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Silent Partner: Spring In My Step

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Intro/Outro Music:Jason Farnham: Payday

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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0:01the views and opinions expressed on deeply upsetting are those of the panelists and not those of the geeks0:06under the influence network associated brands properties or businesses listener0:11discretion is advised please keep your hands inside the ride at all times0:16[ __ ] marry kill david cronenberg lars von trier0:23rob zombie wow holy [ __ ] you’re bringing the0:29the gruesome on this uh [ __ ] married kill so we got cronenberg0:35body [ __ ] maestro lars von trier0:40different type of body horror body horror for sure [ __ ] and then rob zombie just0:46horror i just know you hate him and i thought it’d be a fun little addendum don’t hate rob zombie no he rob zombie0:52movie his films are not my favorite i am a fan of horror very much so0:59and i have been so let down for the most part by rob zombie films uh1:04yeah that it’s like rob and now he’s doing the monsters1:09i know i know i think that’s what i heard you ranting about the other day i mean you rant about rob zombie with some1:15frequency especially when there’s any alcohol involved um not wrong1:20you’re not wrong in that tone that you said rob is not your usual tone1:28that was much more like to a lovable scamp yeah i believe on one of one of the1:34episodes of something recently i was bitching about his halloween remakes and how disappointed i was in uh house of1:40thousand corpses and some of those other films but this is a crossover episode yeah this is crossover this is uh this1:46crossover with i think it was gui that we were talking about yeah so haven’t listened to that one yet apparently1:51because i brought it up anyway uh cronenberg’s got a new film coming out that looks incredible and it looks like a return back to his body horror uh1:59beginnings a little bit as much as i love history of violence and eastern promises they’re more of like thriller2:05dramas and very good but uh not not that body horror kind of thing so i’m just going to take2:11cronenberg as that body horror version of cronenberg that was what i had in mind yeah yeah yeah for sure and then lars von trier okay so the problem that2:18i’m running into is that if kill feels like appropriate for rob zombie yeah but2:24that means i would have to [ __ ] or marry lars von trier yeah and see even with the body horror stuff the [ __ ] or mary2:30for cronenberg is still just like okay it’s into some stuff that makes me feel like a little bit weird uh in bed2:36but yeah i can like appreciate where he’s coming from with it you know it’s like when you’re asked to do a thing that you’re really not into in bed2:43yeah you know your partner’s really into it can i please turn into like a multi-person2:49throbbing muscle of a creature and then you just [ __ ] the holes i’d be like all right2:55cronenberg because you said so nicely and i know it’s something you want you’re like i should do it once before i3:02die you know like i should [ __ ] the throbbing muscle green shirt i should i should put my dick in this veiny3:09throbbing like glistening mess of uh of a person your grandchildren3:15will be so impressed with you they’ll think you’re cool forever definitely like do you know that uh your3:22grandfather once put his dick in some cronenberg holes and they’re like really3:28yeah yay grandpa’s cool3:34that’s the that’s the line that makes me go grandpa’s [ __ ] cronenberg i think finally3:40so i i mean [ __ ] lars von trier that’s a different level of like not being okay with the thing that your3:45partner’s into like he’s into some stuff that’s like not okay not at all okay like he knows3:52like he can only come if he like picks up your dog and throws it against the wall as he climaxes like it’s something3:58truly upsetting on a different level like viscerally that’s too real yeah4:06he’s the guy that you like don’t realize what he’s like he just seems kind of like forlorn you know on your first date4:12and then you take him home and you’re having sex and he’s like cut off my pinky you’re like what4:18no do it he hands you like the cigar cutters he just hands you like a [ __ ] butter4:24knife or something to like saw through it you look over and there’s just a table4:31with just assorted pinkies you’re like okay well he has his so4:36what happens after i cut off his pinky then you realize that you’re at his house which is not where i had it going4:43so that’s so much worse you do not want to be a pinky guy’s house like you’re you’re4:50starting off really light for lars von trier where you’re just like slapping him in the ass with like a leather belt4:56yeah like welting him pretty good and you’re like okay this this is doable this isn’t too bad it’s not really my5:02thing maybe but then you just hear a baby crying oh and you’re like like a haunting like echoey baby cry from5:09somewhere in the house the dead baby for sure you know in your heart it’s a ghost baby that’s haunting the5:15halls that is such a boner killer let me tell you every time every every time every time5:22it never works not a good time casper get out of here i’m trying to come5:31and casper’s like okay okay okay make you guys a sandwich like thank5:37you casper trying to [ __ ] lars von trier here he’s like i don’t know the cronenberg5:44was into it when you’re [ __ ] the glistening halls this conversation5:49i don’t know what i expected it to be but it’s it’s that i think5:56lars von true screams shia labeouf when he comes 100 definitely does he’s6:01definitely picturing shia at all times he got really turned on by actual cannibal6:08shia labeouf absurdly he got into that and then realized that6:13that was just a joke and it was so sad but then he started getting weirdly obsessed with army hammer6:18he’s like that’s the real cannibal in the room but in between that time after he realized that the actual cannibal6:24thing was fake that’s when he wrote melancholia because he was like the world may as6:29well [ __ ] in yeah my dreams are dead so the world should be too6:35i feel like that’s definitely his vibe okay only because you pulled lars von trier into it i think that gave6:43rob zombie a pass i think so i don’t think now that i think about it yeah he’s not gonna die because you know what like even though i’m not a fan of his6:48films like that seems like it would be like ridden hard and put away wet [ __ ] situation for rob zombie like so6:55you’re gonna marry cronenberg i think i’m gonna marry cronenberg i respect his vision and i support him7:01and i would be his cheerleader through his life of filmmaking so i feel like that’s7:07something that’s important in a partnership and that’s a lot of time to peer into that mind hole i’m telling you that much7:14but the other option is to like quietly support rob zombie doing the monsters7:19movie and i can’t do that but what if you could influence it’s rob like i’m coming in late in this7:25game like it’s not like i it’s like the first album of uh white zombie is about to come out and we meet and then like a7:32meat cute out it’s like sex dungeon those are the cutest of those gifts7:37and he’s like i want to slam in the back of my dracula with you and i’m like oh honey7:45hey don’t sell yourself short i think that you could really still have an impact you’re a stand-up guy7:51you’re a swell fella he’s trying to like make his his ex now7:57uh in in the monsters movie oh really yeah or sherry moon like8:02they’re still together but they would have to be broken up if i was oh right right sure with mr uh robert zombie8:09you brought in his government name robert aloysius zombie is his uh is this8:16christian name baptismal name actually it’s zombae8:22like the cranberry yeah it’s an irish last name traditional irish last name i’m really8:28really really resisting the urge to go straight into it just go do the whole thing8:39which is actually how he promised oh no oh oh8:45la the last part goes on too long8:54robert and i would have a tryst i have regret yeah9:01uh rob phthalomu uh aloysius the last [ __ ] marry kill was the mug9:08and i really had no [ __ ] forethought going into this i was just like head empty just vibes with my [ __ ] mary9:16killed not realizing that it was gonna turn into like the most upsetting conversation on this stupid show you9:22chose body horror guy unapologetic sex pervert and the hot topic guy i sure did as the9:30uh as the choices here i’m not a smart person there’s somebody screaming at me right now for calling rob zombie the hot9:36topic guy well it’s called deeply upsetting [ __ ] check the title9:43so yeah i’m gonna [ __ ] rob zombie okay uh i’m gonna marry kronenberg i believe in his vision i would be a good support9:50system for him in the making of his future films and uh lars von trier’s gotta go i agree i9:57think no matter what large frontrier has to die i think i would probably swap my roles in the other two but no matter10:02what like i’m taking down large foreign i feel like there’s got to be some good that comes into the world from10:08that he’s not giving off good vibes that’s the thing is either he is even darker than people think he is10:15and he’s got some [ __ ] up at least 10 children locked up in his dungeon yep10:21something along those lines where people were like [ __ ] okay i thought six tops but ten wow um10:27or it’s the polar opposite where he’s so edgy with filmmaking that he’s the most boring [ __ ] person in the entire10:34world that’s very true it is one way of the other yeah ten i lost fifty dollars in my office betting pool10:41i don’t think he’s boring i think it’s probably the other way unfortunately yeah so his death is really10:48a treat for us all right so you would you would flip you’d uh you10:54we’re both killing von trier but you’re getting a merry rob zombie i think so10:59i think so i just don’t feel like my mind is up to the task of11:06like having an intimate view into cronenberg’s mind at all times i just don’t feel like i’m there11:12i don’t have the fortitude the problem is though that you legally have to change your middle name to moon if you11:17marry rob zombie so you’d be like amy moon zombie that’s11:23okay yeah that’s pretty good like i said that as a negative yeah11:28that is very cool the problem with this car is it goes to zero to 60 faster than any other car oh11:34okay i guess i’m gonna get it i don’t know why you said it like that i think the11:40problem is that with the name amy moon zombie people would really expect me to be not the person that i am you know if11:47it’s like amy moon zombie is coming and i show up wearing a [ __ ] tony collette t-shirt just be like hi11:54everybody and cuffed bisexual jeans people are going to be like who is this being like girl that whole outfit is a12:01mood and they’re like amy moon zombie yep speaking here hello12:07friends that is unfortunately what i’m like in real life i mean i forget sometimes that12:13the listeners don’t know what i’m like in real life and it’s overly earnest12:19i’m definitely not pulling off the moon zombie name my kids would be embarrassed of me that12:25would be honestly that’s something out of a movie or a sitcom where there’s like the brooding dark artist12:31unfortunately a white guy with dreadlocks and definitely just looks even if he’s very12:36clean and smells good looks dirty all the time yep and then there’s the his partner who you would think12:43is of the same lines and it’s just this bubbly like friendly happy just very warm12:49person that’s me amy moon zombie [Laughter]12:57i feel like every time i would enter a room people would be like well this is deeply upsetting13:18welcome back to deeply upsetting i’m amy bogart i’m mike the hobbit and we your hosts on this show will answer13:25the internet’s most upsetting hypothetical quandaries yes we’ve got no expertise but baby we’re13:31here the expertise is what we have in our hearts yep which is apparently very13:38discriminated and limited the way that this show works is that we13:44need your questions we will answer them on the show and you can give them to us in a bunch of different ways we’re on13:50social media ever heard of it um you’re getting like mean right off the13:55bat like social media um you may not know about it it’s kind of new it’s pretty cool14:01it’s time for my hipster era i think but it’s like so misguided hipster area where i’m like14:07have you guys heard about facebook it’s cool we need to be the hipster podcast where we just mention14:14uh social media pages that nobody uses like have you heard of friendster friendster’s coming back in a big way14:20you’re gonna only find us on friendster i wish we were only on friendster14:25and you can listen to the music from the show on napster14:30download it on limewire we’re doing a uh live streaming episode on myspace later14:36this month definitely tom’s going to be tom is actually going to be there so is justin timberlake didn’t he buy14:42myspace oh i think he did yeah why did he do that because he was in the social network and he’s like i can do this too14:48except he has no understanding of the environment of social media at all so he’s like my space is free right like14:55he’s like not free it’s dollars you can space for eighteen dollars like that15:00sounds like a deal to me it was like jesse eisenberg you wanna get in on this nine dollars and jesse was like no15:07no just like that walked away anywho15:14if you use these newfangled social medias we are on facebook and twitter at15:19deeply upsetting you can send us an electronic mail put deeply upsetting in the subject line if you don’t know how to do that call your mom and ask her i’m sure15:31she’ll know yeah cause that’s usually how it works that the parent tells the kid how to use electronic mail15:36electronic mail she watched you’ve got mail 15 times just put in your 500 hours of free aol15:43disk exactly and set up an email account but today actually you my friend are15:50posing the question yes i am this is uh relating to recent events where i was told i have a charming smile15:57on a social media app which one though uh will that will come into play as we16:02go through the rigmarole of this question excuse me so the question is is that there’s so many different ways to16:07get in touch with people nowadays different types of that’s social media as the kids say apparently16:14and if you’re gonna jump into someone’s dms16:19you’ve got to kind of frame it based on the social app that you’re using to uh message a stranger definitely and berate16:26them with uh with unwanted unwanted affection and attention yes uh so the question is is16:33that if you were to jump into them dms on on different social apps based on the16:39social app what would be your your pickup line jesus i have no experience jumping into16:46anyone’s dms for literally anything i am actually like an old lady when it comes16:52to social media i don’t use it properly and i’ve never jumped into anyone’s dms so this should16:58be pretty fun i don’t think i no i have jumped into well not a stranger i’ve not jumped in17:04any dms of anybody that i don’t hadn’t previously met um uh the jumping into dms of people that i hadn’t met before17:11it’s definitely that got that like middle school will you go out with me energy and not just like do you want to17:17see my dick energy that’s for the best it’s it’s mostly the um yeah no i like17:22that thing too and then talk for like 40 minutes very casually uh about just random stuff that we both like and then17:28being like so if you wanted to get a drink then maybe that would be cool if you wanted to not a big deal if you don’t17:35you’re writing five paragraph essays in the dm there’s a thesis statement and like17:41supporting paragraphs make sure sure to indent my paragraphs17:47there’s citations i got footnotes they’re like i didn’t even know you17:53could do footnotes and messengers like i looked it up i looked at nature mla didn’t feel right17:59apa felt cheap nobody uses chicago style how did you get this double spaced18:06hit alt return is this notarized18:11the dm is you them and a notary public when i send a message there’s a there’s18:18a message that comes back saying it has been received by the recipient yep is there some sort of like a legal18:24dating app because this is how that would go yeah totally some sort of like lawyers only so facebook that is18:31predominantly where a lot of people jump into dms and that’s the the classic uh18:36you’re hot you look boobs you have boobs look at the boobs that you have and18:42then i think i’ve gotten that exact message actually probably and then and and please tell me if i’m off base here18:48okay at any point uh then the woman says oh thank you that’s really sweet but i’m18:53not interested to which the response is uh you’re an ugly [ __ ] and i didn’t want to [ __ ] you anyway that’s a hundred18:59percent true okay cool cool making sure that that’s the normal uh very reasonable totally normal19:06totally normal not psychotic not maybe a little bit of like a god complex type of19:11situation i don’t know i don’t know i’m not a therapist or anything okay so so since that’s just so gauche at this19:18point i mean yeah i know it’s gonna work it’s so tired there’s no challenge to me if i know it’s gonna work right of just like let19:25me see them boobs no that’s gonna work so i would probably come in19:30uh with something along the lines of uh have you heard my podcast i think he’s the leading one19:37that’s hot nothing’s hotter than a podcaster that’s really true i mean clearly guitarists have been bitching19:43for the last like 10 years about how how all their thunder’s being stolen by by uh chubby bearded men that have a19:50take on the dark knight that’s really where they’re like where are the [ __ ]19:55it’s like oh no they’re at pod magic con or something they’re sitting in the car outside of the club20:02where we’re playing listening on spotify to a chubby bearded man being like you20:08know what like the new joker with joaquin phoenix was good but i just think don’t think that anything comes20:13close to the dark knight and his friend being like [ __ ] you no man joaquin did it man20:18joaquin changed my life that dude’s method the guitarist just like walks out and he does like an20:24in-person facebook uh dump where he just knocks on the window and pulls the stick out like yeah20:30no no shh podcast pointing at their ears like it’s not blasting from their speakers20:38nothing cooler actually i’m sure you’ve experienced this then when you pull up to somebody at a light and you realize20:45that you are fully blasting your podcast and it’s always something that’s the20:50most boring part of the thing that like there’s it sounds like a hot take and20:55it’s not a hot take you know what andrew garfield not the greatest peter parker but he was a21:01pretty good spider-man everybody other cars like yeah no everybody thinks that i don’t know why21:06they said it like that was a hot [ __ ] take oh my god i mean i listen to dorkier [ __ ] than21:12that though like i feel like i roll up to the light and it’s like but what was21:17sondheim’s greatest work we’ll never know there’s too many options and i’m just21:23sitting in my car like clearly the screaming me listening like invisibilia and it’s like the thing is21:29about a butterfly is that it turns into a mush when it’s in the cocoon and nobody knows how it reforms it’s a scientific marvel21:36where i’m living my white woman stereotype life when i pull up to the light and it’s like her teeth were21:43removed her skin was peeled back there fortunately has been a shift21:50in the world as far as like you know uh believing women and and making more room for women to have a voice in the21:56conversation of the of the zeitgeist and yeah and moving up in in business and that’s [ __ ] rad um especially because22:04the amount of true crime podcasts that women listen to suggest that if it wasn’t going a little bit better that22:11way things would take a very dark turn honestly intrigued by that timeline22:16though am i glad that women are starting to get things yes22:22is it happening quick enough that we shouldn’t maybe just like inch into the true crying timeline no22:29just a little murder just a smidge a smidge of murder i think okay i think22:35women deserve a little murder as a treat they’ve been through so much the glass22:41ceiling is still there there’s like you know rape kits sitting in the police22:47departments for the last 20 years and i mean we could have a little murder if you’re gonna smash the glass ceiling why22:52not take one of those shards and maybe murder a little oh imagine22:58murdering with the glass ceiling would just be so like chefs there’s such an art artistic and23:05like almost ironic uh murder situation there i love it we23:10deserve how did we get here uh i think from facebook dms23:16yep from facebook murder started well because clearly your pickup line was good enough that it started this23:22incredible conversation that started a love connection for the ages how are you love connecting on facebook on facebook23:30um i think okay i think a good facebook dm is kind of like a grandma posting a23:37status where they’re just like searching for stuff right and so i think that my23:44my best move is typing into a dm as if i’m searching for stuff so it says like23:50bra to fit my big honkin boobs don’t fit in any bras23:56um vagina too wet question mark24:04happy birthday susan that’s it tell me you wouldn’t respond24:10orgasm only from small penises i hate receiving oral24:16help love to give oral24:24you know as much as i was joking about mine that would so [ __ ] work i know24:30like the bar as you put it is in hell yeah that’s my catchphrase so you could just put like boobs question mark and24:37that would be another that would be yeah let me see yeah what and then you’d have six weeks24:42if you’d never responded against six weeks of just like yeah boo are boobs here yet what’s going on with the boobs24:47and then just a dancer then a dick and then no boobs uh you’re you’re a tease24:54uh and then just then another couple weeks of just hate the most hateful cool stuff and then after that please let me25:00see your boobs it’s begging and then five years later i’m about to get engaged25:07how are your boobs doing and that’s when i respond and then we25:12fall in love playing the long game i like it that’s what i’m here for i need to sew my oats25:18but i want to start like sewing them quietly first putting in my little seedlings you got25:24to do some gardening first to prepare for the seeds that you’re planting exactly in the meantime25:31that’s my strategy okay what about twitter twitter twitter i feel like even with the dms25:37don’t have the same uh limits to the amount of typing that you’re doing you don’t want to shift25:44gears too much you know you want people are used to on twitter it being short and sweet so the message should also be short and25:50sweet not quite as short and sweet as say boobs question mark right um i think25:56maybe you can like at things in the dm like like at ky like at the at the different26:02sex toy companies that you want to incorporate into the uh the sex yep that you’re you’re planning26:08with this uh stranger that has never heard of you before um maybe a couple hashtags oh yeah26:14hashtags are so sexy they’re like [ __ ] a turn on like don’t look at me when i come26:23hashtag cry after i’m just gonna put hashtag lovemaking that’s it26:31pull in some old hashtags like pumps and the bumps which is a under appreciation an26:37mc hammer jam well yeah that’s a good one for sure hashtag peaches and cream [Laughter]26:43get into that and then also just to get the algorithm working in your favor um26:49do you like the snickers hashtag or like you’re not you and you’re hungry oh i thought you were gonna say dick vayne26:55dick dick vayne for sure hashtag dick vayne really gets the party started27:00or you could go like classic pickup line style and be like my tweets have to be brief but nothing27:07else does my followers are going down and so do i27:17and then it’s like i got cancelled oh no how did that happen27:23i didn’t realize there was this whole thing called a screen shot oh i meant the reason for the followers27:29going down then you have to expose yourself for why you got cancelled because you realize27:34that that first message is going to lead into some questions but also not knowing how to dm and27:41actually just putting that on your own twitter page27:46that would be amazing i find it funny with twitter as i i know a couple people and one of which i know27:53in real life that doesn’t realize that the things that they comment on and like on twitter it tells their friends28:01what they like and comment on on twitter so i i do have a friend that like honestly if i brought up they’d be like28:06okay cool what’d you think of the porn that i was watching comments on porn star pages all the time28:12this is all the time likes and and like yeah that’s a great butthole wait do you remember the best day of all time on28:18twitter were you on twitter for this because it was the greatest day in the world and it was that time that ted cruz28:24liked to porn tweet on 9 11. oh no i forgot about that yeah and it28:30was like the lamest porn tweet of all time like it wasn’t even sexy28:37but it was so good it was so good i just want to make it clear that my friend i’m talking28:43about is not in fact ted cruz why are you such close friends with ted cruz it’s uh he gets beard advice from28:50me he never takes it but no he actually heard our last episode where we just roasted the ever living [ __ ] out28:56of ted cruz for 30 minutes and was like i want to change my ways will you guys adopt me into your friendship and now29:03we’re all friends speaking of uh starting next episode it’s going to be a three-person panel of uh answering29:09questions the two of us and ted cruz oh we’re fully lying i can’t even keep this up29:15this disgusts me i can’t deal with it i mean really living up to the name of deeply upsettingly upsetting the idea that29:22we’re friends with ted cruz your twitter you would uh29:27use the hashtags the sexy hashtags or no i’m doing the sexy pickup line about29:33twitter jokes twitter jokes yeah twitter joke pickup line or i’ve got there’s got to be like an elon musk joke in here29:39where it’s like elon musk just bought twitter so i guess it’s time for you and me to make our own29:46aex 1 through 12 whatever his stupid baby’s name is29:51let’s make a robot baby have they released the name of the second baby29:56you’ve said it like like a kanye record that’s about to drop have they released the name of the new30:01the new baby that’s about to drop i want to know what the next baby is called the first one30:06really [ __ ] up my world it’s called gina carano got railroaded i think it’s30:12yeah just elon going full in with this twitter kind of thing that’s too much30:17okay i know that it’s like kind of a defunct platform at this point because they took away the porn but what about30:23tumblr tumblr tumblr is just dicks i mean like not anymore30:29oh that’s right you can’t do dicks anymore that’s why nobody uses tumblr anymore that’s such a shame i really30:34never mind [ __ ] tumblr yeah we’re just ignoring it there’s sticks literally everywhere else on the internet30:39but tumblr’s like now we’re not gonna do dicks we are known for the people with dicks yep and we’re not gonna do dicks30:45anymore twitter really did go through some from something that you could scroll in public to something that you30:50cannot scroll through public anymore that’s the funny thing about clicking on a thing that a friend30:56liked or something like because they have an interesting handle like so-and-so’s31:01tweet you’re like oh what is this and it’s just like a woman squirting and you’re like at the dmv holding your31:06phone out so anybody behind you can watch you just looking at squirting videos like okay31:11also it’s become so prevalent that i feel like half the time that i see31:16something that’s like talking about a viral tweet it turns out that the viral tweet is some sort of incredibly31:22upsetting porn like the most recent one was like i saw a tweet that was like guys please stop posting the sand video31:29i don’t want to see it anymore and i was like oh no what’s the sand video i did31:34not seek it out i promise i didn’t seek it out but then i saw it like two tweets later and then i saw so much of the sand31:41video which is where a guy basically had i mean like a pound of sand in his butthole and it just poured out for like31:48three straight minutes of twitter of twitter time was there at least like where it was pouring out and then31:54stopped and then there was like a a dust fart and then it after a long time yeah okay but then it just kept on going the32:01dust fart the idea of a dust fart is very funny to me but it wasn’t like dust it was sand sand32:08not kind of we’ll watch it later okay cool looking forward to it sand is so scrapey32:14sand is scraping there was a metric [ __ ] ton of sand in that guy’s butt32:20we’re in a post-goatsy world like sand is not the worst thing that we’ve seen on the internet i’m not trying to32:26king shane but like if you happen to be the person that did that and you’re listening to this which honestly there’s32:31an opportunity for that that venn diagram does overlap it does yeah are you okay32:37is your butthole okay did you just like really high power douche it out after that because like what32:44happened in there i have so many questions and the saddest thing is i have had this conversation with someone32:51else in person before today where we were both just like deeply concerned about this person’s32:58colon health and etc see that is the kind of energy that we need on twitter more is that yeah okay it’s weird not33:05necessarily into it but the humanity of it all is more important than like demonizing a person it’s like sadie33:11butthole ah i don’t get it but like are you okay right instead of like oh so [ __ ] up a33:17[ __ ] what a bit is what you know whatever [ __ ] it’s just first off did you have to seek medical attention33:24exactly do you have enough gauze yes we’re never kink shaming we are just doing our due diligence as humans and33:31asking if you’re okay after doing that freak [ __ ] that you just did i i love that energy i feel like that energy33:38needs to be more prevalent it’s accepting mom energy and it’s really how i like to live my life33:44speaking of accepting mom energy one of the uh one of the social media applications33:49that moms definitely jump on a little bit is uh the instagrams oh yeah33:55um the the the insta influencers are there but also the like mom being like look at this cake i made look at my34:02garden energy is also there for an instagram drop in dms are we34:09doing a picture are we um i feel like okay in this instagram um34:15uh scenario i’m gonna flip the script and i’m gonna be um jumping into the dms of a a girl34:22instagram an instagram girl rather than a male instagrammer and i’m going to go34:28with like hey girl boss so then she’s immediately worried that it’s an mlm situation and then it’s like just34:34kidding those are so annoying you want to see my titties okay cool cool i like that it’s the you get the34:41groan so literally anything that’s not that is going to be more appreciated yup i like that it brings in the humanity34:48and then it’s like okay let’s get down to the business titties titties yeah i have them you do34:53too i think i’m gonna uh probably troll uh megan fox’s instagram and find a35:00picture of her and machine gun kelly just like licking each other’s faces or something drinking each other’s blood35:06drinking each other’s blood something you drink blood drinking good good that came out this week that they were like yeah we do that of course yeah obviously35:13so i’ll find a just a solid like really nice blood drinking picture of the two of them i don’t think there’s active35:19pictures of it i mean we haven’t checked instagram in about 28 minutes you’re also really good35:24at photoshop that’s true i can do that i can absolutely do that i’ll just photoshop uh35:30machine gun kelly’s face over uh uh what’s his face from cats that’s35:35lapping up the bowl of water uh god ian mckellen mckellen’s face but the bowl is gonna be blood and it’s gonna be megan35:42fox holding the ball and this is how you’re hitting on megan fox no no no i’m not gonna hit on megan fox35:48no she’s like she’s in a loving relationship i don’t want to get in the way of that very stable and stable relationship great relationship do not35:55want to detract from that clearly uh i want to i want to absolutely handle that with the most respect yeah36:01i’m going to take that photo as a couple goals oh nice and uh and at36:08somebody like send that message to somebody in their dms on instagram uh being like this could be us yep uh but36:16you’re worried about blood diseases [Laughter]36:22the world is burning blood diseases are like the least of your worries there’s so much worse to36:28worry come on drink this blood girl hashtag blood diseases36:34so you’re telling them not to worry about it but then reiterating the fear and not suggesting i don’t have them or36:40i do have it’s just just blood diseases like i don’t know how to take that hashtag36:46i think that we should workshop that one i think next time you jump into somebody’s dms36:53just like run it by me first so i can look it over and i don’t know i think the blood disease angle is a36:58pretty solid angle i mean you can let us know listeners please cool let us know if that would turn you37:04on we’re getting a whole new contingency of listeners after this one here we haven’t talked about the sexiest of uh37:10social media platforms though oh oh it’s linkedin linkedin37:16for the business [ __ ] yep that is in fact uh what inspired this37:23whole thing i i got a uh you have a charming smile message on37:28linkedin [ __ ] filthy it’s phil i mean no filthy right and raunchy the thing that was like37:36jarring about that it was very nice and yeah it wasn’t anything too gross or weird or anything yeah but it’s37:41also linked in i i don’t see linkedin as the place where you go to like37:46jump into someone’s dms and like and yet i have gotten a million horny linkedin dms i do not appreciate37:55not interested but also not interested because the dm that i got was kind of basic i mean it didn’t show that there38:02was a lot of interest in me yeah per se it was all about looks it was all about looks like it’s really surface all of my38:09stuff’s on front street what i do for a living what my interests are that’s all out there it tells me like i’m i’m a38:15motivated entrepreneur you know there’s all this stuff you can pull from and you just go by my smile wow you know38:22i like my smile too i do but you should i’m more than a smile yeah you’ve got depth i do you’ve got a38:28whole career and she was just like ignoring that like you’re what a piece of me yeah i’m just38:34this like a business profile here for your [ __ ] whimsy38:39okay all right i see you oh rude but yeah you throwing some some38:46business jargon in there you know hot yeah b2b is like butt to balls wow38:55do that that’s great i think i’m just gonna keep it really simple actually saas is sex as a service39:02wow nice yeah honestly though sex workers should really be taking39:07advantage of that they should totally like take over saas that would39:12be amazing39:18why is that not a porn that’s so good like a [ __ ] like the glenn gary glenn ross of pornography is just like s-a-a-s39:26because who wants to watch the glen gary glenn ross of pornography all the39:32[ __ ] marketing bros on linkedin that’s 100 true yeah you’re right 7039:37of linkedin are marketing bros that are like i have discovered the one thing that you have39:42to do to market your stuff better than anything else in the entire world there’s nothing else that works except this one thing yep me and my 16239:49followers know that this is the one way that you market stuff yep read my book39:55that’s available for free uh on on audible oh the worst part about40:01linkedin let me just go on a quick tangent the worst part about linkedin is people’s posts where it’s like40:06i was on my way to work got my dunkin donuts i was running late i saw someone40:12standing on the street he looked sad i pulled over my car even though i didn’t40:17have the time and i was like hey i’m going to work what’s wrong with you i’m working at my high profile job40:24and the person was like i’m sad and my dog died today and they were like i’m gonna take you to work and40:31have you interview at my company and that will really like make the difference and that man was40:36gandhi you could do it too if you just cared one little bit like i40:42do and it’s like one zillion likes and people being like inspirational incredible you deserve the world40:50it’s awful uh i found out recently there is a term for that yeah for those kind of posts uh it’s where it’s marketing40:56bros or business bros in general i don’t i don’t i don’t want to single out the marketing41:02side of these oh you don’t want to alienate i don’t want aliens41:08it is a tactic to try to like put a personal face on on a41:14pro marketing or pro business post or something um that has been nicknamed uh bro a tree yes41:21oh my god that’s amazing i just like sucked down a protein shake from my favorite smoothie shop41:27before i took my dog on a walk i have a purebred you know pomeranian and uh41:32dressed in you know my [ __ ] louis vuitton business gear41:39i loved louis vuitton’s spring summer 2021 business gear so good41:46really under-appreciated uh under-appreciated season yeah for sure41:51i think i’m just gonna cut to the chase and i’m just going to go into every single fortune 500 ceo41:57that i possibly can and just put sugar daddy question mark in their dms or like42:03honestly here’s my ultimate i’m going to put fin dom because that’s what i really want it’s42:09just to tell them to give me money all the time i mean and if the stereotypes hold true you might have some success uh42:16going that route and you can send a picture in in um your linkedin message42:23so i’m just saying yeah the opportunities are there everybody write that one down you just one picture42:30of you putting out a cigarette on the forehead of a of like just the top of the forehead of like a balding white-haired man42:36and you’re off to the races there’s just like a a sliver of side boob42:41you’re good to go i do wish that if you were gonna hit up somebody in dms on linkedin42:49you would submit like a sex resume yes just a resume of like where you’ve held42:54positions before um in which position and uh your your43:00your strengths and weaknesses um what you look to gain from uh your43:05your opportunity there and uh yeah and cover cover letter talking about like where where you43:11discovered this person that you’re jumping to the dms of but most importantly what you can do for them43:16yeah that really goes a long way it really is if anybody has any uh pickup lines not43:24that we haven’t talked about all of them um we if anybody has any really good pickup43:30lines not that we haven’t covered all of them i mean we really nailed it all the ones you want to use anyway you can use43:37your lame ones we haven’t talked about if you have some second tier ones you can put them on our social media and b43:43squad pickup lines yeah or honestly feel free to send us some [ __ ] dms we would43:48love to see it break up this relationship for fun for fun see what you can do43:55other things that you can do are listen to the other shows on the geeks under the influence network they’re better44:02than this one send them some [ __ ] gms because they won’t know why and that would be really44:08really fun oh my god can you please like not to us send it to beautiful disasters from the mass of44:13madness and i want those to be themed too though like i want a horror themed from them as a madness [ __ ] dm a44:19b-movie themed a geek father’s themed one i’m sure they would love to be called44:25daddies just go for it use your creativity and your creepy little hearts but also review subscribe44:32do the whole nine yards you know buy the merch there’s lots of good merch there’s tons of weird [ __ ] on the um on the store yep but uh yeah next week we’ll be back with another minor upset um if you44:47have any suggestions for that because are actually some not great things going on in the world as it turns out44:53we don’t want to cover like the ukraine no if you’ve heard this show that’s not44:59really our bag not the vibe we’re going forward it’s more the the stuff we can laugh about yeah the snickers dick vane of it all45:05yeah that does that kind of [ __ ] that kind of [ __ ] and we’ll see you next week so for another episode of deeply upsetting i’m45:11amy bogart i’m like okay bye [Music]45:30guipodcast.com45:37casper get out of here i’m trying to come like the hobbit here low down brown45:44inviting you to check out geek some of the influence of podcast that pairs booze with conversation with good friends and a little nerd culture we get45:51a lot of colorful conversation out of our episodes but it is here for everyone no gatekeeping you always level up45:58everything we do we’ll punch up never punch down exactly so check out geeks under the influence everywhere you get46:04your podcast and join us or die shut the [ __ ] up hobbit46:10welcome to gui nights gui nights yeah i am lowdown brown with me is always mike46:17the hobbit this is the tangential side of gui this is like so many of those other shows that has the after the show46:25bit mixed with a little bit of baywatch night so it’s a little sexier it’s a little bit after hours also while tying46:31it into the previous episode of gui so look forward to that too because this comes out the week after the flagship46:36hour-long episode so make sure to check out gui nights and uh when you’re done you can go the [ __ ] home46:44in a world with too many reboots and remakes two men will stop at nothing to46:49make it even worse join like robert and tandy as they play by their removes while pitching new46:55takes on some of your favorite enemies favorite films and tv shows what podcast you dare to bring this upon the world47:03this is smack my picture47:10hey guys scotty p here with smash on your left and we are the geek fathers that’s right47:18bringing all the trials and tribulations of being a geeky parent so welcome to our world and as always47:24join us or cry47:30coming straight from the mouths of madness i’m lowdown i’m fu hunter do you love heart we [ __ ] do so this is47:36podcast dedicated to all things in cinematic horror we’re talking movies television composers special effects47:42artists we’re going to [ __ ] cover it so if you love or embrace the madness47:49in a world of blockbuster movies there’s another dimension the dimension of47:54schlock cinema join us at beautiful disasters on a journey into the fringe territory of48:02b-movie abandon we review the flicks that are forgotten or underappreciated to give them a48:09proper place in the annals of celluloid history i’m the groots after you honor48:15your guide at beautiful disasters come along with us for a fun ride48:21may the stock be with you