gonna throw that yeah
is that like i groaned when they said that but it had to be said yeah i’m not mad at them for doing it it had to be
done it was like the tie-in with the k yeah i get it but it was also very groaning the only other thing you could
have had is captain marvel go like on your left like yeah that would have been like that’s britain’s ass
[Laughter] no it’s see no it’s different because uh it’s sharon carter and goddamn right it
is but like well she’s a yeah but there would be uh there would be too much uh social
media usage of that’s britain’s ass uh too many too many cartoons drawn of that
uh a lot of pictures of peaches with me yeah yeah yeah that would probably make it better yeah so but i mean you get to you
know him encountering the doc strange from what if that’s just gotten so [ __ ]
corrupted and again you were saying like ink the whole [ __ ] world is pretty much just kind of [ __ ] well that’s a
that’s a that’s a funny thing that they do in this movie and that’s a good point because they start off with him again
like i said earlier being arrogant and then he kind of goes to this transition and then you think that transition is
like complete i was like oh he he reached a new level he did reach a new level but it’s it’s going to go in
completely different direction than you think and that’s the third eye yeah uh which for my understanding is the eye of
aguimo agamotto essentially like in physical presence physical form
uh that was brought about from the dark hold but that doesn’t make any sense who else thought when that happened probably
now pat my third eye this tool immediately jumps in your head
i was just gonna say it’s classic raymie because just like drag me to hell where you’re like and
look they did it and then oh wait no she’s [ __ ] and you get to that last part and it’s that final reveal that was
so rainy of the [ __ ] third eye reveal and it’s like no wait shit’s [ __ ] good night so yeah that’s the the question
revolves around does that mean that everything was for naught and he’s eventually still gonna become the
uh dark strange no no more of just he’s gonna have to figure out ways to con contain it and you utilize it without it
turning him into that strange yeah and i think that like tied into the like mid-credits scene too but like i thought
it was kind of dumb how like the very end he’s like walking down the street and he has a third eye but then the mid credits scene this almost exact same
he’s walking down the street again and then i’m like could you put him in like a different place make this scene like slightly
different that wasn’t that was a little disappointing though is that clear shows up as a character yeah and in the comics
she has this ridiculous perm for a good amount of the time she’s in comics and i really want to see
charlotte’s throne with that stupid like pluto perm but they’re like no no no she wants a regular hair now uh correct me
if i’m wrong but in the comics she eventually becomes uh uh sorcerer supreme at one point and one and one is
the sorceress supreme of the of the different art dimension yeah right is what it is so does she eventually
take uh i mean are they trying to have maybe of her eventually take the place of doctor strange oh no they get an
elite in the comics oh they get married they get married he’s like the new love interest
yeah i mean they have kids and all that or does it go deep yeah uh there’s a whole
comic series called strange brood where they have that’s not strange strange seed yes
strange days strange strange spaces strange brew um
the one the thing that actually pissed me off more than anything else in this [ __ ] movie was the fact that this
cloak is his [ __ ] wing man through all of these movies is so [ __ ] badass
does all this [ __ ] when he’s unconscious is saving him from [ __ ] aliens and mystical wizard people and doing all the
hard [ __ ] heavy lifting all this [ __ ] even let him levitate over to get a latte cloak is [ __ ] there for him
cloaky is the [ __ ] key to all of his [ __ ] and what does he do when he’s walking down the street turn him into a
[ __ ] hipster scarf yep that’s what he does this is a douchey little red hipster hipster scarf it’s better than
an umbrella or underwear yeah true maybe cloaky [Laughter]
maybe cloaky was just healing because cloaky did get injured in the movies and you see that patch yeah do you see the
patch maybe he just he just needed time to heal he needed some chill time bro he needed some children it could have it
could have been a vest i mean you know things could have gotten worse yeah it looked cold out there a scarf
makes sense but it was a little scar it was a hipster’s car it wasn’t like but it
wasn’t like a doctor who’s going to if he had turned it into like a scarf and beanie i think
and matching beanies bad matching beanie no you want us to hate the character now
he turns it into like a [ __ ] pop collared shirt it’s really it’s really just like a rope bracelet too like a
rope bracelet it’s it’s the the what is it the crocodile is it izzod that does the crocodiles on the polo shirts it’s
the crocodile brain you just want me to hate this character by the end of the movie it’s essentially it’s like a slap
bracelet it would just right on now if a slap race would that be [ __ ] bad yeah better yeah
that actually would be pretty sweet if he like shrunk it up a little trick flip your arm in the air yeah yeah instead of
the watch he’s like [ __ ] yeah slap bracelet why wasn’t it a [ __ ] slap bracelet watch from the like 1990s
that he had it really that would have been amazing or a swatch watch now of course there’s been a calculator
watch the thing cassio yeah i i agree what if is definitely necessary to get a
understanding of kind of what they’re doing with this because they are expressing just how [ __ ] whack can do and
it makes me so excited because every time they went into another dimension i was like huh like what are we gonna see yeah what versions of things are we
gonna see and we saw just the littlest taste and even that was super exciting um but the the options are so [ __ ]
wide open and there’s decades of comics to do different iterations of these characters and uh
and it not matter that you can do one-off movies now in different universes and it’s okay you can uh have
somebody die and come back because it’s an alternate dimension it’s gonna they can do the beer fest thing where
landfill dies and then his brother from texas shows up with a [ __ ] cowboy hat he’s like no i’m his twin brother oh
exactly in the multiverse and it’s fine like no i’m captain rogers and they’re like
look you look different you kind of look like sean pan and he’s like he’s got like a blonde streak it’s starkiller
what a deep cut reference because most marvel fans have also seen beer fights
they know exactly yeah i mean it’s all gone to [ __ ] i mean it all it’s not going to make sense and
it’s going to make sense it just is what it is like more just opens the possibilities well from this point on
unless the movie is just genuinely good like we’re just going to anything that comes out like i’m going to watch it if it’s bad that’s one thing
but more often than not you’ll be like that’s okay but it connects to this that’s kind of the one thing that look i
don’t know what this did same thing is like uh specifically like moon night like i don’t know how this is going to
connect to everything else in terms of bringing kane just enjoy the ride just don’t don’t worry about it
just enjoy the ride listen i have peggy’s like look i got this i got you man i’m in the driver’s i’m driving
right now i love i was trusting i watched uh like a stream today getting ready for this of the red carpet event
for uh multiverse of madness and there’s a stream there’s some people that are dressing like kind of normal and stuff
but still like nice and there’s people in the full gowns and doing the whole thing kevin fei shows up and i swear it
was a [ __ ] members only jacket and a [ __ ] ball cap and blue jeans he gives you what the [ __ ] he wants and that’s the
thing nobody said a [ __ ] word to him because they’re like no you do you get to do whatever you want he’s the lex
luthor of that world he’s the mastermind but yeah there is a good point in that is just like like i haven’t seen hawkeye
and then i like read like oh like oh okay this person cameo like and i was
like okay we’ll now have to watch it because it’s gonna set up like all this stuff with like young avengers for sure
and that’s the issue is that we are now [ __ ] programmed to sit and wait for
some connective tissue to something else we’re waiting for even if we can make it in our mind like we want a goddamn see
that encrypted scene that connects it for us it opens it up in my opinion i like that i don’t think it’s a hindrance
i think that like that’s cool now that like i mean dude everybody freaked the [ __ ] out when
quicksilver showed up in one division yeah we literally have professor x in the goddamn marvel movie
like that’s an x-men in a [ __ ] marvel movie it’s happened all right it’s there so that’s fully [ __ ]
happening yeah yeah not in that like quicksilver uh wanda but they don’t mention they’re
they’re enhanced yeah mutants kind of [ __ ] no this is professor [ __ ] xavier in the floating yellow wheelchair
yeah like it happened and that opens up he even had his mind waves just like the cartoon
like they took they were like if we’re gonna do this we’re gonna give like every fan out there a little nut a
little little joygasm i mean i remember watching hawkeye and all of a sudden there’s [ __ ] wilson
fisk and i was like holy [ __ ] they’re doing it okay they’re doing a comic accurate shirt too yeah but i’m
just saying like literally you kind of felt like those netflix shows that marvel was like well you know
we’re going to have him on disney plus and that’s great but then wilson fist shows up at hawkeye right after that
[ __ ] matt murdock and spider-man so they’re going yeah we’re taking everybody close-up magic trick that [ __ ]
they’re like oh yeah look at this cool stuff this oh don’t worry about this hand over here yeah you got the netflix shows that are on hulu
no they’re not in hulu we’ll put on disney plus because you know they’re keep the comic book stuff together it’s whatever you know like bam yeah oh [ __ ]
you didn’t think about this that’s right [ __ ] daredevils in spiderman movie [ __ ] eat it eat it oh
they did that [ __ ] with agents of shield i love that show and then they were like it’s not cannon anymore for [ __ ] this
squawk rod with superheroes just shoved down our gullets it’s just like it’s like uh homer simpson with the donuts in
hell that’s right keep going i think we can all agree like no one needs to revisit iron fist like
we’re done with that we don’t need to tragically he didn’t survive well he did not survive
only like come on like you i want to see a scene of defenders and they’re all like going through some kind of gateway
and honor is like wait for me and then just closes and like i forgot about you it cuts them in half we’re all full up
on the successful wealthy white people that go to like a far away eastern land
to get powers oh no i’m sorry i’m sorry i’ll get there it’s weird
but yeah the doctor stranges of it all and uh and we actually have uh shangshi
who’s yeah you know from there so it’s more accurate
yeah you don’t really need it oh i’m sorry we already have karate yeah with shanxi being like the most powerful
martial arts master in the world and then there’s danny rand comes back being like yeah but i want my company and my family back
and i also don’t do i took a private plane here thank you very much patience now i’m a billionaire i bet it could
beat your butt cause the dragon said i could yeah i’ve got guns that shoot golden things
that’s what they did at the end of the second season and they were like i found some good guys and now i can you have to tell me because i never made it past the
first two episodes of the first season well the first season is absolute garbage the second season is kind of garbage but it’s not going to be hard
people do that though when people go i know the first season sucked but if you stay with the shitty season the
second season [ __ ] rock hate i can’t do that that means i have to sit through a shitty season and i’m not doing that i
actually watched i was on it my excuse was on a plane i would know it wasn’t that ho i was on an iron fist is a
dreamboat he did that 90210 hair well he had those
eyes no i was stuck on an island i really was i was on that island there you go if you’re stuck on ireland that’s
how you watch harvesting i’m not [ __ ] around i really was so if they were fulfilling the arrow
backstory from the series then uh you couldn’t watch it that’s right they did kind of [ __ ] with you because
they’re like you know the other characters you really like well he’s part of the defender so you might want
to watch that season so you know you didn’t have to though it was like they did not bring back iron
but disney did have the balls to be like do you remember that series we did where it was only the pilot because nobody gave a [ __ ] it looked terrible here’s
black bull one of their first serves all right look at everything at it i do think it actually had one season was it one full
season i think it was one yeah it premiered the first two episodes uh in imax and they’re and then i think
contractually obligated to play what it was they were obligated to play the rest of them that was part of the contract
but they cancelled it before the rest of the episode check it out on disney plus it’s awful
yeah they’re like uh there’s the premiere it’s been cancelled here’s the rest yeah
you think they would know it’s that bad a few episodes in into production like you would think that somebody’s watching
this going god damn this is around the era that the uh
[ __ ] nugget that was causing all sorts of issues with the marvel movies the division guy yeah
that he was the one that didn’t want any kind of diversity in the mcu said that if you did a black movie with black
panther i think that was literally what he called it um that it wouldn’t make any money a woman can’t carry a
superhero movie there’s this whole thing god damn massage in this playbook he and
um got into it super [ __ ] hard to the point where fiona was quit uh and then he got yeah he got the
disney execs to get him like basically where he uh he fight he didn’t have to answer to him and as well as so now i’ll
uh back to the future that dude watches foggy’s car right yeah right i got it i got a really clean for you sir yeah i think he’s no longer part of
the the marvel uh family he’s watching fight he’s garb yeah yeah yeah what he does is he makes like you know the
talking dog movies or whatever disney has a section for the pity the pity vision the straight to video talking dog
movies no you’ve got movies he’s in preach all the 1990s movie properties that are being turned into a series on
disney plus oh god yeah he’s like waxing the car he’s just like i’m putting the second coat on now he’s like
don’t call me he’s like i’m sorry mr fighting you’re just starting with the second show i was just kidding
i’m sorry we bought it from nickelodeon we’re rebooting doug how’s the actually i would be upset
with that i’d be really upset instead it’s um it’s fairfax not richmond
no thank you it’s virginia beach yeah part of it is that that was around the time that he
had free reign on the tv side of things if i was basically removed from doing anything with tv and that’s when shield
went really [ __ ] hard down yeah um which makes me angry because it shouldn’t i mean it’s yeah it was a
study show and that’s when it started dumping really hard i was around the same time when humans came out and humans was
garbage because it got a garbage script they just threw it the [ __ ] together he didn’t give two [ __ ] about it um is it
one of those you’re just like oh it’s marvel so people watch it yep that was people were stupid it says you didn’t give a [ __ ] about comic books
like yeah threw it together so um it was after he got basically kicked out of
that too that shield got a little bit better uh but yeah and humans never had it the last two seasons of shield um are
absolutely amazing you need to check them out and they deal with multi-verses and different dimensions as well they
were one of the first ones to do it in the whole marvel thing and i was like or whatever yeah with hive uh and different
dimensions where people are made of pure like the beings are pure energy like they didn’t [ __ ] around so like they
went and they they were the first ones to step toe into that uh and i think they deserve the respect
100 percent yeah but yeah so a long time
yeah i remember we were talking about doctor strange i love you coulson the the one thing with it being a rainy
property and it’s true with most of the stuff that he does is that it does kind of because of the zaniness of it which i
do love i don’t want to like say that i’m not enjoying the fact that it’s a [ __ ] silly movie um
but it does remove a little bit of the like emotional connection i have with the characters a bit because of how
silly it is there’s a bit of that with thor ragnarok as well and i [ __ ] love that movie is that when odin dies i’m
like there’s no time to mourn it’s like no sister shows up yeah look
level like a hot goth queen and uh and there was like odin who uh
because [ __ ] um well they knew they were gonna blow their load with uh uh infinity war and end game no yeah that’s
where you’re really gonna feel all the fields first two thor movies there’s very very little humor so this
that was very yeah the appreciation yeah because again like if odin had died in um dark world
we probably had like a 12 minute scene sure yeah yeah slow motion warning and
this one they don’t need that [ __ ] it’s just him phoning in the [ __ ] role being like cool i get to be done with this [ __ ] now anthony hopkins just like
hopkins contract over [ __ ] you can tell when he cares about a role or not like he cared about westworld because he
[ __ ] knocked it out of the park with westworld with the thor movies he didn’t give a [ __ ] no but he still did a wonderful job because he’s him because
he’s a good actor but yeah um with raymie elizabeth olsen is bringing
[ __ ] everything to her role and it’s the best that she’s done in that in with
that character in all of the movies even with one division one division was [ __ ] great that’s when she really got a chance to fill out that character more
but man she’s bringing it and at the same time that’s her being like my [ __ ] sheldon my children zombie
doctor strange with a ghost cape and he’s just flying through pretty awesome
like rubber mask zombie i mean if you don’t have army darkness flashbacks when they’re he’s dealing with the demons oh
my god like even the portals they go through yeah olsen glassy-eyed like [ __ ] crying
and that’s that’s the thing that caught me off guard is that like she was you believed she’s that [ __ ]
hardcore she’s like i won’t let any [ __ ] shake the shampoo she’s like i’m either first oscar nominated
superhero uh for marvel yeah and then there’s just like [ __ ] rubber masked ben vander
snatch cummerbund just being like i’m a zombie where the ghost cape i still think that that scene is just
like you know when she she’s like in the thing and then the kids are like oh my god because america like puts her in
that scene and they see like the kids and like she’s and she’s playing like two
different people at the same time and it’s just so powerful so like i’m not really thinking about like the zombie
like okay yeah they let that scene breathe she touches her own face and she’s like
the emotion i’m like god elizabeth olsen nailing it well yeah she went through the the gamut of emotions in that and
that’s what it’s really hard i can only imagine it’s really hard to play the same character two different ways at the
same time while being just as emotional as the other and
when she when she decided to give up the fight it was like it was after all
of that like she had realized that not only did i just murder brutally [ __ ] murder brutally countless people
to get droids and and yeah don’t let’s not forget that well it was all the fuel yeah but she did all of that to get her
kids back that weren’t hers she just she knew there was a dimension but when she realized that
uh unlike it being where i could see it being very cheesy the way that they did it was like
i actually respected it when she pulls the pulls the entire thing down on herself but you don’t know if she’s dead
obviously nobody yeah no death probably but i still respected that with the characters it is funny the entire movie
is doctor strange coming up with spells and finding these books and ways to contain scholar witch and america is like just show her humanity just show
her face to face what she would actually be doing yeah that’s the answer dum-dum like like give her what she wants yeah
just stay here see what she’s going to destroy with what she’s and like she’s actually coming face to face with it
and it’s just kind of funny that this whole movie is doctor strange like i can find this book and [ __ ] with the spell because of her dreams and she’s
like here just look look this is what you would this is this is for kids yeah your kids don’t like you right well that’s like the oldest trope in like in
like horror movies where that’s like the monster realizes they’re a monster when the person they care about looks at them
as a monster yeah like oh don’t hurt me i would never oh no what have i become yeah that’s the [ __ ]
standard play thing and doctor strange is like i don’t what but you still have people going to this movie and if again they didn’t
watch one division even with one division they kind of you know she did some [ __ ] up [ __ ] but they kind of say okay but she learned
her lesson whatever so go into the singing division but there’s some citizens scared of her and she’s like oh
[ __ ] i’m a monster yeah well she did i’m just saying so you kind of set up you don’t expect her to go that route and
people are going in going oh obviously wanda is going to be the [ __ ] villain murderer
yeah well that’s the thing is the dark hole was everything and at the end of one division if you did watch it and you watched the you know that end credit
scene was her you know one portion of her sleeping or doing something else the other one
reading the darkhold i mean and when they destroyed and they said she destroyed that in every universe
which would be which is [ __ ] powerful that’s bad right um i that’s where i was confused on the
effect on doctor strange because that’s what the hole should have had the effect on him but if it’s gone it wouldn’t have
that same power i’m just wait i just hope that in one theater in one state or country in this in this
whole planet that at the moment where they’re like the dark cold has an effect
on her there’s a grandmother that turns to her grandson that’s watching this movie is like and that’s why i don’t want you listening to that heavy metal
music a little irish grandma yeah go eat your potatoes
[Laughter] i do appreciate that they did kind of
show the full extent of want of like scarlet witch’s power because in the in the mar in the mc in the marvel universe
like i mean there’s a whole event where she just says no more mutants and her powers are that strong that literally
she just eradicates most mutants in this that universe and most of the avengers movies she’s you
know red light red light controlled this this but you don’t have the full extent fireball right that’s it
yeah fireball it wasn’t until one division where you’re like no she’s got some power and this goes a step further
of like what her abilities are where she could take out a whole temple of [ __ ] throwing every [ __ ]
magic [ __ ] at her she’s like [ __ ] please yeah i do find it interesting too that like you know strange has that
power where it’s just like his physical body is like here and then his mind is like another place but when you do it to
other people their physical body is like well dead they’re asleep and the only like people who can do that where their
physical body is moving around and it was like her you know she was doing that she was like making a cup of tea but she
was actually like reading a thing but then spider-man kind of did that too and he’s like how are you doing that yeah
well his was special because the spider sense allowed his body to still protect itself yeah while its spiritual self was
like what the [ __ ] and that but then he was able to swim back into his body that’s interesting to me too
well that’s going to go into where they’re talking about like the multiverse and how it deals with the spider verse and the webs of the the
strands and madame webb and all that [ __ ] that comes start doing your drugs before the next one because as you go in
shit’s getting weirder it’s going to get so [ __ ] good or the god butcher honestly give props to before even we
get into what if or anything like that or even the spider-man movie the into the spider-verse which really was the
first kind of marvel property to touch on multiple verses and deal with those characters
i disagree but go ahead i’m just saying like that that’s kind of your first like kind of testing the waters yeah and i
mean everybody [ __ ] loved it nobody was like oh [ __ ] [ __ ] spider-ham like everybody’s like this is [ __ ]
this this movie rocks nicholas cage is noir spiderman [ __ ] you that movie is
incredible it was so cool i’m a spider here i’m spider-ham but it was so well done right
yeah it’s safe we can do this these complicated universes put them into this regular this one movie
and you’re not your head’s not gonna explode trying to figure out i love it that marvel was like the friend that wants to do the dangerous thing but
makes their smaller friend go first yeah you should try it out man like oh wort oh spider-verse no that’s a yeah no you
know what we were thinking of doing the same thing you should try it a quick question that’s like george r martin with season
eight of game of thrones where he’s just like uh yeah i was thinking this stuff just see how that works i think they did
it anyways and they told him afterwards i think i think he was like yeah this is how i was gonna do and they’re like cool
like this totally works like yeah no totally well you should try it first before i write my book i had my secret i’ve only got a couple pages in my
journal and afterwards like yeah they did it totally differently than i thought i was gonna do it like so weird how many of you guys sat and watched
that and saw spider-ham if you’ve seen it and immediately thought of uh homer symptoms
all i wanted to yeah i was hoping to be like in the theater like maybe one day we’ll watch at the place like the bird and everybody will start singing that
song as soon as it comes up does whatever
it’s opened up now with the three movie the three movies we really brought up that i
mean ant-man wasp is gonna have you know they’re gonna delve in with the kangaroos oh all the crazy things and at
this point a fourth movie is a safe place that they could bring in anybody and i mean you got fantastic
four in the best story lines from the fast fantastic four is when they’re in different dimensions different [ __ ] all
those super the zany super science [ __ ] i think i remember reading like some people were bummed that like loki didn’t
play into doctor strange but loki will be a big part of quantum mania yeah no doubt and he’s gonna be like hardcore i
i wanted to see them connect to what thor’s gonna be which is where good god the gore butcher excuse me god
gorgeous butcher yeah yeah say that i know right uh gore the god butcher’s gonna be because i would have thought
either this or moon knight one of them would have shown you a little bit of taste of that you got the necro sword
and or whatever that sword is in uh turtles but i was hoping you were gonna get some of that
the movie doesn’t exist anyhow no it destroys everything i was surprised that the way the timing worked with moon
knight’s finale intertwining with opening drains i was like yeah is there gonna be like a jump off point like you
know watch this then go see them yeah yeah but it would explain how you would have all these existence of these gods
even the eternals and all that stuff in the same universe because you have pocket dimensions where
they can hide yeah uh that’s where you can have them all existing at the same time uh which was which was smart of at
least moon knight set that up yeah pretty well yeah yeah so uh we are at the end
of the episode unfortunately i know we can talk so much more to talk about i’ve got more beer i know well that we’ve got
a night after this as well so yes so we’ve got some potential for other conversations so let’s let’s tie
this up all right it’s all about spider-man but we’re going to write the spider-hand like backstory and get it
all fully fleshed out we’re getting cravings last time craven’s last lunch version yes
can we please yes uh but before we do that we’re gonna finish off this episode with a strong with uh some people’s
favorite part of the show a lot of people’s least favorite part of the show we’re talking about what’s up
making a drunken scene [Music]
making a drunken scene
pretty much yeah um so i pulled a couple scenes from the first doctor strange there’s not enough of the new one out
quite yet uh to uh do it properly so i’ve got them on monitors here so
we’ve got uh two scenes one with doctor strange and christine palmer and one with doctor strange and the ancient one
so do we have any so it’s you and me on the first one so we’ve got o’neill and the irish
grandma that’s on the first one 1975 beautiful losers
i already regret this this is gonna be a [ __ ] to show all right so here we go so okay potato
starting with dr steven strange um and i’m christine palmer okay here we
go uh yeah what like the bob seeger song
1975 beautiful loser sorry day yeah yeah and i went to the place called
uh comitage and i talked to somebody called the ancient one and uh
so you joined a cult no i didn’t not not exactly no i mean
they did teach me uh to tap into powers that i never knew existed yeah that does sound like a cult it’s not a
cult [Laughter] well that’s just what a cultist would
say well done very cool like i gave up on accent yeah
you joined accents you did the first one and you did it way better than any of the irish accent that i did i know and then you were just like [ __ ] [ __ ]
[ __ ] it doesn’t fail i tapped into the o’neill blood and then i lost it thanks alcohol
uh so the next one is dr steven strange and the ancient one
what did what did you what did you just do to me all right i pushed your astral form out
of your physical form well what’s in that t uh forget about it
it’s just a with a little honey what just happened for a moment you entered the astral
dimension the white it’s a place where the soul exists apart from the body
why are you doing this to me just to show you just how much you don’t know
open your eye [Laughter] yes
strange and morty yes yes the new series coming to adult swim that’d be a good it’s a multi-part you won’t understand i
don’t understand i hope they do apparently oh summer they seriously i mean that would be full-time
it’s funny because i’ve seen two live-action movies that have hints of rick and morty and it being
dr strange and then the movie i saw before that everything everywhere oh my god is so rick and morty so rick and
morty god damn you know that the the david’s i think is what they’re called the directors of everything everywhere
all at once yeah uh have smoked a giant bag of weed and watched rick and morty
and went you know i’m pretty sure they’re on shrooms during the entire filming of that movie yes yeah i still have not
seen that but i i’m
the last thing i’d want is to spoil that movie for anybody you got to go in fresh but it is maybe one of my favorite movies of all
time yeah it’s absolutely [ __ ] incredible and it’s a perfect companion piece to dr strange yep
it’s uh some of the most innovative filmmaking that i’ve ever seen in my entire life uh it has a 30 million dollar budget and it looks like every
bit of 150 million it’s got [ __ ] data in it damn yeah it’s got data from goonies
and talk about talking about coming in strong he did goonies and [ __ ] uh temple of doom to the most iconic movies
of all time said peace give me the roles that i want and just stay behind the scenes and then when he
comes back it’s this movie that is like one of the most incredible movies i’ve ever made whoops i just stumbled into this i just stumbled into it he said
hold my beer um all right so that is it for this episode of geeks on the influence thank
you so much for sticking around for this silliness make sure to rate review subscribe all those things to the show
and the other ones on the gui network we do appreciate it and uh spread the word tell your friends and remember draw us
some designs we want to see some cool [ __ ] that we can put on a t-shirt and uh proudly wear ourselves and we’ll send
you one as well and you’ll find it next time for another episode of geeks under the influence my name is mike the hobbit
join us or die [ __ ] you habit wow whoa got it a little personal that’s the
multiverse version we’re just like exactly go [ __ ] yourself it’s
[Applause] [Music]
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