A new year has arrived, and with it comes a renewed sense of optimism about our future. The struggles we’ve faced over the past year will remain in the past, and 2019 will be a banner year full of growth, improvement, and success! Or will it?! Below are the top 5 films that took place in the dystopian “future” of 2019. The future is not yet written, and that’s a good thing. Because if 2019 is anything like these movies predicted, we’re in for a bumpy ride!
5. The Island (2005)
Release Date To a “Future” 2019: 14 Years
Two years before he transformed our childhood into a CGI orgy of giant robot explosions, Michael Bay directed this surprisingly enjoyable film starring Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson. It touches on the classic Sci-Fi question: What does it mean to be alive, and what makes us human? While some more adept filmmakers used this very question as the main focal point (for example Moon directed by Duncan Jones), Bay uses it as a plot point to drive a Sci-Fi Action spectacle.
With The Island taking place only 14 years after the year it released (2005), not much seems different. The one major fashion point here is the return of the Track Suit. Hip-Hop aficionados will be overjoyed to know 2019 will be full of subservient walking organ farms dressed and ready for the next Run DMC show.

Play “It’s Tricky” already!
Other Sci-Fi stuff of note: Hoverbikes, Hovertrains, & The ability to clone Scarlett Johansson
4. Daybreakers (2009)
Release Date To a “Future” 2019: 10 Years
If this year becomes anything close to the “sucky” future of Daybreakers, then start sharpening your stakes! Ethan Hawke and Willem Dafoe fight to save the last remnants of humankind against the new dominant species: Sam Neill. The film feels like the demonic lovechild of Blade, and the original novel I Am Legend.
This entry has the shortest prediction on the list, guessing a world overrun with bloodsuckers in 10 measly years from the film’s release. Clothing is relatively unchanged, but accessories are quite different. Say you’re an endangered human going on a casual stroll at night. Maybe you’re looking for supplies? A midnight rendezvous with a fellow survivor? Well, what nighttime excursion would be complete without the Thruhart 666 Combination Shotgun/Crossbow! When you absolutely, positively have to kill every bloodsucker in the room… Accept no substitutes.

Mere moments before Elvis (Willem Dafoe) begins singing “You Give Love a Bad Name.”
Other Sci-Fi stuff of note: Human Blood Farms, “Lightproof” Driver-Assistance HUD Vehicles, & The Cure For Ethan Hawke’s pasty complexion
3. The Running Man (1987)
Release Date To a “Future” 2019: 32 Years (The film spans between 2017 – 2019, with the primary events taking place in 2019)
What do you get when mixing a badly adapted Stephen King story, 80’s era Arnold Schwarzenegger, & lots of cocaine (probably)? An 80’s movie! Then to top it off, get Paul Michael Glaser (TV’s Det. Dave Starsky of Starsky & Hutch) to direct. That maniacal combination gave us an absolute bonkers 80’s action classic by the name of The Running Man!
Picture The Most Dangerous Game as a show hosted by Quaalude-addled Bob Barker with a god complex, and you have The Running Man.
80’s dystopian films are just the best, aren’t they? Where else are you gonna get a retro-future yellow singlet-clad buff Austrian delivering a barrage one liners whilst murdering the hell out of an opera singing Christmas light display? Okay, besides Amsterdam. The biggest lesson we learn from The Running Man, is the importance of light up, high visibility clothing when in a fight to the death. The other lesson? Jesse Ventura looks damn good in spandex!

The New Tron Movie Looks Like Trash

Music Video For The Bryan Adams Hit, “Captain Freedom”
Other Sci-Fi stuff of note: Superior Video Manipulation Technology, Gameshows And Murder Porn Form An Unholy Union, & Friggin’ Jetpacks!
2. Akira (1988)
Release Date To a “Future” 2019: 31 Years
What can be said about Akira that hasn’t been said a million times in Anime thought pieces or YouTube Breakdown videos? It’s a Masterpiece well deserving of being one of the most iconic Anime films of all time. For those 3 people in the world that haven’t seen it, the basic gist is this: A motorcycle gang member attains psychic powers from a secret military project.
Nothing terrible happens, and everyone is happy and safe.
Okay, that’s obviously untrue. Chaos begins to ensue, and as always, bikers and psychic children must save the day. Though it shares some of the classic tropes of dystopian Anime, Akira stands in a class of it’s own. It’s nearly always one of the first Anime films you see when being introduced to the genre along with My Neighbor Totoro and Grave of the Fireflies.
Original or not, Akira does maintain that 80’s Retro-Future aesthetic. Clean lines and sharp features of the architecture and vehicles contrasts beautifully against the broken and featureless rubble. Kaneda’s all-red outfit looks like he’s doing Eddie Murphy’s Delirious cosplay, and it really works. This movie makes you wanna go buy an 80’s Toyota Supra, push up the sleeves on your Members Only Jacket, and tear through the streets of Neo Tokyo blasting Hasselhoff whilst fighting off the end of the world.
…Or maybe that’s just me?

Hellbent, hellbent for Tetsuo!
Other Sci-Fi stuff of note: Cronenberg-ian Psychic Bio-Mutant, Neo-City Built On The Rubble Of Previous City, Sweet Future Motorcycles
1. Blade Runner (1982)
Release Date To a “Future” 2019: 37 Years
Oh, you knew what was gonna be number one! Blade Runner bombed in the box office, and thanks to VHS and DVD, became one of the most important Sci-Fi films of all time. Loosely based on Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?, Director Ridley Scott weaves a noir tale of intrigue, love, murder, and like #5 on our list, the classic Sci-Fi question: What does it mean to be alive, and what makes us human? Blade Runner has 7 different edits, but the Director’s Cut and Final Cut are the most common.
This film breathes atmosphere, and that’s partly due to the seamless mix of classic detective noir clothing and dystopian aesthetic. The timeless quality of the clothing style let’s this movie feel modern, even if the film quality and effects say otherwise. Something as simple as an umbrella becomes tonally important to the film. We should be so lucky to have a 2019 that looks as good as Blade Runner. Well, maybe less rainy would be good.

Shirley Manson would be ecstatic right now
Other Sci-Fi stuff of note: Flying Cars, Replicants With An Identity Crisis, Noodle Cart Wishes, And Unicorn Dreams